What does it mean to RESPECT yourself?
What does it mean to respect yourself? What does it mean to respect our Mother Earth? Listen to this healing meditation to break free from pressure to choose a side in war and find your authentic voice for peace.
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T. What does it mean to you? What does it mean for our Mother Earth?
My spiritual teacher had a saying, “Do not let them eat your meat and then throw you!” This was his way of trying to teach me about commanding respect for myself. It was a long road for me, but I finally GOT IT!
For me, commanding respect means expecting to be treated fairly and kindly, and also commanding respect for my values and my rights to live in a way that I feel is fair for the planet and her inhabitants. This often means going against the grain of the mainstream practices.
When you feel a strong passion to live outside the norm, you will be challenged on your views. It can be difficult to stand your ground and not compromise or live in ways that feel unkind to ourselves, others and the planet. Share on XI know a number of people who feel a strong passion to live their lives in ways that are outside of the norm. They/We continually meet challenges from people who do not want to change, and sometimes it’s difficult to stand your ground. We end up compromising and living in a way that feels unkind to ourselves, others, and the planet.
Can you relate? This Meditation & Healing Circle can help you unhook from the hold that others have on you and let go of your own need to conform to the pressures of the mainstream world.
Listen for a deep healing to help you break free from the pressure to choose a side in the current war and help you choose your authentic position for peace.
Here are the Divine Names we called on in this meditation:
- Al-‘Aziz: Divine Strength
- Al-Qawiyy: Strength of Spirit/Heart
- Al-Matin: The Most Firm
Have a beautiful blessed week! Did you receive insights or guidance or healing for yourself, your family, your community, or our planet?
If so, please share in our Community for Conscious Living facebook group. We are all here to walk together and learn from each other.
I’ll see you next week for an all-new episode of the Community for Conscious Living Meditation & Healing Circle and Self-Care for the Soul podcast.
You’re welcome to join us live on Sundays. As always, bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet. If you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
See you there!
Important Links:
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- Now available for Pre-Sale! Fear, Food, and Feminine Power: A Sacred Pathway of Transformational Healing - Click here for Special Pre-Launch Offers.
- From Vision to Manifestation: The Seven Stages of Divine Creation - Click here for info.
- Do you sense a calling to serve a higher purpose? Click here for a Free Webinar: Spiritual & Metaphysical Secrets of Divine Manifestation. Click here for info.
- Immerse yourself in the Healing Power of Sacred Sound. Join us for a transformational dive in the Ocean of Sound. Click here for info.
- Tired of struggling through the old Family Dynamics! This is a Must-Have Resource for Surviving Family Events. Click here to get instant access to this experiential healing program - available on-demand NOW.
- Did you miss the Aquarian Shift Activation meditations? You can still catch the replays. Click here for access.
- Community for Conscious Living Facebook Group
- Self-Care for the Soul podcast