Helping Children Walk a Conscious Path
Helping our children walk a conscious path could be one of the most important things we can do right now – and then, of course, following the example ourselves. I was saying to my father just yesterday as the news was blaring out warnings of potential impending doom at the hands of our world leaders – if everyone made decisions based on what it would create for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, this world would be a peaceful place.
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In these times leading up to the Era of Peace, energies are polarizing, opposite extremes are intensifying, options are becoming more distinct. Hopefully, we are able to see more clearly and make clearer choices, but this is not always the case.
There are strong worldly influences and pressures today, especially on our children. There are also many fears. When I was a child, there was fear of nuclear attack. We even practiced those drills in school where we took shelter under our desks. Really???
Now children face fears of school shootings, pandemics, and facing their own extinction as the climate crisis looms. These fears along with the need for security, belonging, and pleasing others can steer them onto challenging paths.
Our children are under tremendous pressure. Let them know you are in their court, you have their back, you know their value. Believe in them. Share on X
Yet, our children are innately wired for this time. Our role is to help them maintain connection to their inner knowing, to know themselves, and to trust themselves. When they are clear and strong in their inner knowing, they can make wiser choices for themselves.
So how do we help them connect with their inner knowing, trust it, and stay strong in it?
That is the topic of today’s Meditation & Healing Circle. It’s Question 14 in the upcoming book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
Children learn through the example we set, so we’ll begin with a healing meditation for our inner children, and we’ll offer an invitation for all the children in our sphere of influence.
Our children are innately wired for this time. Our role is to help them maintain connection to their inner knowing, to know themselves and trust themselves. When they are clear and strong in their inner knowing, they can make wiser… Share on X
NOTE: The following is from an energetic download that came through in a writing retreat. It is shared “as is” with no edits. I do not make claims to speak for God or any other spiritual entity. However, I do recognize that this information is important to share as our planet is evolving. This question and response are part of the upcoming book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
How can I teach my children to walk a conscious path when their schools and worldly influences are so strong and pull them off course?
Show them through your example and shower them with love. Use compassion, understanding, seek to understand what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Help them know how to evaluate and make choices that will bring the best consequences for them. Guide them and teach them to reason for themselves.
They are under tremendous pressure. They need love and acceptance. They need to know they are loved and accepted. They need to feel connected to a tribe that feeds them love, safety, and security, who values and supports them, who recognizes their gifts and highlights their value, their worthiness. Love them.
Make sure they know without question that they are worthy of love and success, and the importance of being true to themselves. Make sure they know the value of honesty and integrity. Love them and hug them often. Forgive their mistakes and encourage them to keep trying. This whole life is a series of trials and errors. They must continue to try, to learn and adjust. And to try again.
Celebrate successes. Let them know love in their disappointments and successes equally. Help them to talk about their feelings, understand their needs, and know that it is OK- it is natural and normal to have needs. I created them this way. Their neediness is a part of their inner guidance system.
Ultimately the deeper inner needs can only be filled by Me. This is how I guide them back to Me to know Me and to know love. You can help them learn this pathway and help them understand their inner messaging and navigation system. Do not worry about loving too much or caring too much. Their lives are challenging. Be in their court and make sure they know you are in their court. Have their backs. If they make mistakes, help them learn how to recover, to admit fault and know they can still be loved, to build strength and integrity even and especially through adversity and challenge, even in the face of guilt, shame, and remorse.
Remember, love is unconditional. If they sense conditions, this is when we shut down and turn away, blocking the flow of love. We build dams around the heart to stop the waves of the ocean from flowing into the shore. The ocean is powerful, and the dam will soon break. Help them allow their emotions and the love- existence of pure love- to flow. Hold them. Love them. Teach them. Contain them.
Allow them space to make mistakes. You cannot keep them from getting hurt. They must know for themselves and learn from their experiences. Teach them how to navigate, how to return, to know love, to be love, to evolve and grow. They are love. You are love. I am love. We are one.
May you experience the eyes of God seeing through you to witness the expression of God that appears before you through every aspect of existence.
You’re invited and welcomed to join us live next week – we continue with Section 2: Gender Identity, Gender Roles, Family, Parenting, & Children. The question is: “My children feel like a part of me. When they hurt, I hurt. When someone hurts them, I die inside. When they choose a path of pain, I feel I have failed. How can I cope with this pain?”
See you there!
If you could use support with releasing your pictures of what the world is and how it works so you can move into living the world of peace NOW, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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Photo credit: Father and Daughter in the Rain, by Kevin Carden, Adobe Stock Photo