How to Discern between Beliefs and Inner Knowing
Do you know the difference between your beliefs and your true inner knowing? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. But this discernment can make the difference between living the status quo and realizing a life of fulfillment and joy.
Your beliefs are what you know in your head, what you’ve been conditioned to believe, cultural imprinting, what you’ve deduced to be rational and reasonable, what you’ve been taught, what you’ve learned from experience, what makes sense.
Beliefs provide valuable information about how to get by, survive and even thrive in life. They operate from the conscious and subconscious mind. They are designed to help you stay within the lines of safety as you navigate your life path.
Beliefs develop from patterning at very young ages and even from before your birth. They resonate deep, you can feel them in your body. They feel real and true.
But beliefs don’t always lead you to your true potential. In fact, they can hold you back from living the life you were created to live.
You know that feeling when you’re doing everything you know how to do, but things still aren’t clicking? Something is off, but you can’t quite pinpoint what it is? You’ve done all the right things, but you haven’t found the happiness and fulfillment that makes YOUR heart sing?
What brings you true joy can’t be explained into existence. It doesn’t come from the patterns that have established your material safety. It’s not born out of mental concepts at all.
Joy is an expression of a love that resonates deep inside you. It is beyond the love of human attraction. It is a vibration felt deep in the heart and soul.
Your mind can’t tell you how to do love. It gives lots of warnings about how not to get hurt, but only the heart can really touch, taste, feel and teach you about love.
The mind believes. But the HEART KNOWS!
Discerning between beliefs and inner knowing can make the difference between living the status quo and realizing a life of fulfillment and joy. Share on X
So why is it so hard to hear the heart? Or trust it when you do hear it?
The heart is the seat of emotions. Emotions can hurt. They can feel uncomfortable or stir confusion in us. But that’s only because we’re not taught the truth about what emotions are or what they mean.
We’re taught that emotions are bad, they make us weak and out of control. The mind is revered for its rationality, which should be applied to any emotion to bring it under control as soon as possible.
Wrong! While this has its benefits at times, if we leave a situation in this state, we do ourselves a disservice.
Emotions have an important function. They give us valuable information about how we are relating to the circumstances around us. They open a doorway that can lead us to know what is true for us at the depths of our beings.
If you want to discern what is true for you as opposed to your conditioned beliefs and responses, next time you feel an emotion and then jump into your head for a response or solution, stop.
- Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” Breathe and allow yourself to feel.
- From within the feeling, what do you need? This is not about what you need someone else to do or how you need someone else to change so you can feel better. This is about what you need.
For example, if your feelings are hurt because someone is criticizing you, you might feel like you need the other person to stop criticizing and believe in you. But you can’t wait for someone else to change before you heal your own heart. So in this case, you could say, “I need to believe in myself regardless of any criticism from anyone.” This is taking your power back.
Believing in ourselves – confidence and certainty – is a basic human need we all have. Having that belief tested is a basic life challenge we all get to experience on the life path. Learning to believe in ourselves in the face of criticism is a part of strengthening and empowering ourselves and evolving the soul.
When we realize this, we can at least temporarily let go of the attachments to the outer circumstances and honor our inner needs. This is what leads us to know ourselves more completely, to know what is true for us, to know the truth of who and what we are.
If we wish to truly transform at the depths of our souls, we can follow the path inward to the core spirit where true transformation occurs – where we can unravel the many threads that have been woven into the tapestry of life to align our souls, hearts, minds and energy bodies with the knowing of the spirit, the breath of Source that gives us life.
With this alignment, the outer situation no longer has the same relevance. It feels different for us. It doesn’t evoke the same emotions. We have clarity about how to manage our lives in relation to the issue, or we may find it is now a non-issue.
The Journey to the Center of Your Self
This is the Journey to the Center of Your Self – the journey of healing and transformation that leads you to live true to your deepest Sacred Self. This is the journey that leads to inner peace, contentment and fulfillment. This is the journey that enables us to have satisfying relationships and see beauty in the day-to-day.
My spiritual teacher used to say, “Don’t stop with the outside pictures. Go behind and behind and behind and behind… until you reach the Truth.”
The truth is inside, like a treasure that is waiting to be discovered and opened and enjoyed. The yearnings we feel inside ourselves are the treasures calling us to the path of discovery.
What treasures are calling to you?
Can you hear them?
Are you listening?
True transformation occurs when we unravel the many threads that have been woven into the tapestry of life to align our souls, hearts, minds and energy bodies with the knowing of the spirit, the breath of Source that gives us life. Share on X
If you could use support, please connect with me. I’m happy to support you on your life journey to discover the treasures within and live the life of fulfillment and truth that is waiting for you.
The journey described above is the pathway we travel in the online group program, Bridging the GAPS: A Journey to the Center of Yourself. It’s a live program with limited size so each person can get the support they need in a loving environment.
If this resonates in you, I’d love to have you join us for our next group.
January 27, 2020
Live Online Group Program:
Bridging the GAPS: A Journey to the Center of Yourself
Bridging the GAPS is a guide for Women to Heal the Wounds of Life and Live True to the Sacred Feminine Essence. This is a powerful step-by-step Journey to the Center of Yourself.
No one can tell you what it means to embody your own Sacred Feminine Wisdom, but you can be guided to access it and strengthen it within yourself so you can freely live your Truth.
This program is a must for women right now – our world needs us to hold the energy of the true feminine for the healing of humanity and the planet that is possible in the current evolution.
Our next group program begins January 27th. Click here for more info on the program and workbook.
If you have any questions or need support, please reach out. If you would like to talk, click here to set up a time to get together (phone or internet). If you prefer email, click here. I’m happy to support you and answer any questions you have.
Thank you so much for being you!
Enjoy! and have a blessed week end.
Live and Love Joyfully!
Debra Mastura Graugnard