Do you ever feel that spark of passion inside of yourself where you feel that there is something you’re here in this world to do, to create, and to give, or somehow that you’re here to affect change for some part of this population that is in turmoil and suffering in pain? Do you feel that passion inside your heart? What happens with so many of us is we feel that passion and then we say, “But who am I to effect this change? Who am I to bring this into the world?” When obstacles get in the way, we then say, “Maybe this is just from myself. I’m being full of myself here. Let me just go back to being small because again, who am I?” Maybe the question should be, “Who am I to block that flow of manifestation for moving into this realm?” It’s a lot easier when we align and say yes.
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Who Am I?: Manifesting Our Divine Expression
Is each of us doing our own inner work to affect change first in ourselves and in our entire universe that can help to make the world a better place? As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Our world is an expression of the divine existence. There is a holy saying called Hadith Qudsi, it says, “I was a hidden treasure and I cherished the wish born from love to be known so I created the creation for me so they know me through me.” I read that from a book from one of my teachers from Fawzia. There is another quote from Fawzia that says, “Nothing in this world exists as an independent reality. Everything is utterly connected to the core of the hidden treasure whose beauty we were created to unveil.”
How do we unveil this beauty of that which created us, so that we may know the creation through ourselves? Our connection, our umbilical cord, to our source is through the heart. I’ve studied Sufism for twenty plus years with a teacher from Jerusalem. Fawzia is his daughter-in-law. She wrote this book, Divine Names that I will be reading. The path of Sufism is a path of purifying the heart. The heart which is our portal to that existence of that oneness with the divine, that breath of spirit that is breathed into each and every one of us. Give consciousness to our physical form and set us on this life journey and that breath of spirit breathes through us. Breathes us in our consciousness and physicality into physical form into this world, this 3D material plane. This spark of passion that inspires us to act and to create in this world so that this divine expression can be manifested into this plane, so that each of us can know the divine existence. The reality of our creator, through the creation and through ourselves.

Do you ever feel that spark of passion inside of yourself where you feel that there is something you’re here in this world to do? Something you’re here in this world to create, something you’re here to give. Someway that you’re here to serve or somehow that you’re here to affect change for some part of this population that is in turmoil, in suffering, in pain? Do you feel that passion inside your heart? What happens with so many of us? We feel that passion and then we say, “Who am I to effect this change? Who am I to bring this into the world?”
Obstacles get in the way and then when we say, “Maybe this is just from myself. I’m being full of myself here and let me just go back to being small because again, who am I?” When our source wants to bring something in manifestation, is it I? When we say, “Who am I? Is it I?” Maybe the question should be, “Who am I to block that flow of manifestation from moving into this realm?” If this manifestation wants to move through me. Maybe there’s a way to align with that and just say yes. As human beings we have free will, with our free will we can say yes or no. Some things are just going to happen. It’s a lot easier when we align and say yes.
What are some of the ways that we can align? First, let’s come into our prayer and healing circle. Let’s breathe in that essence of divine light in through our heart centers, through that portal that connects us with that source and with that all that is, with that divine essence within ourselves. Come into our prayer and healing circle, we will breathe into that space. We’ll let that light, that spark inside have our focus and attention so it grows bigger, brighter, and stronger. We can feel that spark of passion, that breath of spirit that is wanting to breathe through us. We’ll tap into that and we’ll feel that.
Divine Attributes
We’re going to use some of the divine attributes. If you received the email, I listed them in their Arabic language, Arabic is a sacred language. When we recite these attributes in their sacred language, they will call in through the sound, the resonant frequencies of the things that we are calling. We’re going to work with these attributes of manifestation moving from the thought form into the physical, into the shape. We’ll Work with tapping in first to the heart and then working with the divine qualities to help to bring them from that inspiration, more into this material realm. In our prayer and healing circle, let’s all gather into our circles, sitting side-by-side, shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow, knee to knee, coming together in our circle. We call on the One in the name of the One, the most merciful, ever compassionate.
Together, as we call on the One, let’s bring our hearts to face forward directly into the center of our circle. Let our hearts all come together as one, like spokes on a wheel coming together at the hub. Let’s call on the One, call on the essence of divine light. Call on that essence of unconditional love, call on that essence of the eternal compassion. Imagine the stream of this pure light streaming into the center of our circle. Imagine the stream of divine light, of unconditional love, of eternal compassion streaming into the center of our circle.
