Welcome to the
Community for Conscious Living!
Years ago when I lived in California, my dog Mickey and I used to run every morning. I loved running with Mickey, because every time he saw a flower or a bird or a bunny rabbit or a stream of water, it was as if he was seeing it for the first time EVER! He was so full of life and joy — he reminded me of how beautiful and love-filled life is — like seeing the Reflection of the Divine everywhere — and this filled me with joy and gratitude every day.
Then one day, we took a different route and ran past a junk yard. I noticed my heart contracted a bit. Then I said to myself (and Mickey), “Wait a minute. If everything is a reflection of the Divine, where are You in this junk yard?”
I continued to meditate on this for the remainder of the run through the beautiful mountainous countryside, until I could grasp (in my human way) the Presence in the not-so-beautiful as well.
Every day, we are faced with many reflections of the Essence of Source. Some expand the heart and make it easy to believe in a Divine Love. Others, not so much.
In today’s Prayer & Healing Circle, we’ll focus on bringing understanding to the not-so-much parts, and being present with the heart’s response to the aspects of life that can challenge our faith and hope.
Please join us and bring your prayers and intentions for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, and for health, sustainability and peace for our planet.
Any and all prayers are welcome – for yourself and anyone and anything in your life in need of healing and/or protection. If you join us live, there will be time for Q&A and individual support at the end of the call.

Sunday, December 17th:
Prayer Circle for Peace & Healing
Seeing the Reflection of the Divine
In the Not-So-Beautiful
You can listen in here:
Are you in need of support?
Just know that if you are struggling, there is hope and there is help. I’d be honored to support you in getting your life back. I’ve helped myself, I’ve helped others, and I’d be honored to help you too. Please contact me and let’s see if we are a fit to work together.
CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30-minute Breakthrough Session.
During the event, you can dial in by phone:
425-440-5100, 214861#
or Click here to listen to webcast.
When you join us LIVE, you can join in the Q&A discussion, which is usually not included in the recording.
After the event,
you can CLICK HERE to send me an email.
or join us in the Community for Conscious Living facebook group.
The Community for Conscious Living is dedicated to
Personal Transformation for Universal Harmony –
Healing the planet by making inspired changes in ourselves and our daily lives to create a sustainable environment and a peaceful world.
You’re invited to join us every Sunday for a LIVE Prayer & Healing Circle.
Sundays at 7am US Pacific time / 10am US Eastern time.
Uncover the Truth of Your Existence.
Click here to receive reminders of future events
and receive your free copy of the
10 Spiritual Principles of Our Human Existence.
Photo credits: Mickey & Me, taken by a friend on our porch in Northern California around 2002