Humans, by nature, are creature of comforts. But sometimes we get so set in our beliefs that we just accept life as it is. However, everything that you personally go through is a gift for other people eventually when you master it. When you’re stepping into your purpose, you are able to help more people with that.
Joining Debra Graugnard on the show today is Kerri Hummingbird, a soul guide who inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion, and purpose that positively impacts others. Don’t miss their interesting conversation to discover how you can work through your wounds and take inspired actions to step into your purpose.
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Stepping Into Your Purpose With Kerri Hummingbird
With us is Kerri Hummingbird. I’m excited to have this discussion with Kerri. Kerri is going to talk to us about Stepping Into Your Purpose. Welcome, Kerri.
Thanks for having me and we’re going to have a great conversation.
I want to tell people about you a little bit. It’s for people who don’t know you so that they get a feel for who you are. Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with authenticity, passion, and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom with her Reinvent Yourself program for individual and group mentoring. She is the international best-selling author of The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama and the award-winning best-selling book, Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love, which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. She has served as a social activist, leader and philanthropist. She is the Founder of the Skills Not Pills Movement and the Host of Soul Nectar Show, which she was kind to have me on. Thank you again, Kerri, for being here.
It’s great to be here.
Kerri, can you tell us where you’ve come from and a little bit about how you got into this line of work?
I got into this line of work from my personal journey and started off with some pretty tumultuous stuff in my early childhood 0 to 5 was rocky. I had a lot of chaos in my life. My mom was discovering that my natural father was maybe not a good influence for me early on. He had his own childhood traumas from his mother being left outside of hotel rooms while she met with men. He was having a healing journey of his own. My mom took me away from him and then married somebody who she thought was going to be a great provider and then he turned out to be an abusive person. I lived my first five years of my life in that way and then my mom met husband number three, who was awesome, like my dad. From that, until a few years ago, I had that influence in my life. That set me up for some tumultuous things in my brain because as we know, 0 to 7, your brain is programmed with the structures of how life is. You’re a sponge, you’re picking up all of this information as if this is the truth because you don’t have the ability to discern until you’re seven. That was my early experience.
My initial programming set me up for a lot of questions, which I don’t think is a bad thing because I had a cracked foundation. I didn’t have one mom and one dad, and it was stable throughout the whole period and this is how life is. I had these radically different experiences all in the space of five years with three different dads, my mom, and how she showed up. Our situation, it was like, “What’s true? What’s not true?” A lot of things to heal. I spent the first part of my life essentially operating in this idea that I was somehow broken or there was something wrong with me because that was how my mom handled it was like, “There’s something wrong with you because of these experiences and you got to be in psych.” I was in psychotherapy at two years old because I was biting my arms and leaving red welting marks. I have a long-term psychotherapy student. I did weekly psychotherapy from the time I was fifteen onwards. Fifteen is the age where your sexuality starts to bloom. Any traumas that you might have about your sexuality, there’s surface as your sexuality starts to blossom if you have early childhood programming around it. The same as when I had my children. It’s like, “I learned when you have your children.” All the stuff from your early childhood and your programming surfaces, when you have your kids, it all opens up and you start to become aware of things and like, “I don’t want to repeat that.” That was my journey until I woke up.
The awakening for me was saying, “I did all the things that they said to do to get better.” I went to weekly psychotherapy. I took my ‘don’t feel anything’ pills, it’s all the things it would be a good girl and comply. At the end of the day, that stuff made me feel worse and worse about myself. It didn’t help me heal. I ended up depressed, sad, and suicidal, and this like, “I don’t even want to be here.” I’ve got two small children and this relationship. At the end of that, I decided I got a spirit vision, which I rarely got them at that time. Every often I would get one and I got the spirit vision and said, “That’s the end of the rope.” I saw a ship’s knot that you would tie up to a dock and then I saw it disappear and then I got this message. I said, “That’s done. Whatever has been up until now. I need to stop and move into the unknown and try for something new.”
How did you know that’s what it was telling you?
