Spirituality & Unconditional Love
Do we ever reach the state of Unconditional Love? Of course, we get glimpses and experience epiphanies, but can we maintain the ultimate freedom of subsisting in pure Unconditional Love?
Today we begin Section 5: Spirituality, from the upcoming book: The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
The question for today is “How do I know when I’ve found/reached Unconditional Love?”
Listen to the podcast here:
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In today’s Meditation & Healing Circle, we explore practices to help us release our own conditioning and surrender into unconditional love. Listen to this replay for an experiential healing meditation to help your whole being rest into Compassion and Unconditional Love.
As long as you are on the journey in a human body, you are learning. Just keep uncovering, learning all you can, and being moved to the next level of your heart or stepping stone on your path. This is a journey of love. Share on X
Two practices we explored today:
- Invite your mind to be like the child – experiencing for the first time when you do not know what to expect. And expect to be pleasantly surprised as Unconditional Love resonates with your innate nature and calls you home to that which you have yearned to return to since you were born and began to forget it.
- Call on Ash-Shahid, The Witness, and allow unconditional love to radiate into the places within you that you hide or protect (because of your conditioning); allow all the parts of your self to rest in love and compassion and be loved.
NOTE: The following is from an energetic download that came through in a writing retreat. It is shared “as is” with no edits. I do not make claims to speak for God or any other spiritual entity. However, I do recognize that this information is important to share as our planet is evolving. This question and response are part of the upcoming book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
How do I know when I’ve found/reached unconditional love, and not stopping with outer veils?
Beloved, you may never know for sure, but you have to trust where you are and know that it is perfect for you in the moment. Remember it is about the journey, not about reaching.
As long as you are on the journey, as long as you are in a human body, you are learning. There is always more to explore. There is always more to know. You can never complete while in physical form. Just keep uncovering, learning all you can, and being moved to the next level of your heart or stepping stone on your path. This is a journey of love. There are trials and mistakes, but really there are no mistakes. There are only opportunities to know love more completely, to love yourself more deeply, to know and embody love, to be more love in the world.
Keep learning, growing, anchoring, and glowing. Be love. Accept yourself and be patient with yourself and others. We are all on parallel paths and no one has all the answers, nor have they reached. And we all need acceptance for where we are and patience for where we are going. This is a journey of many stations, seeking a destination, but it has no end. Not during this physical material existence.
Learn to embrace the not knowing. Marvel in the mystery and find wonder in the journey. This is for you. It is from you and through you. But it is not about you. It is about love and what I make to help you find and know unconditional love, or love in all states, stations, and conditions. Know all there is to know at each station as best you can, and never stop. There is always more to learn, receive, uncover, embody, know, and be. The answer is love.
And know that when I look at you, I have found love. I see Myself in you. I am love. You are love. We are love. So love.
The Divine Name and Sound Codes mentioned today:
- An-Nur: The Radiant Divine Light
- Al-Wadud: The Unconditional Love
- Ar-Rahman: The Eternal Compassion, Ocean of Living Consciousness
- Ash-Shahid: The Unconditionally Loving Witness
Wishing you a blessed week of contentment as you rest in the radiant waves of the gentle ocean of Unconditional Love.
Join us next week for the next question in Section 5: Spirituality. The question is “We see many colors. Are there more colors that we cannot see?”
See you there!
If you could use support with releasing your pictures of what the world is and how it works so you can move into living the world of peace NOW, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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- Now available for Pre-Sale! Fear, Food, and Feminine Power: A Sacred Pathway of Transformational Healing - Click here for Special Pre-Launch Offers.
- From Vision to Manifestation: The Seven Stages of Divine Creation - Click here for info.
- Do you sense a calling to serve a higher purpose? Click here for a Free Webinar: Spiritual & Metaphysical Secrets of Divine Manifestation. Click here for info.
- Immerse yourself in the Healing Power of Sacred Sound. Join us for a transformational dive in the Ocean of Sound. Click here for info.
- Tired of struggling through the old Family Dynamics! This is a Must-Have Resource for Surviving Family Events. Click here to get instant access to this experiential healing program - available on-demand NOW.
- Did you miss the Aquarian Shift Activation meditations? You can still catch the replays. Click here for access.
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- Self-Care for the Soul podcast
Photo credit: Rare pink Chrysanthemum. Idea for buddhism concept and meditation and englightenment. Englightened flower. Religion concept. By petrsvoboda91. Adobe Stock Photo.