Every Sunday morning, our Community for Conscious Living come together virtually for Prayer and Healing Circle. As an intro for our new podcast listeners, this meditation covers the basics of heart-centered healing meditation – what it is, how it works, why we do it, and why it is a fundamental practice in Self-Care for the Soul. It’s an experiential practice that helps us align the mind with what the body, heart and soul innately know so we can reduce resistance and receive even more of the beauty that comes in with this process. You are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet. Please invite your friends to join us, too. Thank you for joining us.
Listen to the podcast here:
Heart-Centered Healing Meditation For The Soul
Welcome to the Community for Conscious Living broadcast. The Community for Conscious Living is a community dedicated to personal transformation for universal harmony, healing the planet by making inspired changes in ourselves, in our daily lives, to create a sustainable environment and a peaceful world. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being with us. Let’s start out by gathering into our prayer and healing circle. Imagine us all coming together, sitting side by side, shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee and let’s together take a full and gentle breath. Letting that breath fill the internal space of your being or your body, your lungs, your belly, and as you exhale, let your heart space, that funnel of energy at the center of your chest that we call the heart center. Let this come to rest in the center of our circle facing the center of our circle.
If you imagine you have a funnel of energy at the front of your chest, allow that funnel to point directly into the center of our circle. Like spokes on a wheel, our hearts come together and meet as one in the center of the circle. As we bring our hearts together, let’s come together and call on the one, in the name of the one, the most merciful, the ever compassionate calling on that universal oneness. That source of all life force, that source of divine light, the source of unconditional love, the source of that eternal compassion, that compassion that is the existence of divine compassion that is present regardless of our time and space reality. That’s why they call it the eternal compassion. In the name of the one most merciful, most compassionate, ever compassionate, the one, the all that is a source of the life force energy that gives consciousness and life to our physical forms without which we wouldn’t exist in this form. Imagine this pillar of light streaming into the center of our circle. Imagine this pillar of light, this pure divine light streaming into the center of our circle. Getting larger and larger, filling the entire space of our circle with this vibration, this energy of this pure divine light, and with this energy, this vibration of unconditional love and with this vibration, this energy of the eternal compassion.
[Tweet “Your heart center is a portal that connects into your spirit.”]Imagine the entire center of our circle filling with this bright light, resonating with this vibration of divine light, of unconditional love and eternal compassion. As you breathe, you’re breathing in this vibration of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion into your body. This is permeating all of the air of all of the space around you. As you breathe, you are inhaling in this vibration of this pure essence, this pure, divine light, this pure, unconditional love and this pure, eternal compassion. Since you inhale with every breath, allow this vibration to fill all of your heart space, all of your lungs, infusing into your oxygen, infusing into your fluids and circulating throughout all of your body. Imagine this with every breath. Invite every cell in your body and all of the elements of your body to receive this essence of divine light, of unconditional love, of eternal compassion. Allow this into your being and allow it to be infused into your breath, into your fluids, into all of your tissues and into every cell. As it circulates throughout your body, as your blood is circulating your oxygen throughout all of your body, everything infused with this vibration, nourishing every cell in your body with this vibration.
Invite every cell of your body to turn to face this vibration, this essence of this pure, divine light, this unconditional love, this eternal compassion. Invite every cell to receive and to be filled with this vibration, this pure essence of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion. Continue with this breath and turn your attention to focus your breath so that you were breathing in through your heart space, through that funnel of energy at the center of your chest. Imagine that being like a gill that you inhale through that funnel. Your heart center is a portal that connects into your spirit, and your connection with your spirit, the source, will allow this to be drawn in through that funnel and carry you deeper with each breath into your heart center.
Inhaling in this essence, divine light of unconditional love, of eternal compassion, and as you exhale, relax, release and soften and let this vibration, this energy, just land into your physical body. Knowing all of your heart space, infusing into your air, your fluids, your tissues and into yourselves. With each exhale, let all of your heart space relax more and more. With each exhale, letting all of this space become soft to become infused with this vibration. With your exhale, if there’s any clutter or any of the barriers and blocks that we have, that we carry, that hold tension in our body, allow them to be washed away with your exhale, carried into the depths of this pillar of light at the center of our circle. Trust in the divine intelligence.