I had an inner knowing. I was like, “That’s the end of the rope. I don’t have to keep doing this anymore. I need to leave. I need to leave my marriage.” I realized I needed to leave psychotherapy. That’s not working for me. It’s making me sadder, I’m like, “I need to stop that.” I took the leap of faith and I went into the unknown not knowing what was going to happen. I got into my own house and space and I instantly felt better the first night, it was like, “Relieved.” I’m not in that space. I’m in my own space. I’m safe. I instantly felt better. It took a few months before I was willing to look at myself in a new way before I was willing to try again.
You create the things that happen in your life, therefore you have the power to change them. Share on XWas it like you went from one reality into a whole new reality?
That’s what happened. It wasn’t an instant shift like, “I was the first I am now.” It was not like that. There was this immediate instant relief to face the fear of leaving everything I had built. I left everything I had built. Think about it, many years of relationship, the house that I finally got my art studio is this beautiful big art studio we built on this land out here in Texas. It was gorgeous and I walked away from it because the whole paradigm I was living in was going to kill me. I couldn’t stay there. I took a leap of faith and I overcame tremendous inner resistance to go with a new friend to a yoga class. There’s much inner resistance to do this. I went and it was great. I was glad I did it. I was starting to learn how to breathe and move my body and I’d always done that but like weird body positions and stretches. My friends in college were like, “You’re weird. You’re always on the floor stretching. What are you doing?” I didn’t know what I was doing. Innately something in me knew that I needed to stretch. I needed to move energy.
Your body needed to move.
I got a spiritual mentor because I said, “I’m not going back to psychotherapy, but if this is different than that then I’ll do it and I’ll try it.” I still know there are things I want to change in myself and I need help. He was a yogi with hair down to his hips and he played Led Zeppelin in Vinyasa class. That seemed cool. I was like, “All right.”
Is that in Austin?
Do you mind if I ask what year that was?
It was in 2011.
It might have been the same person. I’m wondering if it’s the same.
Chris P. Bhagat Singh. He’s in no-nonsense. He’s Chris Phillip but he goes by Chris P. He said, “Kerri, I’m not going to lie to you. I’m going to tell you like it is.” I was like, “I need that. I need the truth. Yes, please tell me like it is.” In the first session, he told me like it was. He said, “You’re creating this whole situation.” I plunk myself down as I did in psychotherapy and I was like, “I got to tell the whole story about how the person I was dating upset me and it hurt my feelings.” I was telling the story and he’s like, “I have to stop you. You’re creating this.” In some way that he said it, sunk in and I knew it was true and I was like, “You’re right. I am creating this. How am I creating this and how do I stop creating this because I don’t want to create this anymore?”

What you did was empower you and say, “This is in your hands and you have the power to change it.”
I was like, “It was such a revelation for me. I did not know that I had been creating the thing the whole time.” That started a journey of like, “If I’m creating these, how can I stop creating this and create something else that I liked better? What’s in the way of me doing that? What’s in my brain that’s telling me something not true that I could discover, reveal, and then start creating something better for myself?” That kicked off. This entire investigation, curiosity, and exploration are that everything that I thought was true was up for grabs. It’s like, “Maybe I’m willing to think it might not be true.”
You’re willing to wipe the slate clean and start over.
What else did I have to lose? The thing was that I got to the place where I had nothing left to lose. If I was going to kill myself, then I had nothing left to lose. If that’s where I was at, which is where I felt, then I could let everything go because if I’m willing to do that, just end it. Can I take this step right before that and be willing to clear everything I know and let go of it all while still alive?
I know there are a lot of people who are struggling in the present time that we’re in and a lot of people reaching the end of their rope. I love that you’re telling this story. To anybody reading, where a lot of people were in the position of not knowing and we are going to get through this together, but think about what Kerri said like, “In that place of not knowing and in that place of what have we got left to lose, that step before being willing to let go of what everything you think you know and say maybe there’s another way.” That’s powerful.
