When you see yourself, do you see beauty? Or does your self-judgment kick in?
The time of living in Peace and Universal Harmony is drawing near. This will be a time when we are more closely aligned with our spirit beings and less constricted by self-judgment and what we associate with our physical bodies. And we all make associations with the physical…
For example, what thoughts, beliefs, and stories run through your mind when…
- When you see a tall, thin female in a sparkly evening gown with “perfect” hair and makeup?
- When you see two effeminate young males walking on the beach together?
- When you see a wrinkled man with a long beard dressed in old stained clothes holding a “HELP” sign and a cup?
- What about an elderly woman in a wheelchair going into a grocery store?
- Or a middle-aged man speeding down the highway in a shiny new red convertible?
Do you start to imagine stories about each of these characters? We are human and we’ve all been conditioned by life, so, yes, we hold pictures about each of these, for better or worse. We’ve all seen the movies. You might have even started writing the screen plays!
Healing is returning to wholeness – no longer segmenting yourself into the various roles and stories, allowing self-judgment to determine which ones are worthy of love and which ones are not... Share on X
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But what if it just didn’t matter? What if you saw each of these subjects as a soul moving through life, a light being on a fascinating adventure to share love and make meaning of this journey? What if you saw the expression of Light itself moving through each of them equally and radiating beauty?
Now look at yourself. You might not fit any of these pictures, but what are the images you hold about yourself? What stories do you tell yourself about these images? What beliefs are you holding onto? How do these identities shape and direct the movie of your life?
Now, what if you could let all this self-judgment go and see yourself as an expression of Light itself moving through you and radiating beauty? Period.
Can you imagine how your life would be? Can you imagine how your world would be?
The reflection of Light is increasing, and as the light increases, it shines on the shadows. If we are not prepared, we struggle. Share on X
The truth is, when we see the Pure Light moving through anyone or anything, we fall in love with Love Itself. We feel love, we love love. We are filled with love and compassion. Fears fall away and everything changes.
It’s probably easier to imagine having this experience as you look at others, but imagine having this experience as you look at yourself. Falling in love with Love Itself. Filled with love and compassion. Seeing the perfection and beauty. Fears falling away. Feeling free.
This is healing, returning to wholeness – no longer segmenting yourself into the various roles and stories, determining which ones are worthy of love and which ones are not. This is knowing yourself as a reflection of Pure Light here to radiate love and beauty. This is healing. This is you.
This is a key to living in peace and harmony. This is where we are headed as a collective humanity.
The reflection of Light is increasing, and as the light increases, it shines on the shadows. If we are not prepared, we struggle. It might even feel like a punishment instead of a gift. But if we prepare and equip ourselves to navigate the changes, we can embrace the opportunities and move through them with gratitude and awe. We see the beauty and the light, and we fall in love with the Love Itself.
Now is the time to take proactive steps to heal the old wounds, release the old identities and negative self-judgment, return to wholeness, know yourself as a reflection of Pure Light and Love. Now is the time.
The truth is, when we see the Pure Light moving through anyone or anything, we fall in love with Love Itself. We feel love, we love love. We are filled with love and compassion. Fears fall away and everything changes. Share on X
If you would like support to release self-judgment and the images and identities you hold of yourself that keep you from knowing yourself as the brilliant Light you are here to be, let’s talk. I have a new opportunity you might benefit from called a Healing Pod.
A Healing Pod is a group of 3-4 like-hearted people coming together for a common purpose. It offers a concentrated environment where we work solely on personal healing within a specific area where you desire change.
A Pod is small enough to receive intimate support and large enough to experience the exponential power of a focused group.
If you’d like to know more about how a Healing Pod can work for you, let’s talk. CLICK HERE to answer a few questions to better prepare us for our call and schedule a time that is convenient for us to meet. Together, we can make sure this is right for you and get you into a space that suits you.
Healing Pods begin in February, so we need to talk by January 31 to get you placed into your pod. There are only a limited number of spaces available, so click here to schedule your call now.
POD PARTNERS WELCOME: If you know someone you would like to share this experience with, we can talk about creating a custom pod for you.
Is there a topic you would like to hear about? You’re invited to join our discussions in the Facebook community. You’re welcome to introduce yourself and let us know what you’d like to receive. Click here to access the group.
Important Links:
- Please like and share, and if you feel so moved, Support our work with a donation. Thank you!
- Now available for Pre-Sale! Fear, Food, and Feminine Power: A Sacred Pathway of Transformational Healing - Click here for Special Pre-Launch Offers.
- From Vision to Manifestation: The Seven Stages of Divine Creation - Click here for info.
- Do you sense a calling to serve a higher purpose? Click here for a Free Webinar: Spiritual & Metaphysical Secrets of Divine Manifestation. Click here for info.
- Immerse yourself in the Healing Power of Sacred Sound. Join us for a transformational dive in the Ocean of Sound. Click here for info.
- Tired of struggling through the old Family Dynamics! This is a Must-Have Resource for Surviving Family Events. Click here to get instant access to this experiential healing program - available on-demand NOW.
- Did you miss the Aquarian Shift Activation meditations? You can still catch the replays. Click here for access.
- Community for Conscious Living Facebook Group
- Self-Care for the Soul podcast
Photo credits:
Header photo: Beautiful Chinese girl looking at her mirror image in glass, By atiger. Adobe Stock Photo.
Content photo: Laughing woman with scarf on beach, By Jacob Lund. Adobe Stock Photo.