If there’s anything that needs to be purified, it can be purified, in this pillar of light. The poet Rumi says, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers that you have built against.” I like to say it also to release those barriers so that you are free to embody this vibration of this divine light, unconditional love, eternal compassion on a more conscious level. That you are in harmony with the truth of your own being, your core essence, your core pillar of light within your own being, your own being as a spirit being infused into and integrated into a physical form. Your spirit being is a being of pure, divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion.
This is the core of who and what you are. It is the pillar of light, the life force energy that runs through the core of your being, from the top of your crown all the way through your vertical body and through your base, through the floor, your pelvic floor, through your legs, through your feet, and into the earth. It also permeates into the consciousness of every cell in your body because every cell in your body carries consciousness. It knows the truth of who and what you are, it carries at its core, just as you do, carries at its core the knowing of this essence of divine light, of unconditional love and eternal compassion. This is your essence, your truth. Every cell in your being knows its truth. As the spirit beings that we are integrated into this physical form on this earth journey, we take in a lot of information from our surroundings, from our experiences.
In order to help us survive, we store that information in our cellular tissues also, the cells of our tissues. We store that information. Some call it the subconscious mind. This becomes our information that guides us through how we’re going to best survive in this world. A lot of the things that we encounter when we’re on this journey are not aligned with that knowing of unconditional love, eternal compassion and divine light that we know inside every cell of our being. Sometimes a lot of stuff gets pasted into the consciousness, imprinted into the consciousness, that is there for survival and important to us but not necessarily 100% aligned with truth. As we come into these physical bodies, as we’re born through the womb and we are born into a seemingly separate physical body and that umbilical cord is cut.

We initially know the purity of our beings and our connection with source. As we grow and become more integrated into the physicality and begin to become more present with the earth, we begin to perceive the world through our human senses, our eyes, our ears, our sense of smell, touch, taste, feel, and all of the perceptions that we’re taking in from the outer world. We’re taking those on and we’re hardwired for survival. Our bodies have an incredible information system that gives us all kinds of information that integrates our knowing of divine truth and our divine essence with the presence on this physical earth. Our bodies being made from the wisdom, the elements of the earth carry the wisdom of the earth. These bodies are an integration of wisdom of earth, the knowing of the divine essence and the mix of experiences that we have on this journey. As we’re perceiving the world through our human senses, we’re constantly taking in information especially in those early stages, in the first seven years of our lives.
Someone said recently that the subconscious is developed by age ten. We’re taking in all of this information, we’re developing this subconscious mind in these early years, and this is all about survival on earth. Let’s think about where that comes from because coming in as a being of divine light, unconditional love, eternal compassion, knowing your connection with source. You have an internal compass where this divine knowing stays completely, fully intact inside of you. This is your internal compass and everything that you see in this world is always being compared to this internal compass. This internal compass knows what you need to have love, to have safety, to have truth, to have compassion and it’s always comparing. Whenever you see something, you’re seeing through your eyes, you’re hearing through your ears, and we are people who are always judging and discerning and that is part of our survival mechanism.
Everything that we see, we’re taking in the information and we’re comparing it. Is this safe? Is this true? Is this taking me closer to love or farther from love? Is this taking me closer to my connection? Am I feeling connected here or more into separation and aloneness? These are the things that we’re hard wired to seek on this planet and we encounter a lot of things that are, let’s face it, taking us farther from love, making us feel more separate, feeling unsafe. We have an internal compass that is giving us information constantly and that internal compass is in the core of your heart center.
We’re not having to think it. The mind is not the knower. A lot of people think that the mind is what knows, and the mind is what heals. The mind can’t heal you. The mind can give you survival techniques for being on planet earth and to change the mindset is to up level your techniques and your beliefs. The true knower is your heart center. When your heart senses something that takes you closer to love, your heart will expand. When your heart senses something that takes you farther from love, safety and truth, your heart will contract. We experience these expansion and contraction as emotions, feelings, sensations. As human beings on this planet, for the most part, we’ve been taught emotions are a bad thing because they can make you out of control or weak, less than somehow dangerous, but that is not true. That’s another thing that we’ve taken on as a belief that is not true. Our emotions are one of the most powerful things that we have because they give us information about whether what’s going on around us is safe or true, loving, taking us toward a healthy connection, that connection that we know inside of ourselves.
