BioGeometry: Measuring The Life Force Of The Earth With Dr. Ibrahim Karim
In our final episode from the Ocean of Sound Summit, Dr. Ibrahim Karim discusses the concepts of BioGeometry. Dr. Karim brings so many aspects together in this theory of BioGeometry – sacred geometry, sacred sound, vibrations, consciousness, realms of creation, the physical well-being of our societies and our bodies, and so much more.
Imagine how the shapes of buildings that you live in might affect your ability to connect with higher dimensions! Imagine how you might be able to shape your environment – literally – to connect with the natural world and the spiritual realms! Imagine how this might impact your immune system function and your overall health and well-being.
BioGeometry is the study of how shapes interact with Earth’s energy to produce a balancing effect on all energy levels of biological systems – and it’s absolutely fascinating!
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BioGeometry: Measuring The Life Force Of The Earth With Dr. Ibrahim Karim
Welcome to The Ocean of Sound Summit in our interview/presentation with Dr. Ibrahim Karim. Full disclosure, we were not able to connect live with Dr. Ibrahim Karim prior to our summit so we are bringing you the next best thing. We’re introducing his work on BioGeometry and offering our commentary on it. We are in touch with his office. We hope to be bringing you a live interview in the near future so so stay tuned with us. Hang with us on this. We will get it to you. For this presentation, he divides it into three parts so we’re going to divide our commentary into three parts as well. In this episode, we’re bringing you parts 1 and 2. Hopefully, if we have time to get back together before the summit, we will bring you part three for the summit. If not, stay tuned to us. We will get that to you.It’s amazing work. I am so grateful to Amany for bringing this to us. I’m going to let her introduce him. She is more well-versed in his work than I am. I am grateful to her for bringing this to our summit because it is so relevant to the topic and it brings so many pieces together. I do hope you will enjoy this. Stay tuned for parts 1 and 2 and we will catch you soon for part three. Take it away, Amany.
This lecture is going to be about BioGeometry design because BioGeometry is anchored in design. I’m an architect. It’s a core topic in BioGeometry. I’m going to divide this talk into three parts. First, I’ll discuss concepts and then a bit of history, the we will go into practical methods, disciplines, and all that so It will be in three parts.
The problem with a design lecture for people who do not know anything about BioGeometry as well as for advanced BioGeometry students is somehow to put information on those two levels, plus squeezing a subject that would need a couple of weeks at least into an hour. You see the problem I have in front of me but in an introductory lecture, we need to give things as simple and short as possible.
I will try to do that with you now. First of all, BioGeometry is all about design related to life force and consciousness because of geometry. Geo is the Earth and metry has to do with measurements of the Earth. That means land survey as it was in Ancient Egypt. When you put geo with bio, you are moving to another dimension.
You’re moving from the physical to the subtle energy level. BioGeometry means measuring the life force of the Earth. Bio here is a life force. It includes consciousness. That makes the Earth a living being of which we are part. We do not live on Earth because we live inside the atmosphere of the Earth, which is part of the Earth itself.
We are part of this living being just as our immune cells or blood cells are part of our being. When we act, we have to act according to the general laws of the being of which we are part. We will start from there, looking at the language of nature. Imagine if you lived in a country that spoke a language and you did not speak the language of that country.
You would be pretty useless because you won’t be able to communicate with others. We live in nature and there’s a divine pen that keeps writing and drawing all those shapes in nature. It’s a subtle energy message or information being constantly drawn in front of us. Unfortunately, nobody reads it. We cannot read.
The only language we understand is the language between us and other humans but while that’s useful in a certain way, it’s useless when it comes to the multidimensionality of life because we are not part of nature. If we are not part of nature, then sooner or later, we will do harm to nature. Nature needs to be understood. It is understood through the principles of its design language.
Let us go further into the design language of nature and see what is different in this design language from other design languages that we use. Nature is evolving. There’s a continuous evolution of shapes in nature. There is life, shapes breathe, have a beginning, grow and decay. There’s a form of life. It’s a continuous evolution of shape in nature.