Being willing to realize that you’re creating it somehow. You’re creating your piece of it. If you’re creating your piece of it, then you can stop creating that and you could create something else. Collectively, we’re all creating this thing together because we need it and why do we need it? It’s because of the way we’ve been doing things isn’t working. It’s hurting ourselves and the planet. The things that we’ve put our trust and faith in are not maybe as good for us as we thought. Some people are waking up to that a little quicker than others because there’s resistance. What’s the resistance? The resistance is not wanting to be wrong. None of us wants to be wrong or to blame.
Some of that too is we get so set in our creature comforts and our beliefs of this are what life is. We’re programmed with certain beliefs and it’s outside of the realm of our consciousness that we could live differently and have a different way of life and interacting with each other and the planet.
It could be radically different and we’re opening to that. In my journey, I got comfortable with this creature the butterfly because I realized what a powerful ally that butterfly was for me and my own transformation process. In order to get to be the butterfly, which is awesome, I got to say every new moment of being a butterfly that I get, is better than before. It’s always preceded by the cocoon. You can’t skip the cocoon part that’s the deal. If you want the butterfly piece, you got to go to the cocoon part. The cocoon part is the space of questioning every single thing you think and feel as to whether or not that’s true.
I love what you’re saying because that caterpillar does get to that stage developmentally where like it or not, you’re going to change. It has to do its little thing and go up, attach itself by its tail, hang upside down, and then it secretes the enzyme that digests its own body. It changes into this liquid form and it morphs into this chrysalis. The only thing that’s not digested in the imaginal cells that then feed on the compost itself. That’s what then forms and feeds on the compost itself and forms into the body parts that become the butterfly. This is perfectly in line with the story you’re telling too because we’re digesting ourselves and feeding on the compost of our old selves.
Another metaphor for this, which I love is, when I started on my path to becoming a healer, I studied with The Four Winds Society, and they have us work with a tradition from the Q’ero people in Peru. It’s called a Mesa. The Q’ero people live way up high in the Andes Mountains and high up in the Andes Mountains there is a whole lot of rocks and not a whole lot of other stuff. They cultivated their spiritual practice with stones. They call them quays, medicine stones. In training to become a healer in this practice, all of your medicine stones come from your wounds. The things that you had to face in your own journey, then that medicine stone is for that wound. The wound is transformed into medicine through the process, the alchemy of the healing process. It goes into your Mesa as a gift for other people and for yourself. That’s what’s happening within the cocoon as your new butterfly, the imaginal cells are what your innate design is in spirit. Your innate design in spirit is the beautiful gift that you are. The beautiful gift that you come out of all of the stuff you went through, experienced, felt, and processed. All of it becomes reknown to you. When I was in my first part of my journey, going to all those frustrating psychotherapy sessions and spinning the story and creating more of it for myself. What happened was I learned a lot from firsthand experience about my power to manifest outcomes for myself.
Everything that you personally go through is a gift for other people eventually when you master it. Share on XWhen I was manifesting outcomes for myself from a place of thinking I’m broken, thinking there’s something wrong with me. I got to fix myself to be acceptable to other people. All these constructs that were in my brain from my early childhood trauma, which, did my mom put that in my brain? No. My brain made the association and thought a bunch of stuff. Here I am, a little child I see my parents are fighting. I see this is happening and children always take responsibility for it. It’s little helpers coming to help. I had a contract and I learned how to manifest worse and worse outcomes from that construct. When I made my turning point and I shifted into my 90-degree turn into my new life, which I would pause it. This experience we’re having on the planet is a huge opportunity for this a big right degree turn out with this mess and this madness, it all becomes your wisdom, every bit of it. In my case, I learned how to manifest from a bad place and less desirable outcomes. What it taught me is I’m good at manifesting. If I can manifest all that stuff for myself, I can manifest good stuff too. That’s what I’ve been doing through my training and my spiritual practice. It’s trusting and having faith in yourself.
You want to talk about stepping into your purpose. One of the questions that did come up for me around that is, we’re in this time where people are on the one hand in that in the regeneration phase, but on the outer surface, it might look like a lot of trauma and intense stuff going on. How can someone in this moment pivot into purpose?