We come into these physical forms and we’re born and that umbilical cord is cut. We think we’re separate beings, but we’re very dependent, especially in those early years when we’re taking in information all the time. The thing that can get tricky is after this subconscious has been developed and we have these belief patterns that are helping us to navigate this journey. A lot of stuff gets pasted over the top of, “Is this going to take me closer to love?” “No, this feels farther from love, but here’s how I’m going to survive this.” The body, the cellular tissues get imprinted with your information, your survival information or the situations that are bringing you these lessons. All those memories get imprinted in the cellular tissue. Your heart expands or contracts depending on whether this is something you want to move toward or farther away. It’s comparing to that internal compass inside that knows that you are a being of unconditional love, divine light, eternal compassion, you are fully connected with your source and with all that is on this entire planet, if not the entire universe.
[Tweet “We have an internal compass that is giving us information constantly. That internal compass is in the core of your heart center.”]This information is intact inside of you. That compass is still working, even today. You’re taking in information and then the mind is the one that says, “I know what to do with this and we’re going to survive here. Here’s how we’re going to survive. We’re going to take on these belief systems. We’re going to put in place these coping strategies. We’re going to put in place these defense mechanisms.” The mind takes the information that’s stored in the body and the heart and develops your operating system for how you’re going to process information and survive in this world.
That’s what I mean by the mind doesn’t heal you. The mind can up level on its defense mechanisms, coping strategies and belief systems. The heart holds the truth to healing and all of this information that gets stored in your cellular tissues. It’s everything is energy. Everything is vibration. Everything is in motion. Even a lot of times when we change our mind and up level our coping strategies and defense mechanisms, the information that’s stored in the body does not get washed. What can wash this information it’s stored energetically in the body. What can wash it is this process called heart-centered meditation, where we are, as we started out this meditation, calling on that essence, that vibration of that pure divine light of that pure, unconditional love and that pure, eternal compassion.
This vibration, this energy, when we call on this and as best you can, calling on this vibration. Calling directly to your source, your highest power, whatever that may be for you. Whether you call it God, whether you call it Allah, whether you call it Jesus, whether you call it Great Spirit, source, universe, whatever name is most representative of that for you, calling directly on that, turning directly to that. If you can imagine this essence in the center of our circle, being this essence of that divine light, unconditional love, eternal compassion, direct from our source. Let your heart, the eye of your heart, that point at the center of that funnel of energy at the front of your chest, let that face directly into the center of this pillar of this pure, divine light. This bright light, this unconditional love, this eternal compassion and you breathe this into your body and call from a place at the depth of your heart. Underneath all of your emotional stuff, all underneath your defense mechanism, the coping strategies and all the structure that you’ve built for yourself to keep yourself safe in this world.
If the depths of all of that inside of you is a place that yearns to return to that conscious connection, to be able to live, immersed in, consciously immersed in that connection with your source, free of all these blocks and barriers. You are immersed in it but consciously you’re witnessing a lot of blocks and barriers that can make us feel constricted and trapped. You’re like, “We can’t breathe fully.” You’re like, “We can’t be completely relaxed and immersed in this ocean of love.” There is that place deep in the center of your heart that yearns and wants nothing more than to return every bit of your consciousness to swim in that ocean, to dissolve in that ocean and be one with that ocean of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion.

As you inhale in this essence, this pure, divine light, this unconditional love, eternal compassion, breathe that in through your heart center. As you exhale, relax, release and soften and let any of the barriers that are ready to be washed away, just let them be washed away. Trust in the divine wisdom that everything you need to keep you safe will stay intact. Anything that’s ready to go and be released will be released. With each breath, take this breath in deeper and deeper in through your heart center. Heart center is your portal. It is a portal to your connection with all that is that in the depth of your being. With each breath, let it carry you deeper and deeper into your heart center. As you exhale, relax, release and soften and let yourself fall even deeper into your body, back toward your heart space.
