When it feels like there is no hope…
Have you ever had those days or weeks when everything sucks?!? That’s the kind of week I just had. It feels like every system in our entire society is so broken, like there is no hope and we’d be better off obliterated from this planet. End the experiment already!
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I was thinking instead of being a hopeful midwife supporting seekers to transition into Unconditional Love and Universal Harmony, I should be a death doula.
But really, they are the same. Whether you will live forever or you take your last breath today, you still want to feel complete. You still want to know and honor what is true at the depth of your heart. You want to be real, have authentic relationships, know your connection with Source, to know that you lived.
But we all have tough times. If you are going through challenging times or you question whether we’ll get through the self-destructive patterns our humanity insists on perpetuating, I feel you! And whether we make it through or not, we can still live with hope.
If you're going through challenging times or questioning whether we'll get through our humanity's self-destructive patterns, I feel you! Whether we make it through or not, we can do it together and with hope. Share on XThis past week was a stressful one for many reasons. One instance was that I learned of a human trafficking situation, a young 20yo girl who was boasting that she had quit school in 7th grade to work with her mom and step-dad smuggling people into this country for the cartels.
She’s been in and out of prison for years. She tells the story of having chosen to quit school for this job that pays well and is exciting, full of thrills, she loves the lifestyle. I can’t help but believe she has embraced the lifestyle that she was indoctrinated into, not by her own choice, but out of survival.
My heart felt so sad — I was heartbroken and infuriated on many levels – for her, her family, the people they smuggle, the story of the whole prison system, all of it – I felt sick, angry, powerless, and as this fell on top of a few other issues, I fell into this seriously angry hopelessness.
As I sat in meditation and prayer with this, thinking it would get better, but my insight opened to how the prison system and the human trafficking system is a mirror of so many of our other systems – our governments use the military to recruit or draft soldiers to use in war for global domination while destroying lives and the earth; the financial powers traffic all of us as they manipulate markets, interest rates, exchange rates, and we are manipulated from place to place.
It’s all connected. It’s mirrored in every system. It’s so much bigger than me. What can I possibly do to help? Can I at least live so I’m not contributing by supporting these systems?
I felt angry, powerless, and hopeless.
The Truth is, I cannot save every human, or every animal, or even myself. I live on this planet in and among these systems. I can opt out as best I can, but not completely, especially since becoming a caretaker of my dad and young children.
I thought of the 12 Step programs – admit that I am powerless. I am powerless in so many ways. Where I am powerless, I can turn things over to God. And I also know anger can be a great motivator, so I didn’t want to release this fury without harvesting the gifts in it.
I can release the hold anger has on me that binds me in my own constraints and find what empowerment I can and do have. I want to allow myself to be strengthened and uplifted in that empowerment as a force for love, compassion, justice, equality, and freedom.
As Gandhi says, We must BE the change you wish to see in the world – to raise the vibration, not to lower it. I want to stand in the vibration of Truth, not in the vibration which seeks to destroy it.
Nor do I want to relinquish Truth to the odds against it.
If you feel the anger, motivation can come from that, power can arise from it – but let it be true power that empowers us as a force for love.
Do not relinquish Truth to the odds against it. Let the power that arises from your anger be true power that empowers you as a force for love. Share on XHave a beautiful blessed week! Did you receive insights or guidance or healing for yourself, your family, your community or our planet?
If so, please share in our Community for Conscious Living facebook group. We are all here to walk together and learn from each other.
I’ll see you next week for an all-new episode of the Community for Conscious Living Meditation & Healing Circle and Self-Care for the Soul podcast.
You’re welcome to join us live on Sundays. As always, bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet. If you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
See you there!
Photo credit: Bricked up the window, the hopelessness, By Сергей Леканов. Adobe Stock Photo
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