We can say our cities are also in continuous evolution. A city, a home, or anything has life inside it because we are humans. Any shape that contains life in it is living one way or the other. In a city, we start small as a small community and then it grows. If you take it in time-lapse photography, it will be like an organism that is growing in the environment.
The quality of this growth is the second thing but let’s look at the fact that it is growing and at a certain size, it starts decaying. Every city has a life. You can call it an organism in a way but is that nature’s way? No. It is a way of growth but it’s a disease type of growth. It’s not growing according to the Laws of Nature. A city that grows in the Laws of Nature will have a certain energy quality.
For example, when a bird builds a nest, the nest will replenish the life force of the bird. It acts as a harmonizing second body to the bird’s self. It is nature. We have two aspects here, a living city, living homes, or living communities where the homes themselves replenish the life force of those inhabitants in it.
On the other side, we have human-made communities that also grow but they dissipate the life force. They take the life force out of the community there. One is positively charging. The other is negatively depleting. There is something wrong with the way we are going about building our civilization, our cities, and all that. We are depleting ourselves of life force.
Here come extra things like our information technology based on electromagnetic radiation. Radiation in the airwaves moves like that. When waves move, they create heat. Heat creates dryness. It’s our living systems on Earth due to global warming to which electromagnetic radiation is contributing. This continuous warming of living systems on Earth means a reduction of water content.
That’s why we always need to drink water. We can drink a lot of water but our cells are not profiting from that water because we’re not drinking water to have physical water content. That’s not the aim of having water. The water content in our body is a carrier of life force and living consciousness. The whole idea here is that having a lot of water with a reduced life force is pretty useless.
We need water that has a life force that replenishes because a positive life force is a way of helping growth. You need to have positive energy and a positive life force to grow. This is where we have to look at the design language of nature and try to understand it. In nature, we have to see how things grow and how life force interacts with natural shapes.
Positive life force is a way of helping growth. Share on X
The moment we mention life force as a major component in the development and growth of natural shapes, we enter into the multidimensionality of nature’s design language. It’s not a design language that acts in the physical world. It’s a design language that is multidimensional. For example, if I want to contain a liquid, I design my cup in a way that contains this liquid.
Biogeometry: Life force is a major component in the development of natural shapes. Thus, we see the multi-dimensionality of nature’s design language.
If it’s a flat surface, it won’t contain it. It has to be designed in a certain way to contain it. That’s containing physical matter. We want to contain the full life force. The full life force in nature has so many levels. It has vitality levels, emotional levels, and mental levels. All levels are different levels of consciousness at the same time and all the Laws of Nature are working through all those levels.
Here, we are dealing with a physical shape that contains a multidimensionality of subtle energy levels. That means the physical shape is only a very small part of the total living shape in nature. How can a physical shape contain things that are elusive to it? The only way that it can do it is through resonance. We should understand that with musical instruments. Think of instruments. For example, if you hit one string, every string with double or half its length will resonate with it.
The Law of Resonance goes from zero to infinity. When things are in resonance, there is a bidirectional information exchange. This information is how this energy affects us, meaning it’s qualitative. Qualities, as we know, for example, musical notes, are an effect on us. They’re qualities. Sounds are qualities. We know that they repeat themselves on the different octaves.
That means a quality exists in all levels of nature from zero to infinity. Qualities are different than quantities. Quantitative aspects are limited to certain ranges while qualitative aspects are universal. Any quality in the universe is multidimensional. Here, the shape itself on a physical level is designed in such a way that every angle in that shape resonates with a certain level of subtle energy that’s invisible.
Certain design principles that we are going to look at in the design of shape will make the shape resonate with emotions, mental levels, spiritual levels, or vitality. We have those geometrical shapes that resonate with all those levels. We can use them in BioGeometry to access information on all those levels either to find disturbances on the different levels or to correct the disturbances on the different levels.
We have shape codes for the different subplanes of nature and we have rulers on which we can detect everything on the subplanes of nature. That is why when we are studying the multidimensionality of nature’s design language, we have practical tools for doing the research. How does something physical connect to the higher dimensions? The resonance without dimensions is achieved.