What I understand about the journey is that everything that you personally go through is a gift for other people eventually when you master it. For me, I had to learn how to set good boundaries. I had to learn how to access my own truth inside, speak my voice, my truth, stand my ground, and hold my boundary. As I practiced that in my circumstances and my life and got better with that, then I was able to help more people with that. If you’re in a spot where you’re at home, or you’re in a situation where it might be trapped inside with somebody who’s abusive, it’s a possibility.
The most heart-crushing thing for me is to know that domestic violence and child abuse have been on the rise. That’s been the hardest thing for me to face in this whole thing.
No matter what challenge you’re facing, you might be facing the loss of income. There are a whole lot of challenges people are facing. Whatever the challenge is that you’re facing, that is a wound that as you work through that with your higher power, you learn how to access that the higher power within you. It’s not outside of you, it’s in your heart. It’s inside. As you learn to listen to yourself for the next right step, the best step, and the next thing that might be uncomfortable to do. As you do that, you listen and you take the inspired action, that is the medicine for the wound. That is the thing that brings you the mastery, that then on the other side of this it’s one of your gifts that you’ll share with other people. If you’ve been feeling that call to purpose for the last couple of years, like, “Now is the time.” You were like, “I can’t. I’m not ready. I don’t think I’ve learned it all yet.” All those excuses we have because it would mean that we would have to compromise our comfort and our safety in order to go into the unknown and start becoming the butterfly. Start to become the thing that we’re here to be.
In the book I channeled, it’s called The Second Wave: Transcending The Human Drama. In the first chapter, it talks about The Book of Fate and The Book of Destiny. The Book of Fate is the book that we were handed when we walked into this thumbprint suit when we came into this life and to this thumbprint suit, this unique thumbprint life with all of its ancestral history in the physical body and our soul’s history in our etheric body. We all have a unique thumbprint, we know that. Slid into it with your energy. We know that the soul is separate from the body, just watch anybody die. I watched my dad die and he was there in the physical. He was breathing laboredly and then he poofed. It felt like white sparkle dust went over the whole room and then he was gone. The body was still there, but he was gone. I’m talking about the thing that makes you breathe, talk, think and move around.
It’s the life force.
That slides into the suit of clay, this being and then you give it life, you animate it. The Book of Fate is when you don’t know that you’re the light, you only think you’re the clay. When you realize and you open that you’re the sparkle dust that makes the light suit work, then a book of destiny opens and it takes some work to bridge between The Book of Fate and The Book of Destiny. There are a lot of things to attachments we have that we have to let go of and structures in the mind. When you realize that you’re the sparkle dust and the life force, then you can reprogram your consciousness in your thumbprint suit to be more amenable to what you want to create in your life. That’s the process of reinvention that I do with people. That’s what I learned how to do it. It starts with the willingness to let go of it all. You go, “I was ready to kill it anyway. I might as well explore the possibility of staying alive in this thumbprint suit but preprogramming it.”
Say somebody is recognizing that life’s not working or there’s at least a part of life that’s not working, not ready to kill it all, but this could be better. How do you help people? Where do you take them as a start?
The first place I take people is a sacred space because you got to ask for help to get help. This plane of existence is all permission-based. If you want help, you have to ask for help and you got to build it in a relationship. You’re opening to receive help and it’s not a supplicant like, “Please help me.” It’s more like, “I welcome support.” How hard is that for women to do that? It’s that motion. It’s like, “Help me now. I bring in support for myself. I call in support of myself.” That’s what the process of opening sacred space is. Since we’re on earth, I use the indigenous tradition of calling in the directions, calling in the South, West, North and the East and learning what those are and what they offer us, their energies and these energies offer gifts. Learning to have a relationship with these energies is what I teach people. Opening to the Earth herself and all of life on Earth. The plants have magical gifts. I was leading a full moon despacho, which is a prayer ceremony on Zoom and we were releasing what doesn’t serve. People were in the chat saying, “This doesn’t serve and I’m releasing this. I’m done with this part.” It was getting thick and heavy and energy.

