Success or Fulfillment?
What is the success you seek in your life? Does it bring you fulfillment? Are you looking forward to a fulfillment success might bring when you reach it? Or are you fulfilled in the pathway you are traveling to reach the success you seek?
Listen to the podcast here:
Humans are designed to seek success. It’s built into our code. Though each of us might define success differently, the yearning for it keeps us traveling along on the human journey while we’re here on planet earth.
Success takes many forms – reaching career goals, gaining a level of expertise, realizing financial independence, raising healthy children, seeking recognition or fame, saving the planet…
With success, we seek an end goal and measure success relative to results – are we there yet?
But does seeking success bring you fulfillment? Or are you looking forward to a fulfillment you might feel when you reach your end goal?
There is opportunity for fulfillment along the pathway to success – every step, every day. What brings joy to your heart? Peace in your soul? A smile to your face? Contentment, trust? What strengthens your faith and makes you stronger as a person?
The fulfillment is how you feel – who you be. Fulfillment is realized when you are true to you. It grows stronger as you move closer to YOU BEING YOU.
The desire for success keeps us moving forward, while the desire for fulfillment returns us to a state of being. Like the masculine and feminine aspects of our existence – the masculine is the moving out and doing, the feminine is the state of being we return home to.
Like the breath that sustains us, the seeking/doing is like the inhale, while the sensing/being is the exhale.
Both are needed in flow and harmony to sustain our bodies and souls along the human journey.
Are you looking forward to a fulfillment success might bring when you reach it? Or are you fulfilled in the pathway you are traveling to reach success? Share on XIn today’s Prayer & Healing Circle, we’ll explore the relationship between seeking success and finding fulfillment. We’ll invite balance and harmony between them and look at how you might increase your personal sustainability in the process.
You’re invited to join us.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
Hope to see you there next time…
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