If you’re looking for practices that honor your body, heart, soul, and spirit, Self-Care for the Soul is the podcast for you. Join Debra for teachings and tools to help you deeply and intimately know yourself and honor what you truly need to live a life of vibrant health, joy, and fulfillment. Awaken the truth that you are never separate from your essence. Live consciously in harmony with the planet, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and all that drives your quest for honoring a more meaningful, fulfilling, and sustainable life.
Episode Blogs

Spring Equinox Reiki Healing: The Power of Air
Experience a Spring Equinox Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Healing to explore the healing power of Air and the four cardinal directions.

7 Practices to Decompress Fear and Frustration
Our emotions can build up inside us and act like the steam inside a pressure cooker, especially when we feel powerless. Listen to learn 7 practices you can use to release the pressure valve.

Finding Strength through Resilience
When met with challenges, we have a unique opportunity to find strength through resilience. Now is the time to bring forth the core strength that aligns with our Truth.

Embodying Your Inner Power
It is time to rise, embody your inner power, live it, and be it. It is what will turn this story around. And our time is now!

Healing from Victim Blaming
Victim blaming stifles our voices and keeps us disconnected from our own truth and light. It puts a heavy energetic burden on its subjects. Listen to this episode for an empowering healing experience

Moving Beyond Constriction: Elevating Your Consciousness in Times of Turmoil
We can get through this. Not only can we move beyond constriction, we can elevate our consciousness and raise our vibrations. Listen to this guided meditation to learn how.
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