The connection happens through vortices. You have a vortex that connects every dimension. If this is one physical dimension and then I have a vortex, this vortex can connect to another dimension. You can have a third dimension and so on. Those vortices are bidirectional spirals. They connect between planes of nature.
Biogeometry: The connection between the physical dimension and higher dimensions is achieved through vortices.
While this one is our visible plane of nature, these are invisible planes or the higher planes of nature. They’re invisible. Imagine the thick line to be a natural shape in nature. Every natural shape here has this multidimensional connectivity all the way to an archetypal level here. The archetypal level is a level where the patterns or templates of all shapes are stored.
The energy templates come down here and govern the shaping of this shape here. It is governed by shapes. We call that archetypal dimension. You have the human template, the plant template, and the three templates. All those are communicated down here. They are communicated through emotional levels, mental levels, and so on. All those levels are consciousness levels. They come down here.
There is growth but there’s one thing we should understand. We spoke about water. The water content that we see here is only the physical water but water has all those higher dimensions that connect all the way up to the beginning of creation where we have what we call the primordial sea or the primordial fog. This water is multi-dimensional.
When we speak about primordial water, it exists within normal water. Water that is connected will have all those levels of consciousness of life force. That’s why life force is contained in water. You see physical water but there are so many higher levels within it that contain this life force. Your tap water has a break somewhere here and will not go beyond that. It will be dead water.
It has to be reconnected to have the full life force. The water in our body has the full life force. It cannot be completely cut off the life force but what can happen is through many effects on the physical level, the water can become depleted. The connection with the higher levels can become clogged and weaker in some areas.
That means that the BioGeometry design language has to find a way of generating natural shapes that include vortices coming from higher dimensions. That’s how natural shapes are. They are completely interconnected between dimensions. This interconnectivity brings life force here in the water. Let us imagine what happens when I have something here that has no water content.
Let’s say I have a rock, a seed, or anything and it has no water content. That means that it has no life force, which is not true because it might not have this water content on that level but everything in nature, even if it’s inanimate like rocks and things like that, has all the other levels. When the physical water level is given to it, they connect to the higher levels.
When it’s given to seed, it connects to higher levels. When it’s given to Earth, Earth starts showing the energy of life in its clay and so on. This gives you the concept of the natural design language that has to primarily deal with creating vortices that connect to a higher dimension. There’s a form of multidimensional or three-dimensional rotation involved there.
If we look at natural shapes, we will find that every natural shape has those centers, even a human being. Let us look at a human being. This is a statue. We have dealt with this in our courses. I can measure the centers of rotation on the statue. I have centers of emission of life force. The centers of emission of life force are related in a way to the shape.
The shape of the container connects to all the higher levels, and it connects through the vortices. In human beings, we have seven major vortices that we call the chakras, one on the head here, the heart chakra, the stomach chakra, the procreation chakra, and the base chakra. We have some other chakras above and some other chakras below.
If I can measure the chakras or those vortices on a statue, it means that the shape creates the connective vortices to all the higher dimensions. A statue on a physical level is not alive but through its shape, it contains all the other dimensions. A statue can be a container of all the higher dimensions. I can take them and transmit them to me so I can interact with the chakras of the statues.
This means that chakras are a result of a forming process. We have a law that says, “Subtle energy formed or shaped produces function.” When we look at natural shapes, let’s go a bit inside the body and see how an open energy system like a human being interacts with subtle energy outside. Subtle energy means life energy exists outside. Life energy is drawn in. I draw it through my breath.
I draw in and out. When I draw in life energy, it goes into my lungs. The lungs are shaped to produce life energy in such a way as to give it a certain function. Energy is formless. The subtle energy comes in with all the functions together. Every time, they have to be rearranged in such a way optimal for the function they produced.
That happens through the shaping of the body or how the lungs shape the subtle energy to produce the energy needed on that level. Let’s say the stomach or the energy coming into the heart will do it in a different way. The shape of every organ will give subtle energy functions that are needed to be produced on the physical level.
