Surrender into Unity Consciousness
What is Unity? And what does it really mean to surrender into Unity Consciousness? Unity means the state of being one. It means not making any separation between any parts of the whole, recognizing all parts of the All That Is as Only One.
Surrendering into Unity Consciousness means letting go of your separateness and dissolving into the Real. It means allowing your drop to become the Ocean.
Listen to the podcast here:
or Listen on Youtube here:
This means letting go of judgments of yourself and others, forgiving yourself and others, seeing the Pure Light in yourself and others.
We are one, and in our heart of hearts we desire to return our conscious state to the realization of Oneness. This is the desire of the seeker.
In today’s Meditation & Healing Circle, we focus on this deepest desire of the heart. We focus on dissolving into the Pure Mercy and Compassion, the Unconditional Love, the Ocean of Living Consciousness – letting go of separateness and any judgments of “other” and experiencing the Love of the Whole.
This is from Section 5: Spirituality, from the upcoming book: The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
The question is “I want to surrender into Oneness and Unity with the All That Is, but I’m afraid of losing myself completely. Is it possible to be one with You and not lose myself?”
Surrendering into My ocean is gaining your real self. Your ego will dissolve, and you will be left in your true strength and your magnificence... Share on X
Our mantra for today is: La illaha illa‘llah – There is no god but the One God; There is no other, only The One.
Listen to this replay for an experiential healing meditation.
NOTE: The following is from an energetic download that came through in a writing retreat. It is shared “as is” with no edits. I do not make claims to speak for God or any other spiritual entity. However, I do recognize that this information is important to share as our planet is evolving. This question and response are part of the upcoming book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
I want to surrender into Oneness and Unity with the All That Is, but I’m afraid of losing myself completely. Is it possible to be one with You and not lose myself?
Surrendering into My ocean is gaining yourself – your real self. Your ego will dissolve. Your defenses that protect your perceived weaknesses and shortcomings, all will dissolve and you will be left in your true strength and your magnificence. Your fear of arrogance or contrived humility that attempts to keep you out of arrogance will dissolve, and you will be left with certainty and strength of My presence. Your fear of being hurt by love you so desperately seek will dissolve, and you will be left with the essence of love itself that is you. There will be no more searching, no gaining or earning or losing love. It is who you are.
Your fear of not having the provision you need and your need to scramble to make ends meet will dissolve. You will be left with unwavering trust in My plan for you and sufficient provision to complete that plan. Your need to be seen, heard, valued, recognized, and validated, will dissolve. You will see yourself and know yourself as a reflection of Me, a manifestation of My light in the world that is undeniable and unquestionable. My divine essence, divine truth.
There is no other. There is only Me. I am the truth. Lose yourself in Me to dissolve the illusion and to be Me. Represent My light, love, kindness, generosity, gentleness, strength, compassion, wealth, riches, beauty, truth, power in all the world. Lose yourself to know love, to know Me, to be Me. Be love. I am waiting for you.
“Knock, And He’ll open the door
Vanish, And He’ll make you shine like the sun
Fall, And He’ll raise you to the heavens
Become nothing, And He’ll turn you into everything.”
― Jalal Ad-Din Rumi
Wishing you a blessed week of swimming in the ocean of unconditional love and compassion.
This was from last week, but it applies here too: In addition to reciting this week’s mantra, “La illaha illa’llah” you can recite Al-Wajid (The All-Existing) 100 times per day for the week to find the Finder in your heart, in your thoughts, in your whole being, and you will become a witness to God’s Unity. This is from the book, Divine Names: 99 Healing Names of the One Love, by Rosina-Fawzia al-Rawi.
Join us next week for the next question in Section 5: Spirituality. The question is “How Can I Know You?”
See you there!
If you could use support with releasing your pictures of what the world is and how it works so you can move into living the world of peace NOW, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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- Now available for Pre-Sale! Fear, Food, and Feminine Power: A Sacred Pathway of Transformational Healing - Click here for Special Pre-Launch Offers.
- From Vision to Manifestation: The Seven Stages of Divine Creation - Click here for info.
- Do you sense a calling to serve a higher purpose? Click here for a Free Webinar: Spiritual & Metaphysical Secrets of Divine Manifestation. Click here for info.
- Immerse yourself in the Healing Power of Sacred Sound. Join us for a transformational dive in the Ocean of Sound. Click here for info.
- Tired of struggling through the old Family Dynamics! This is a Must-Have Resource for Surviving Family Events. Click here to get instant access to this experiential healing program - available on-demand NOW.
- Did you miss the Aquarian Shift Activation meditations? You can still catch the replays. Click here for access.
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- Self-Care for the Soul podcast
Photo credit: green leaf with drop of water on green sunny background. By artjazz. Adobe Stock Photo.