All of a sudden, it was any heavy that the power surged or something happened in I lost connection with the Zoom. As soon as I got back in, the energy was still heavy. I started singing an Icaro, which is a beautiful healing song, calling to all the plant medicines for help. As I sang it, the energy got lighter and lighter. People were saying in the chat, “It’s much better. Thank you. Everything is getting better, lighter, and clear.” It’s learning how we have so much support is what I’m trying to say. We’re not alone. We want to welcome into support like we welcome the angels and the guides.
Would you be willing by chance to give our readers an experience of how we can stop where we are and ask for help?
We’ll open sacred space together. The best way to do this is to stay in your heart and close your eyes. Feel and perceive because the eyes are connected with our conscious brain and the eyes can be deceiving. We tune into other senses, our feelings, perceptions and senses in our bodies. As I call in the directions, pay attention to your senses, how you feel and what you notice. I welcome the wind to the South to wrap your clothes of light around us, to help us to be present and in our bodies, present here on Earth and to feel love and support to feel the love and support that surrounds us palpably. I welcome the winds of the West to help us to let go of all that doesn’t serve with ease and grace and to expand into the next highest potential available to us at this time. Welcome to wind to the West to help us to be wise and discerning what is for us? What is not for us? What is true for us? What is not true for us? I welcome the winds of the North, the place of our ancestors to be with us, to help, cheerlead, and support us. I welcome the winds to the North to help us to know who we are in truth and love, that pure vibration, that truth of who we are. To be ever-present, aware of that, to help us navigate through life. I welcome the winds of the East for that bigger potential flying high like Eagle in the sky, the big perspective. I welcome the winds of the East for the unknown, the mystery that could evolve the sunrise in every moment.
Things could be different or beneficial. I welcome the wind to the East to help us to embrace the unknown. I welcome the earth below. Pachamama mother Gaia, and all your beautiful friends and allies that you’ve gifted us for this life experience. I welcome the elements, the earth, water, fire and air. I welcome all the animal spirits and the birds in the sky. I welcome all the plants, trees, rocks and mountains. I welcome all the oceans and all of the aquatic life. I welcome Mariposa, the butterfly. I welcome the sun, moon, and stars above for all the beautiful light, the sunlight, moonlight, starlight, and rainbow light. I welcome the great spirit. You who are known by 1,000 names and yet as a nameable. Thank you for bringing us all together. Thank you for allowing us to sing this song of life. Take a moment and notice how you feel. Do you feel more support? Do you feel surrounded by protection? Do you feel calmer? Do you feel more grounded? This is the space that I like to help people to access within themselves so that they can find clarity in the middle of a whole lot of stuff going on in the collective, our families and our homes.
I feel more centered, present, lighter, more clarity, more anchored and this felt great. Thank you.
I bring myself there often.
That’s a start for getting to that sacred space so you can begin to make that transition from Fate Book to Destiny Book and start to step into purpose.
That will guide you. You can feel how making a choice would be in this space and feeling would be a much more powerful choice than you might make if you were in fear, anxiety, worry, confusion, or doubt. I humble myself every day knowing that I’m stronger when I asked for help from spirit. I am stronger when I start my day opening sacred space. First people report to me, my clients that they feel silly, they feel ridiculous or they’re like, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m doing it right. I don’t know if anything is happening.” Those are all layers of the ego and you got to keep doing it. If you’re on the Nile River and you want to go down a little tributary off to the side, you’re going to have to plow into the bottom of the river and you’re going to have to work it to move to that tributary to move your boat. You’re going to have to struggle with it and move it. Every single time you get to the tributary, you’ve built another neuron connection in your brain that says, “This is where we’re going now.” Every time you accomplish it you get there. People have the hardest time doing what I shared with you. The daily practice of opening sacred space is building that muscle.
Rewiring those pathways.