As you turn your heart to face directly into the center of this stream of light, begin to focus your breath as if you’re breathing through your heart center. With each inhale, you’re inhaling in this vibration of this pure divine light, this purifying, cleansing light. As you exhale, relax, release, and soften. Allow this light just wash through your heart space, releasing, cleansing all of the blocks and the barriers that you may have between you and the pure flow of light through your heart. Inhale, draw in this essence of divine light, unconditional love of eternal compassion, breathing this through your heart space.
As you exhale, relax, release and soften. Allowing this light, this vibration, this flow just wash away anything that’s hanging out in the heart space that is not serving your highest in this moment. Anything that just clutter, hanging around that you don’t need, let it flow. Release it. Trust in the divine intelligence, divine wisdom to carry that into the depths of the ocean where it can be contained, cleansed and purified. Breathing in this essence, this pure vibration of divine light, unconditional love, eternal compassion. As you exhale, relax, release and soften. Allow this water of this light, love and compassion to infuse into all of your heart space, into all of your oxygen, all of your fluids, into all of your body. I invite you at this time, if there is something on your heart that you want to pray for, a situation you would hope to change, or something that you would like to bring into manifestation in your life, something you feel called or drawn towards, offer this intention into the center of our circle of this prayer, whatever this is for you.
There was a time that we were at a hotel and we were about to do an all-night prayer retreat. We were in a ballroom of a hotel. One of the rooms, just down the hall, they started up a very loud party. I asked our teacher, “Do you want me to go ask the hotel if they can be quiet in their party?” He laughed. He says, “No. This is their Leila.” He says “This is their communion with their spirits.” We invite the communion with spirit to join our circle as well. As you feel in your heart, whatever it is that you’re offering intention for, offering prayer for, use your breath to breathe deeply into your heart space, into that place. The depths of the yearning in your heart, that place where you feel. A lot of times, some things come in thought form or we feel them and we go straight to the thought form about, “How are we going to make this happen?” We start putting all of the ABCs and puzzle pieces together.
While that’s an important part of manifesting, when we want to remain in that divine alignment and make things easier for ourselves, it’s that place of feeling, allowing that spark inside, that passion is the driving force. That is that spark of spirit wanting to come through, and that is a guiding force. Let’s use that and with each breath, let your breath carry you deeper and deeper into your heart space. Feel as you travel deeper into your heart space, as you breathe in, let that breath carry you deeper in and as you exhale, let this whole space relax, release and soften. Let that next layer of barriers be washed back into the ocean. Let your next breath carry you in deeper. Let this vibration stimulate and activate that spark inside of you and allow yourself to feel the depths of the passion in your heart, the caring, the kindness, the love, the compassion.
Divine Names
All of this that you have in your heart that drives you, that motivates you, that guides you to want to bring this passion into the world. Your prayers into the world that wants to affect change on this world that has gone so far astray. It seems in some cases, in some times, so separate from love and yet it’s not. Let this breath breathing in this essence of light, love, and compassion into your heart center. Feel the spark and breathe into this space. I’m going to read as you breathe into this space from Fawzia’s book Divine Names, “Then is love not the driving force? It is love. It is the divine names that brought restlessness into the world because the world is constantly seeking that love and that peace. In a mutual longing between the Creator in all creatures. It is as if the universe were ice, and God the water of which that ice is made. The name ice was given to the frozen mass whose true name is water.” Our true name is water, our true name is the Creator manifesting through our physical nature.”
It is love that leads us back to God. Share on XEvery being in the universe has a source, a core of stability. In human beings, this core is located in the heart, the center of love. For it is love that leads us back to God. It is love that forms the umbilical cord to him. This is why Sufism turns to the heart. Knowing the heart unites us again, always assigning everything on the outside to its inner reality. This is how we understand that nothing in this world exists as an independent reality. Everything is utterly connected to the core of this hidden treasure whose beauty we were created to unveil. As you tap into this place, let’s begin with the first of the divine qualities, Al-Khaliq. It is the Creator. This divine quality reminds us that the One, the Creator created Earth and heaven, day and night, life and death. Al-Khaliq is the absolute expression of this capacity, the infinite potential of opportunities. This name is the cloth which is later cut by the qualities of Al-Bari’ and designed by Al-Musawwir. These are the qualities that we’re going to work with, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari and Al-Musawwir.

Al-Khaliq, The Creator
We invite you as you are inhaling in this essence of light, love and compassion to recite and you can recite it softly inside of yourself or you can recite it aloud and place the words, the sound vibration directly into this heart center, into the depths of your heart where you feel this spark. Al-Khaliq is the creator. It brings into being that which does not exists. It shapes the doer and the deed.
