Divine Purpose. Alignment. Attunement. Heart. What does that mean?
Phrases like Divine Purpose, Alignment, Attunement, even Tapping into the Heart – they have become popular, but what do these words really mean? Why are they important?
I was speaking with a friend the other day who is a recent “empty nester.” She has dedicated her life to raising her children and taking care of their home. Her husband travels for his work and is gone for long periods of time.
She has been fortunate to be able to care for her family and not need to have a job outside of the home, but now that the home role has changed, she is feeling the emptiness to her core. With no one to care for every day, she worries from afar. And she misses them. As she spoke, I watched the tears well up in her eyes and I could feel the aching in her heart.
I asked if she had any sense of what she might want to do with this next phase of her life – anything that might be calling to her from inside. Ok, so in my accustomed lingo, I asked if she was interested in tapping into her heart and exploring her Divine Purpose for this new phase of her life – and I probably said something about Aligning with her Divine Purpose, because I talk like that… a lot.
She looked at me with a blank stare and said, “I don’t know what any of that means.”
I love it when that happens because it takes me out of my bubble and gets me back to the basics – to what is real. Phrases like Divine Purpose, Alignment, Attunement, even Tapping into the Heart – they have become popular, but what do these words really mean? Why are they important?
Since I’m guilty of throwing out these terms like I’m tossing candy from a parade float, I thought it might be helpful to share with you my sense of them:
I truly feel that there is a Divine Source that breathes through the entire Cosmic existence – through the Universe as a whole and through every life form individually. That includes you and me. This Breath is what gives our bodies life force and consciousness. When this body has life, the soul can live through this body to experience what it is here to experience – to learn, to love, to fulfill its destiny.
As your soul is living through your physical body, there is a Divine Orchestration that guides you through your experiences with your environment, culture, society, community, significant relationships, family, and your own inner thoughts and feelings.
You can feel inside yourself when you are feeling satisfied and fulfilled. You can tell when you are feeling lost or confused, or just going through the motions of a busy life that may or may not feel meaningful to you. There is no need to go into self-judgment here, but this is information that can guide you one way or another as you move through the various phases of your life.
All of your life experiences contribute to your destiny and your learning. Nothing is wasted. That sense of Divine Purpose comes into awareness when Source breathes through your heart and sparks a yearning inside – like turning on an inner light – that tells you it’s time to look deeper into why you are here, what you are meant to be or to do, what you are here to contribute to the world.
Sometimes we notice the spark or the yearning. Other times we are aware of the pain of lack, something missing, something not right. Any of these can guide you to a purpose that is calling from within that wants to be fulfilled. In spiritual cosmic terms – Source wanting to express an aspect of Itself through you, and waiting for you to say yes.
We have free will. All of that Divine Purpose and soul existence is experienced through this game we play with free will. If you were just the pure bliss of Source Energy or Unconditional Love, you would just BE and not know any difference.
On the one hand, Source Energy is the pure bliss, and on the other hand, it contains all of the opposites. And you are here to experience it all. You have the power to say Yes or No to however Breath of Spirit wants to move through you. All your thoughts, feelings and senses I talked about above help you know when you are saying Yes or when you are saying No.
This doesn’t mean that happy, happy, joy, joy bliss means you’re a good person and sadness or anger or grief means you are a bad person. You can let go of that idea. Our emotions are messengers and teachers, and we are here to learn from all of them. And the various experiences and the various ways we relate to them give us different teachings.
Alignment comes when you can bring your feelings, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, nervous system, and actions into the agreement with what you sense Source is moving through you. This means all the parts of yourself come together and agree to say Yes together. That is, as much as you can know and be aware of at any given time. There is always more to uncover, and that’s why it’s a process – more about the journey than the destination.
Phrases like Divine Purpose, Alignment, Attunement, even Tapping into the Heart - they have become popular, but what do these words really mean? Why are they important? Share on X
I’m sure you’ve heard before that everything is energy. We are vibrational creatures. Whether spirit, soul, emotions, thoughts or flesh and bones, you are all energy. Your energy body resonates at many different frequencies. All the parts of yourself carry consciousness, and this consciousness affects your vibration.
When you sense the Divine Purpose that wants to move through you, and you choose to Align all the parts of your self with that Divine Purpose, you experience a shift in your energetic vibration. You can then attune your energy body to the frequency of your new vibration.
This reduces resistance. It helps you to get all the parts of yourself on board and moving in the same direction as you set out to fulfill the Divine Purpose and experience the gratification that comes from that fulfillment.
Your heart is a portal through which Source communicates to you. Those feelings we’ve all been taught not to trust actually hold doorways to very important information that can lead us to our inner knowing, truth, empowerment, fulfillment and all that beautiful stuff.
Being present and dropping into your heart can also connect you with that blissful experience of Unconditional Love – a sense of love with no attachments, no if’s or but’s. Just an experience of completeness, wholeness, oneness, LOVE.
This is where you can heal the divisions within yourself. This is where you can feel the Divine inspiration moving through. This is where you can feel whole. As Gandhi said, “Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.” It’s a powerful thing!
I hope you have found this helpful.
I hope this will help you receive even more from our weekly meditations. I hope it helps you understand the opportunities that I offer, and I hope it gives you insight into the profound shifts that are available for you.
Imagine if everyone in our world were to
- Tap into the Love in their hearts,
- Sense their Divine Purpose that is waiting to moving through them,
- Align all the parts of themselves to say YES to the Divine Purpose,
- and Attune their energy bodies to the Divine Purpose.
Everyone living aligned with their Higher Light in service of a Higher Purpose. Would we then BE the change we wish to see in the world?
I hope so.
Watch for an email coming next week with more info about how you can Align with Your Divine Purpose. If you’re not on our mailing list, you can sign up here.
I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Live & Love Joyfully,
Debra Mastura Graugnard
Imagine if everyone in our world were to tap into the love in their hearts and live from that love... Share on X
If you would like in-depth support for personal healing, tuning in to Divine guidance, for freeing yourself from the constraints of your past pain, for living your most authentic and fulfilling life, and/or for preparing to live in a world of peace, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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