The ego is like, “I could do it myself.” You’ve got to constantly opening to the bigger picture, “I’m opening to support. I’m opening to the clarity that feels good and in that clarity, I have peace and in the peace, there’s an answer.”
I’m in a better place, but now what? How do I discern know what to do next?
In clarity, there’s peace, and in peace, there’s an answer. Share on XThis is about learning your body responses. In a beautiful peace space, when you open for an answer to one of your challenges, the answer will have a different feeling and vibration. Once you start learning how to tune into feeling and vibration, not just eyesight that’s why I say close the eyes. Do you want to feel everything? It’ll have a different feeling of vibration then a decision that you would make if you were not in that space. It’s starting to learn how does it feel when I make a choice from peace versus how do I feel when I make a choice from anxiety? What’s the tenor of those two choices? What’s the vibration? Maybe a choice made from anger, frustration, scarcity, or fear might feel denser and icky. It’s got little pokey edges or something. A choice made from peace feels clean. It’s clear, clean, and obvious. They’re two different things. As you practice this opening sacred space and then getting into sacred space, and there are a lot more practices I teach people for how to hone this intuitive skill, then you’ll be able to discern throughout the day what state of being you’re in, “Am I in my peace? Am I in my expansion? Am I in my soul guiding me or am I back in my ego and afraid in my material existence?”
When I say ego, I don’t mean it’s derogatory. It’s a different state of being. It’s a temporary material state of being and it’s perfectly valid as your soul expression. It’s learning where on the spectrum are you? You might at some moments be overlapped like, “Which one do I pay attention to, the material concern or the soul level knowing? It’s navigation. You’ve got to learn how to navigate your inner system. I shared a lot of feeling terms with you because that’s how I discern it. I discerned it through feeling sense, but your senses might be different. You might get a gut knowing or you might have a word shove in your head that you’re like, “Whenever that word happens, I know it’s true.” Everybody’s got a different way to navigate this. We’re all doing the same journey. We’re all on the same journey. We’re just in different places on the journey. We all interpret the journey through different filters because our thumbprint suits different.
It’s in our initial programming.
It’s the thumbprint suit and all the programming and all the life’s experiences and your past soul experiences, everything. This conscious matrix that we live in is revealing to us all the time how we think and feel because it shows up on our external reality. To learn how to navigate it on the inside helps to learn and navigate it on the outside.
This gives another layer of meaning to, the answers are within you. The truth is inside and your navigation system is also inside.
If anybody’s feeling frustrated because there are a million and one ideas out there about what’s happening, and there are conspiracy theories and then there are people that say, “That’s ridiculous. I know somebody that died from COVID.” There’s this cacophony of people passionate and convinced that they’re right because you can’t find your truth out there anymore. We’re not doing that. You got to find it inside of yourself. It’s the only way. We have to find the truth within.
The power comes when we recognize that, what is going on around us, it’s in the material realm that we are bigger than, as you said, we are the fairy dust. We’re made of the same material stardust. The world around us is laying out an opportunity for this stardust to have an experience. What’s your take on that? Why are we in this world? Why does the stardust come here? What’s the point?
We have a soul’s curriculum in every life and we came here to experience that, and some of that soul curriculum is collective. For example, I was having a great conversation with another on my podcast with a different guest. These are some things I noticed that I thought, “This is interesting.” When I’ve started my spiritual path, what I realized is that everything is metaphorical with spirit. Everything we experienced in our life is metaphorical. When you start to realize it’s all metaphorical, you can start to interpret the story of it. Even now as we’re told to put on masks, the mask is like, “We all have masks.” We all wear masks all the time, that’s what the ego is. We’re always covering up ourselves. You don’t want somebody to see who we truly are. Maybe we feel like people can’t see us because they wouldn’t like what they see if they knew who we were. Maybe we put a mask on to protect ourselves from other people. What do we have in the collective external experience? We’re being told to wear masks.