This isn’t our deepest yearning to integrate spirit and matter to merge everyday life in the depth of human existence. This is Al-Khaliq. You bring that deep into that place in your heart, whatever it is that your heart is moved to pray for, Al-Khaliq, Al-Khaliq, Al-Khaliq. Allow this resonant frequency of the vibration of these words to resonate into your heart space. Stimulating that spark inside of your heart. Bringing it further into form, into manifestation, allowing it to be shaped by this vibration. Al-Khaliq, Al-Khaliq, Al-Khaliq.
Breathe deep into your heart space allowing yourself to feel. Allow yourself to feel that passion inside of yourself and feel this passion being shaped through your heart, through your body. Beginning to take form the three divine names, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’ and Al-Musawwir all carry qualities of creating and forming. Al-Khaliq, the original cloth that is later cut into various pieces by Al-Bari’. Each piece receiving its individual shape through Al-Musawwir.
Breathing in Al-Khaliq from the Creator. Al-Bari’ symbolizes the archetypes that emerge from the sea of infinite potential. It corresponds to the third world where the divine names exist in their essence prior to manifesting on the outer level. The third world is the world of al Jabarut, the world of powers. It is on that level that the soul of the world, the universal soul, manifests in the different attributes through God’s creative energy. It is the world of the archetypes and substances from which the further manifestations flow. Bringing into that same space in your hearts. Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’.
Everything exists in an energy form before it comes into a physical existence. Share on XEven if you don’t know what it is that wants to manifest, it’s okay because everything exists in an energy form before it comes into a physical existence. We don’t always know, but we’ll be informed and guided as things begin to take shape within us and around us. Whether you’re praying for something to move through you as a manifestation, or whether you’re praying for something in the outer world for a situation or circumstance to change.
Trust in the divine intelligence, trust in the process and allow the resonant frequencies of these sounds, of these divine attributes, these divine names to resonate through you. Trust in their intelligence, their wisdom to move through you and to move you. Trust that you’ll receive the divine revelation as it’s ready for you, as it’s available for you. You’ll receive a knowing. A door will open. Someone will show up. Something will happen to bring something into form to affect the change because we are being the change we wish to see in the world, as Gandhi says.
Al-Bari, The Creator Of Harmony
Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’. Al-Bari’ is the creator of harmony, the one who shapes the one who brings into existence to Al-Khaliq being the creator and Al-Bari’ being the one that brings into harmony and shape and into existence. Al-Bari’, you can feel it moving further into a grounded state within you. Al-Bari, Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’. This is allowing the harmony that exists in your inner nature to express itself in your life. Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’ is the creator of harmony. Love is the reason the universe was created. Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’, Al-Bari’.
Continue breathing that and placing that sound code right into that center of your heart space, letting it go deeper and deeper. As the poet Rumi said, “Your path is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers that you have built against it.” We use these breaths, these qualities, these meditations to release those barriers. This umbilical cord, this portal of love through our hearts, through the heart space that connects you with the divine, with the Creator, can be purified so that you can be a pure conduit through which the Creator can express itself into this creation. Isn’t that what so many of us wanted our lives? To be that pure conduit, to be that love, manifestation of divine love in the world? Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’.
The third is Al-Musawwir, the divine name that gives their final shape or color. Invokes focusing that leads straight to the goal. Al-Musawwir is the divine name that lends all things their form. Every creature is shaped in a unique, special manner. None of us are alike at the physical form, but all the same in the center. We’re all the same at the deepest part of our connection with Source, our oneness with Source, our breath of spirit that gives life and consciousness to our physical form.
As the poet Rumi said, “Your path is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers that you have built against it.” Share on XThere is a oneness. As we move through these layers, we come into this uniqueness, each having a special shape, a special manner. The uniqueness of each individual manifests again within each species. Your life is constantly being formed and the divine reality takes shape through you in a lifelong process. Each and every one of us and everything has been created through the divine. It’s an expression of the divine, all created from love, all an expression of love. That same place in your heart, that passion in your heart, we bring Al-Musawwir, Al-Musawwir, Al-Musawwir.
Al-Musawwir, The One That Lends All Things Their Form
Al-Musawwir is the one who gives shape, focusing that leads straight to the goal that gives the unique and special shape, the unique and a special manner, the uniqueness of each individual manifestation. Al Musawwir. Al-Khaliq, the Creator, Al-Bari’, the one who gives the harmony, and Al-Musawwir, the one who gives the shape. Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir. Bringing through the layers of the creation from the creator to the qualities that bring harmony and into foreign. Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir. Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir. Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir.
