If I had to give just one teaching about what I’ve learned in all of my studies, it would be this: To truly heal and optimally care for our bodies, we must see ourselves as one with all that is. We cannot see ourselves as separate from anything around us or within us. We must look at our relationship with our food, with our bodies, with the earth, with our families, co-workers and communities, as well as our relationships and reactions to our own beliefs and emotions. All of it is connected. No separation. When we think of food as something that comes from outside of ourselves, as something separate from us, we can take a lot for granted and it’s easy to feed our bodies substances that do not serve it, and in manners that are not supportive of our well-being. |
The good news is that these times of separation and unsupportive behaviors offer signs that can lead us to significant healing opportunities. Separations and subconscious or unsupportive behaviors can actually bring us to discover the truths of who we really are.
By this, I do not mean the “ugly truths” that we sometimes believe about ourselves – such as beliefs that we are not worthy or that we are anything less than beautiful. I mean the deep inner truths that we were born with – the truths that know the fullness of our connections and reflections of divine beauty, love, compassion and majesty.
These are the truths that lead us to want to care for our beings as sacred vessels, and these are the truths that illuminate for us why we are here.
The first key to turning the unsupportive patterns into opportunities is awareness. Once we become aware of our “signs”, we can make choices as to how to respond to them. They are no longer lurking in our subconscious pulling our strings.
The second key is knowing what to do with them when we do notice them. Sometimes the only thing we need is to accept them; sometimes we also need to put them in perspective, or to explore them further to get to the truth; sometimes we also need forgiveness; and sometimes we need to let them go.
The third key is knowing how to take these next steps and then to move through the separation into a renewed transformed state of acceptance and wholeness.
The healing work, courses and workshops that I offer all build on these concepts. If you struggle with digestive difficulties or unhealthy eating patterns, chances are high that you are dealing with hidden emotions, old memories or belief patterns that contribute to your discomfort. My programs focus on these concepts, bring you to a place of awareness and choice, and give you tools to move through your unsupportive patterns into the fullness of your truth and beauty.
When we realize our connection to the earth, our place in the greater ecosystem of life on this planet – the animals, plants, trees, water, air, rocks and the life system as a whole – we can begin to act in a way that moves life through us as a part of the continuous cycle of nature. This life force that moves through everything and connects us all as one will inform and govern our movements in a way that will only provide for our good and the good of the whole.
This is not something that can be solely understood with the mind. We must take it in to our hearts and feel it, experience it, embody it and live it. It is a part of each of us – inside. We must each connect with and live from this inner union in order to truly heal ourselves and our planet. We cannot heal ourselves and ignore the cries of the planet, nor can we heal the planet and continue to mishandle our bodies.
The healing path is a path of learning – a part of the journey to know the truths of who we are, what we carry and the worlds in which we travel. As real and separate as this earthly journey may sometimes feel, the only Reality is One.