There’s a reason behind it and all that, but skip that for a moment and follow this. We’re being told like, “Put your mask back on. We can’t have you not have your mask on.” This is a time of awakening. This is a time of taking off the mask, putting down the mask so you could see this battle between the ego excited. It’s like, “Put the mask back on.” The soul sounds like, “We’re done with the masks. We’re going to know each other in truth.” It’s fascinating to see the way the metaphor plays out, he also brought up another interesting one. I went ahead and considered it, which is all this stuff we consume. You were talking about it, we’ve been these caterpillars on this Earth like humanity and we’ve been consuming and everything has been about consuming
It’s an assumption and waste.

We’ve got to distill, integrate, discern, choose, and then become. Not everything goes into the butterfly. Not everything going to go with you there. It’s that process. We’re not able to trust what we’re consuming. If you notice, we don’t feel 100% faith in all this stuff we’re consuming out there, we’re like, “I’m not sure that’s the best thing to be consuming on the media. I’m not sure that’s the best thing to consume in my diet. I’m not sure about consuming this experience.” What are we consuming? Do we want to keep consuming that? Do we want to integrate, discern, and choose so we become the life that we desire? It’s unsettling but it’s also fascinating. If we can get ourselves in the soul space, inviting help and sacred space, and get into that grounded soul connection space, there’s an opportunity to see how fascinating this human experience is that’s happening across the globe and what it’s guiding us toward.
There are a lot of painful things to see. You brought up domestic violence and abuses the situation and there’s a lot of good to consume. When you talk about consuming, there’s a lot of good in the world and then there’s a lot of stuff that can be heartbreaking, gut-wrenching. Like, “How can this be happening? How can people be like this to each other in this time that we’re in and any time to each other, and the planet? How can people still be seeing this and still be disregard or not willing to face what I believe is the truth? What is my truth? Why can’t they see that? I’ll change, make the shifts that I firmly believe are necessary in order for us to move forward in a peaceful and sustainable way.” What can you say for those people to help them to navigate, cope and break free?
I’ve worked for this quite a bit because as a Sage, I have the capacity to influence the direction of energy for myself and others. That’s a big responsibility. I navigate this within myself because I see all the stuff. I’ve seen all the conspiracy theory. I’ve seen it all and I don’t dismiss it. I also don’t like to direct the energy there. How do I do it with myself? What helped me was a Rumi quote, which reminded me. I’d seen this quote a million times, but I finally got it, it’s that, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the whole ocean in a drop.” When we take that perspective, “We are the whole ocean in a drop.” That means that everything that’s out there is also in here. At first, that feels icky. I’m not a child molester, I don’t do that. There’s a big, I don’t. There’s revulsion, things like that.
To be the whole ocean in a drop is empowering because it means that you can heal whatever is inside of you. If you’re the whole ocean in a drop, then you can heal the whole ocean that lives inside your drop. If you’re able to take responsibility for your drop of the whole ocean, then you can heal everything that’s inside your drop in the ocean. If you understand the way light beings work is that whatever is healed inside your ocean, inside a drop is constantly sharing beams of light with other drops that are the whole ocean and their drop. There’s consciousness information that’s even now being shared between me and all of you and between Debra and all of you because you see our light. You hear my voice and you see my light. Everything that’s in my bubble of the whole ocean that I’ve healed is being shared with you as a potential in your field and reality, for you to claim, to say, “I want to heal that.” There’s still a process of it and making our minds come along and understand how the whole thing works.
At the energetic level, it’s already happened because we’re holding space together. As I open my heart and I share my heart with you, it’s already happening. My solution is that everything I witnessed that I immediately want to say, “That’s not me.” I bring it into my ocean and say, “I am the whole ocean in a drop.” That is me somehow and then I take that, I open sacred space around it, myself, and my whole ocean in a drop and I lift the whole thing to the upper dimensions because in the upper dimension’s not congruent with certain things. Claiming it and lifting it to the upper dimensions is empowering. We’re lifting the whole field together this way by healing within ourselves with forgiveness, compassion and love. Bringing it all up into the higher space and then sharing our photons beings of light with each other and with everybody we meet is lifting the whole planet to the upper dimensions where certain things are no longer congruent.