Al-Qadir, The One Capable Of Everything
I am going to go ahead and add one more. It is Al-Qadir which unites capacity and the quality of that which is fated. Al-Qadir the one who is capable of everything, the powerful. Wash away your doubts, your fears, and your questions of how. This is to bring trust and faith in the power and the capability of the one. Al-Qadir, the one who is capable of everything. The powerful, Al-Qadir. This name shows a quality of the one that manifests unlimited capacity and power. Everything in the universe, including you, is connected with this power.
To discover it, means to open up to your own capacity and to be given the confidence that everything is possible. Al-Qadir grants courage, confidence and strength taking us from passivity into activity and enabling us to feel how divine strength works through us. Al-Qadir grants courage, confidence and strength taking us from passivity into activity and enabling us to feel how divine strength works through us. Now let’s bring in this quality of Al-Qadir, the one who is capable of everything, the powerful. Al-Qadir, Al-Qadir, Al-Qadir.
Just feel the strength and the power moving through. Even our own shortcomings, our own mistakes, our own fears cannot stop the power of the one who is capable of everything, the powerful. It is not us. If left to us and us alone, of course there would be the shortcomings, there would be all of that. When we truly align and put ourselves in that stream of the power of manifestation of our creator and open ourselves and align ourselves to say yes to this stream that wants to move through us.
That wants to flow through us, that wants to manifest and create through us, to bring that divine power into manifest form. We are in service, in true service, yet it is not us. Whatever it is that you have placed into the center of our circle to pray for, whatever it is that you want to manifest or are feeling passionate about making change, let your heart turn directly toward so this is right in front of your heart space and your heart is facing it, turning toward it.

Allow these qualities as they move through you to face right into this space and open this connection between your heart and this intention that you’ve set. Whatever it is that you want to manifest or change and feel this clear stream moving through you and through your heart. Al-Qadir, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir. Let this move straight through your heart and into this intention that you’ve set, this prayer that you’ve made. As you turn your heart, let your heart turn directly to face this intention, this prayer and from your heart, just say yes. Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Musawwir, Al-Qadir, yes.
Let yourself breathe this clear stream, this high vibration, this pure essence moving through you and through your heart. As you breathe, let this vibration continue to purify your heart and open your heart. Let your heart come to rest in this pure flow, allowing it to move through you. Take a full breath into your heart space. As you exhale, let your conscious body really come fully down into your physical space, taking a seat into your pelvic girdle, into your seat, feeling your weight in the chair, in your body. Let your energy move all the way through your hips, your legs, your knees, your shins, your ankles, your feet, your toes. Through the soles of your feet, stretch out your toes and your feet. Feel the energy move through you. Place your feet on the floor and let this ground all the way through you and into the Earth.
You can circle your shoulders and stretch out your arms. Let your energy move all the way like from your heart space, your arms and your hands are an extension of your heart, let it move from your heart space out through your shoulders, through your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, your hands, your fingers, and through the palms of your hand. You can move your arms and hands around you, letting this energy fill all of the space.
Open up your own capacity with the confidence that everything is possible. Share on XAs you ground into your body, you take up the space and allow this energy to move through you and to radiate into all of your space. The energy of the Creator, the Creator of harmony, the shaper and the power to fully occupy your space through you. It’s not about you, but it is for you. It is for you and it is from you. Let’s feel that fully planted in your body and fully grounded into the Earth. Let’s now feel the gratitude. Let yourself feel the gratitude in your heart, your heart that bows to this process and to this manifestation and to your Creator, to your Source.
Let your heart bow and let yourself feel the gratitude. As you feel the gratitude, this is a great opener that allows this whatever has been created for you in this time to anchor into your consciousness and sub-consciousness on a deeper level. As you bow in gratitude, let this anchor in and let the knowing that is being transmitted to you through this process, anchor into your consciousness and trust that you will have a deeper knowing. It will give you a transmission and the how will show up, it will come through you. You’ll notice subtle signs especially if you look for them. With gratitude, we say, yes. Continue with that breath.
You can find call access information on Look under events, the Prayer and Healing Circle. All of the call information and access is on that page. While you’re there, you can download your copy of the 10 Spiritual Principles of our Human Existence. It will give you the ten principles that this work is based on. It also will give you a one-sheet reminder of the truth of your existence because there are way too many things in this world that tells us otherwise. We owe it to ourselves to bombard ourselves with the truth more often than the non-truths that are out there circulating in the world. Trying to tell us other than love, other than compassion, other than kindness, other than this pure vibration of the love of our Creator. I want to thank you for being here.
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