If you feel yourself, this is an in-body meditation. It’s not when you leave your body for it’s when you bring into an experience into your body. If you feel yourself going up and out, take a few breaths into your belly, check in with your pelvic floor. If it feels that space is tight and you’re up too high and you’re energetically in your body, give a couple of pulses, squeezing that pelvic floor and then relax. As you relax the pelvic floor, let yourself drop into your physical body and take a seat into your physical space. You can wiggle your toes, stretch out your feet and feel your feet touching the ground. You are present in your body and this vibration is fully present in your body, resonating throughout all of your cells. This is your vessel. This is your vehicle. This is your earth ship and it is totally infused with all of the information that you need to safely travel this journey and to receive all of the information and the teachings that you are here to receive or your soul.
Breathe that in and let every cell of your being drink in this essence of this pure, divine light, this unconditional love and eternal compassion. With each breath take it deeper into your heart center, allow it to carry you into your heart and you can feel your energy body lean back toward the front of your spine. You’re leaning back toward your spine and breathing in this essence of divine light, unconditional love, eternal compassion. Allowing your heart to face forward, directly forward your source, tapping into that yearning deep inside your heart space that wants to be one, dissolved in that ocean of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion. Allow yourself to be immersed in this ocean. If there is a prayer on your heart, a yearning in your heart, something that your heart wants to pray for to ask directly from your source, let your heart from the depths of your heart. Let your heart speak. Your heart doesn’t even need words, the words or the mind for the consciousness to align with what the heart, the soul, the energy body, innate wisdom of the body knows that it truly wants.
Let that yearning from inside of you, the depths of you, let that speak. Let that call directly to your source and ask directly for what it is that you are yearning for. Breathe this essence of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion directly into that point of yearning and the center of your heart. Allow that place into you to say yes and to receive. Allow that space in the center of your heart to say yes and to receive. Trust in the divine intelligence, the divine wisdom and the innate knowing inside of your body and inside of your heart.
[Tweet “Allow that space in the center of your heart to say yes and to receive.”]Sometimes we’ve built such a structure of safety from our experiences in the world and what we needed to do to stay safe. When we begin to do this healing work, some of that starts to be washed away because it’s in a sense been unnecessary, but a false sense of safety that we’ve taken on. When it starts to be washed away, sometimes it can get a little scary. It can be uncomfortable, unsettling, shattering, but when you do let it go and you rest into that deepest truth of your being, it’s the true healing. It’s aligning your consciousness with your deepest inner truth and how many of us, how often do we hear? I want to know my own deepest truth and I want to be able to live a life that’s aligned with my deepest truth with the real me, the true me. Often, we go to these workshops and things where they have you look at your past, examine your past and they tell you your past is what makes you who you are and what you are. I firmly do not believe that your past, what that does, what you’ve taken on that’s formed your subconscious and your belief systems, experiences of your life, they establish the pathway that you’re going to travel on while you’re here on this earth journey.
They do not define you. They establish the pathway through which you will become reconnected and rediscover the truth of who and what you are, but they don’t make you who you are. They only define your pathway and that pathway has been perfectly orchestrated for you to travel. You can return through all of the things that have happened to the depths of your being to know your reality, your existence, your subsistence in that ocean of unconditional law, eternal compassion, that essence of divine light. We’ll find your truth, your connection with your source and with all that is, you will know your divine beauty through this return, through this remembrance of the truth of who and what you are, your connection with your source.
Continue with that breath and breathing that in. Breathing that in, allowing your heart space to be washed, to be cleansed, to be freed and allowing yourself with each breath to drop deeper and deeper into an immersion in this ocean of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion. The existence of compassion is a mirror for the compassion that we can have in our hearts. Compassion is known as a bridge between the worlds because when we feel separation and we can tap into divine compassion and we can feel the compassion in our hearts. It can feel somewhat like an emotion, an emotional expression of compassion that can take us from separation back into oneness, back into that state of love. It can take us from conflict back to love, from separation back to unity.
