Dedicated to Personal Transformation for Universal Harmony
You are invited to join us! Sundays at 10 am US Eastern Time

Join us every Sunday
to Reconnect with the
Truth of Your Existence
& Connection with All That Is!
Committed to healing the planet by making inspired changes in ourselves & our daily lives to create a sustainable environment & peaceful world.
Receive reminders of our events and receive 2 gifts to help you get started:
(1) 10 Spiritual Principles of Our Human Existence pdf
(2) Guided Meditation – 15 minute audio to connect with Light, Love & Compassion
The Sufi poet, Rumi, said,
“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the ocean in a drop.”

Mahatma Gandhi said,
“You must be the change
you wish to see in the world.”
So what change do we wish to see in the world?
- A world that respects all people and all things as sacred, with equality and freedom for all.
- A world of people loving and caring for each other as brothers and sisters from one Source.
- A world of love and honor for all of nature, where we are stewards of our home planet, its inhabitants, and its environment.
- A world where we realize our unity with the One, where we see ourselves, each other, and all of existence as pure reflections of Divine Light and instruments of Divine Love.
This is our vision at the Community for Conscious Living
This is our vision at the Community for Conscious Living
If you seek to live in a world of love and harmony, the notes of the melody stem from within you.

The sacred breath that breathes as you play the music of your human instrument. How you care for your instrument – your awareness and perceptions, your thoughts, your feelings, your respect and love for yourself, your knowledge of the Divine within you – all affect how the notes are expressed through you.
The sounds emitted through the human instrument affect relationships between brothers and sisters, humanity and animals, nature, and the environment.
At the Community for Conscious Living, we seek to purify our instruments to allow the clearest possible expression of The One Pre-existent Being to play its grand symphony through all of creation in a most harmonious way.
One Orchestration of Divine Love and Beauty.

Join us for a weekly interfaith spiritual healing meditation.
The vision is to help each individual align on the inner and outer realms with our true selves, all of nature and the Divine.
The mission of the Community for Conscious Living is to provide an interfaith spiritual healing platform that supports each of us to do our inner work to inspire changes in our daily lives necessary to create a harmonious and sustainable environment for humanity and the planet.

Each weekly session will include some words of wisdom or teaching with a guided healing meditation.
It’s a Sunday morning spiritual reflection and healing service, delivered via internet-based technologies – open to everyone who has access and wishes to be there. Sessions are recorded for replay throughout the week.
This program is a FREE gift for you, a sharing of the gifts I’ve been given, an opportunity for group exploration and personal growth.