At the same time, those shapes create the vortices needed for the multidimensionality of interacting with energy. When you breathe energy, the shape of your lungs should be fine-tuned to all the levels of subtle energy. Otherwise, it will act. It should be fine-tuned to vitality, emotions, mental, and spiritual. The design of the shape of the lung will act with all those levels to produce the needed function.
In a statue here, since there are functions related to the shape of the body, I can activate one or the other and make it stronger than the other. If I move the center of balance of the shape like that on the heart level, I will accentuate the chakra on the stomach level and this level. We understand that chakras are shape-related or form-related.
The chakras are related to shape and form of different body parts. Share on X
They’re created through the forming process on the physical level to connect so that the forming process creates chakras or energy wheels that produce multidimensional vortices that connect with the higher levels and bring down life energy into the shape. It is all about making living energies. We have a problem in our civilization.
When we developed modern science, we excluded the human being from all our experiments because we thought that the human being is too subjective, too opinionated, and things like that. Subjectivity gives very complex variables in any experiment but it doesn’t mean that they cannot be studied. We can go into those complex variables but it makes things so complicated, having a subjective effect in creating a physical experiment that we decided to keep the human being out of our scientific experiments.
We developed a scientific world and modern technology with human beings out of it. What should have been done? When I have any formula, whether I’m building a chip or anything, if I add the human variable to it, that means I’m adding emotional, mental, and spiritual concepts. I’m adding subjectivity and all those things in the formula.
We should have a dynamic variable in there that contains so many secondary variables in it that reflect the subtle energy of life or life force. Life force becomes a major variable in the formula of our scientific experiments or worldview. We would be building a civilization for human beings or living beings but what we are doing now is we have created a very advanced civilization that gives ultimate pleasure to humanity while at the same time being at the cost of the human being.
There’s something wrong with this formula. We are building a civilization that depletes life energy. That means our civilization is sucking the life energy out of the living systems in nature. That means reduced immunity. That means as we go along as civilization advances, immunity is reduced. We end up with so many types of pandemics that will sooner or later end life on Earth.
Our civilization is sucking the life energy out of the living systems in nature. That means a reduced life force. Share on X
We should restore a design language that brings back life energy into things. We cannot build products that do not acknowledge life force. They are dead products, and then we put them in the body of the Earth where all the components connected to the life force are living components. What we have here now is dead rubbish.
I’m sorry to call all the products among technology dead rubbish but in a way, from a life force point of view, they are putting the dead matter in the living body. The more dead matter you keep putting in the living body, the more you reduce its life force and immunity until you bring its demise. I don’t think that the greater Earth being will wait until humanity can create a major disturbance in the Earth.
At some level, the Earth will hit back and completely erase humanity from its life system. Maybe a new living species will come and do something better. We have to now design to bring life force into all our products.
He will move on to talk about the history and how the ancient civilization respected the sacred and built their architecture in a way for the life force. He will explain that but I would love us to reflect on what he said. He said a lot. I have been thinking of the commercializing of everything. People are living in basic cubes surrounded by pollution and things like that.
I look at the ancient history of how natives everywhere in the world would know how to design. For example, in upper Egypt, the natives themselves know how to build their houses in a way that can make the wind flow. In the hot weather, the middle of the house will be very cool. It is built by natural matter from their environment.
They will save the coolness of the house in summer and it will be warm in winter. You see it not only in Egypt but everywhere. That has to do with the shape, whether you look at the body or the living quality, he talks about the quality, you see that shape has a function, which all has to do with what we call the underneath fabric of the universe or the sacred geometry. It comes very subtly.
The Sufis have always thought we have the physical world and the subtle world, al-alam al-kathif wa al-alam al-latif. Scientists are also talking about the quantum world where everything is in a fog united that way and has archetypes there from everything physical. This is very subtle and minute. Subtle means microscopic or quantum. It’s a microscopic way. It all made sense to me when I listened to his thoughts about it. What did you feel? What did you think?