As these other things are no longer congruent in your theory, do you feel like they don’t show up in your out of world anymore? They drop out.
You are the some of the five people you hang out the most with. We know this. We’ve heard these things for years and we didn’t apply it or understand it completely. This is what it is. If you want to elevate your ocean in a drop, you got to be around and hang out with other people online, in a podcast, or wherever you can that have already done significant work along that journey of lifting their whole ocean in a drop. You can collect the codes of the things that they healed and you get it into your bubble.
That goes hand in hand with the thing I shared on your show. What my teacher used to say, “What you see in your life, your experiences of your life. It is from you, and it is for you but it is not about you.”
It’s about the collective. We’re all here together.
It’s about the ocean.
We're always wearing a mask or covering up ourselves because we don't want other people to see who we truly are. Share on XYou are the whole ocean in a drop. That’s what the work has been. If you want to know what your purpose is, you’re already doing it. There’s an external representation of your purpose. The external representation of my purpose is that I hold this episode, I do podcasts, I hop on the phone with people, or I do a group mentoring program. My biggest purpose is to heal myself, to not shy away from it like, “I don’t want to see that. That’s not part of my reality.” To my whole big purpose is to bring it all in and say, “At some level, it must be me because I am the whole ocean in a drop, and from that space, I have the power to claim it, heal it, do anything I want to it because it’s me.”
I love that you related the healing in that way and taking responsibility for what your experience of the collective within your own ocean. I love that Rumi quote also and I use it quite often in my teachings and in things as well. I love that correlation of it. Thank you for sharing that. Any last words you’d like to share with people?
I want to say if things are getting tough, take some moments to give yourself nurturing support, go out on the earth, open sacred space, however, you do it. Be with the Earth, get support, ask for support. You can even live belly-to-belly with the Earth and say, “Please help me, mama.” Take it all from me that I can’t handle, that’s not mine. If I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. It’s not mine to process. I’ve been getting in the middle of between two people that are fighting and it’s not my space that helped me to be out of it. Helped me to let go of what’s not mine and come back into peace. It’s such a beautiful gift. The earth is here for us and we’re helping her. She’s helping us. We are her in this factor.
My main thing is take care of yourself during this time. I do have a free gift I’d like to give people if they want it. It’s called The Love Mastery Game. It’s an Oracle game, but it’s not to tell you what’s going to happen because that would spoil everything. It’s more to help you to see what it is like, “Why do you have the challenge you’re having?” I believe that we’re all here to be mastering love, mastering states of being and principles of love. This game helps you to identify like, “What state of being am I mastering and what principle of love am I mastering? What allies on Earth could help me and support me with their gifts and their wisdom?” It’s a fun game. You can print it out, it’s free. You might want to get a twelve-sided dice because it’s fun to roll the dice and play the game with the dice.
Where do people get this?
They can get it at It’s a fun game. It is a lot of wisdom out of that game, it’s helpful.
I want to go check it out. Thank you, Kerri. This has been wonderful. I enjoyed spending this time with you that we’ve got to spend together.
I hope everybody that reads this will enjoy. Thank you for being with us and hope this was helpful. I love shining the light out there helping whatever way I can.
Helping to lift the vibe of the entire planet so that we can all spread our wings and fly into the evolution that is waiting for us.
It’s right around the corner. The sun is rising.

Thank you to our audience. Thank you for being a part of this. Thank you for reading.
Important Links:
- Kerri Hummingbird
- The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama
- Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love
- Skills Not Pills Movement
- Soul Nectar Show
- The Four Winds Society
About Kerri Hummingbird
Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom with her Reinvent Yourself programs for individual and group mentoring.
She is the international best-selling author of “The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama” and the award-winning best-selling book “Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love” which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. She has served as a social activist, leader, and philanthropist for over three decades. She is the Founder of the Skills Not Pills Movement and Host of Soul Nectar Show.
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- Self-Care for the Soul podcast