That compassion is a bridge between the worlds is ever existent. Just like we are all energy, our bodies, imagine your body like a radio that has a receiver and a tuner, and you have a receptor for all of the various frequencies that are traveling through the air and you can turn your tuner to tune into the frequencies of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion. You can receive that channel, which very much resonates with the core of your being, who you are and what you are. You can allow that to be what plays through your being at all times. You’re human, there’s always going to be some conflicting things in there. When you consciously turn your receiver to this dial and allow that unconditional love, divine light, eternal compassion to be played through your being, you’ll resonate throughout all of your being. It brings joy and fulfillment to your life that brings health to yourselves.
Dr. Masaru Emoto taught about messages from water. He taught about making intentions, vibrations and sounds into the water, in changing that molecular structure. They took pictures of the molecules of the water and their formations. When positive intentions and uplifting intentions were made into the water and when negative ones. When they were positive intentions of love, gratitude and beauty that were placed into the water, the photographs of that water at the point of freezing looked like these gorgeous, symmetrical, aligned snowflakes. With the negative ones, they were all distorted. They did not look pleasing at all.

In studying healing, someone actually brought a live cell analysis microscope to the class, and we did before and after analysis of the blood, before and after doing the healing practices. This heart center at healing meditation and it was amazing. Amazing the difference in how the cells or space informed and flowed. It was as you would expect it to be, right there visible, in real time. Think of this as you are infusing your heart space in your body, in your air, in your fluids, in your tissues. As your body is 70% water at least, your blood is 92% water. Imagine all of this water of your own being, being formed in these beautiful formations and flowing freely and spaced as they’re supposed to be. Imagine this healing flowing throughout all of your cellular tissues.
Imagine it bringing healing to your physical body, restoring health to your physical tissues, re-patterning these subconscious beliefs stored in your physical body and your energy body. Releasing those energies that you don’t need any more that have been protecting you, that are not serving you and keeping you from aligning with your highest truth of unconditional love, divine light and eternal compassion. Allow those to be washed and restore you; return you to your truth. Stimulating that deepest yearning in your own being that wants nothing more than to live in a conscious connection, immersed in that ocean of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion, bringing healing to your physical body to your emotional body to your energy body to your mental body. Returning you on a conscious level to your connection with your source. This is a heart-centered healing meditation practice.
To continue with a few more breaths, take a few more breaths, consciously focusing and of course you can continue it beyond by all means. Consciously focusing on inhaling in this essence of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion from your source, breathing it all the way in through your heart center, tapping all the way into the depths of that inner compass that knows your own truth as an essence of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion. Allowing that to vibrate and resonate throughout your entire being, touching into every cell of your being, returning the consciousness from every cell of your being to its original knowing. The knowing of your own divine essence, releasing the stuck energies from your body, allowing them to be released, as the poet Rumi said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers that you have built against it.” Allowing those barriers to be washed from your heart, to be washed from your energy body, to be released from your physical tissues and allowing your mind, your conscious mind, to be a witness to this. To realign your conscious and subconscious belief patterns, defense mechanisms and coping strategies to release those that are not serving you anymore and to align with this knowing of truth inside your being.
[Tweet “Allow everything to be washed and restore you; return you to your truth.”]Take a full and gentle breath and breathe all the way down into your belly. Stretch out your toes and your feet. Feel your feet connected to the earth. This is a meditation that you do fully in your body, transforming the conscious knowing of yourself or restoring the conscious knowing of yourselves to their original knowing. That willingness is knowing that you will carry forward with you throughout the day and more and more throughout all of your life as you practice this practice of remembering the truth of who you are. This is also called a remembrance meditation, a heart-centered healing meditation, healing you and returning you to the truth of who and what you are in body, on planet earth, as you are interfacing with the world and relating to the world more and more from a conscious knowing and a conscious embodiment of divine light, unconditional love and eternal compassion.
You can find the call-in information on JoyfullyLivingWellness.com or CommunityForConsciousLiving.com. You’re welcome to join us. While you’re at the website, you’re also welcome to download your free copy of The 10 Spiritual Principles Of Our Human Existence, which will give you a foundation for what these practices are built on. Thank you for being here and of course with every meditation, we always want to end in gratitude. Gratitude for you, and I invite you to give gratitude for anything that you’ve received consciously, subconsciously, known or unknown. I thank you very much. Go in peace.