I was thinking about when he was giving that demonstration with the little statue of the body and talking about the form and how having that form would create those vortices like the chakras. Moving the arms to the shape would open the heart and the head. I was in awe of that and was thinking if you can do that with a seemingly inanimate object, think of when you add the dimensions of the intention of life force, consciousness, breath, spirit, faith, trust, invocation, supplication, sound, meaning, and purpose that we feel the divine inspiration.I was a hidden treasure that desired to be known. It’s the passion of that connectedness with that source and life force. I was thinking, “What immense power.” When you add all of those dimensions together, if that can happen with a statue, and we contain so much more, it’s rather mind-blowing to think of the capacity of what we can tap into and what we can perhaps awaken to, harmonize with, and live in flow with.
This is probably what people feel when they behold the sacred. In all forms of worship, you will find people making their hands up intuitively and there is a movement. In Islam, there’s the rotation movement, the whirling, or the vortex. It creates a vortex and the whirl of the Dervishes. If you look at any religion, you will find motion combined with sound. The shape and the sound together talk to our higher dimension, which is a subtle dimension.
With that, I was also thinking about looking at this box that I’m in right here. There are trees outside. I can see the trees outside the window but if I put an intentional shape into this space with the intention of bringing the life force of the trees into this space, what a difference that might be able to make in the replenishment of the life force I feel in my body in living in this space.I know that there are some practices that will bring different shapes and things into the living space to have the intention to connect with higher forms of consciousness and nature. Bringing that in with intention can help. I felt the importance of what that could do to our bodily systems, our immune systems, and the rejuvenation of our energy on an ongoing basis.
Our emotions are the connection between all of these levels. Think about it. What helps us is nature to be in nature itself or if you are inside your house or office to put certain items. We know it if you put flowers, sacred geometry, or art and if you do these simple things. It’s an opportunity to speak about Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s book called BioGeometry Signatures.
BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment
He tells you simple tips to do in your house to minimize the effect of electronics, which is affecting us a lot. We use it a lot. He tells you certain tips. He also designed certain shapes that you can boot or draw to release some energy in the body about one of the organs. He explained it. I got the book but I didn’t read all of it and I got introduced a little bit to the idea.
I’ve been drawn naturally and intuitively to do sacred art even without fully rationalizing it. It is something I feel. That’s how the artist in us comes and tries to design harmonious things. He talks about how it’s a universal language. The life force is the language of design. Music, for example, is universal. The harmonious tunes can speak to anybody.
If it’s good-quality music, it will speak to anybody regardless of who they are, where they are from, and what language they speak. It’s universal. Similarly, you look at art. When it’s coming from the person, that life force, or the sacred place, then you feel it in the art and receive that energy. You are connected to that life force through these sacred shapes. It creates harmony. You feel it. It is not something we can fully rationalize but I like the way he rationalized it also.
I do too. Can you say the name of his book? This is the new one that came out.
It is called BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment. It’s on Amazon. That is one of his new books. It has simple designs. He says you can print it or try it. I tried one to see how it feels to release. It’s very minute and subtle but you could feel it when you are doing this drawing.
Sidi would tell us to write his books to have that connection. When you see something, it transmits a message through your eyes to your central nervous system. You feel it in your body. You draw it through your arm and out your hand and then you see it again. It brings a very subtle awareness to the subconscious layers of your being when you do that. I can imagine how that can connect you with the Laws of Nature that govern what he’s defining or outlining. He didn’t create it but he is outlining it in his discoveries in the study of BioGeometry. This is the Laws of Nature. I find it fascinating.
It is like when we write because we have been studying and talking about letters. We did this beautiful interview about sound and letters. One form of the letter is the written one. The written one has its energy. The word as a whole has its meaning. It’s multidimensional. It evokes emotion.
You see it. It involves the senses. It involves a subtle sound inside you as you read the word within you. It involves access to emotions, the nervous system, the brain, and rationality. It is truly multidimensional. It’s an inward vortex.
We have the spiral between dimensions. We have the harmonics that are created by the angles of the shapes. I feel like this BioGeometry brings so many things together that we have been talking about in our various interviews.
When it comes to letters, I love the Arabic language. Everybody sometimes is connected to the language deeply, which another human being might not be in a way ready to receive from another language. What I like about sacred geometry as a meditation and as a way to connect to the holy is that it’s a universal language.
Everybody will connect to circles or sacred shapes coming together. That’s what Dr. Ibrahim Karim says also about his designs. He says, “This is not something religious.” It doesn’t belong to anything. It doesn’t have a symbol. It makes energy flow. It certainly gives something to the eyes that you feel. It provokes something also but it’s a language that could be universal.
The Laws of Nature are not dependent on a language or not exclusive to a specific language, region, or religion. The Laws of Nature are universal.
Letters themselves are universal but it’s our perception that creates biases and so forth because letters are sacred geometrical shapes. They’re simple shapes and beautiful. When you look at other languages too, there is something about them that is profound because we build generations through the ability to speak, come up with a symbol for the letters, pass it from generation to generation, and leave knowledge for someone to inherit that knowledge and build on it. In a way, it’s our perception. It’s okay. Sometimes, it might be difficult for them to relate to another language. They can also access the holy through something universal in a way.
It’s a fascinating study. I would like to know more about what he talked about. This is something I want to go seek out and dive deeper into, no pun intended. It’s the water and life force that is carried through water and consciousness. Maybe you can speak to that as well because, in the Sufi teachings, everything is an ocean. This is the ocean of living consciousness and the ocean of sound. The first emanation from God’s consciousness is our rahm, which is the ocean of consciousness or the womb of existence.
Water is the symbol of love, which is what created everything. Water is eternal, which manifests as the physical water but also exists hidden in all other dimensions because it’s love that created the universe. Everything comes out of love, even when you look at what we call gas. It has a vapor.
Our air has some vapor in it. There is something that could be hidden. It is all created out of love. When we talk about water, we’re talking about the love that gives life to everything. That is the archetypal water he’s talking about.
Thank you for that. It’s beautiful.
Even the Quran speaks about the rain coming. It says, “The Earth vibrates,” and now science can see that it is vibrating. The soil starts to vibrate, and then it brings its beautiful produce. It brings forms of life. Water is the form of that love that brings things into existence.
That is beautiful. We know that we couldn’t live without water. Our bodies are 75%-ish water. Without water, we can’t sustain very long. We will continue now with part two from Dr. Ibrahim Karim.
I’m going to go a step further and ask myself, “Is this a new concept? Is it only something that has to do with our modern civilization?” Can I find examples where humanity respected life force and imitated the forming process of nature, the animals, and all those divine laws and put them in their creations? Let us go back in history and see. Many people think that I can create a life force through artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence can create very advanced mental capabilities that will by far surpass our human minds so that one day, we will have artificial intelligence running everything in our civilization. It can even go so far as push us aside because our comparatively weak mental capabilities will be always in the way of the perfection of artificial intelligence.
Humanity will be taken out of all decisions that have to do with life will. It put humanity out but those decisions that have to do with life are not life decisions because the mental capabilities of artificial intelligence are only a simulation of life. They do not contain life. What happens is if you are not connected to the life force, you are not connected to all the laws of nature.
You will have computers that do not have any ethical values because the Laws of Nature bring balance into our physical world through a translation from the right brain to the left brain. They emerge as ethical values. Computers will not have ethical values. If they decide one day to get rid of humanity to have a better-functioning technology, they will do it.
The way we are following artificial intelligence is not the way and the question is, “Why?” Life energy cannot be produced with artificial intelligence. Life energy must be accessed. Look at it that way. The background cradle of life since the beginning of creation is consciousness with all the universal laws that we call life energy. That is the background holistic subtle energy in which everything lives.
You don’t look for a life force. We’re swimming in it. It’s like a fish looking for water while it is swimming in the water. It wants to invent water because it does not think that everything is water. We have the same problem. We live in life energy. Life is out there. Life has to be accessed. The ancients somehow from the first emergence or dawn of humanity on Earth had an intuitive interaction with life because primitive humanity or the folks of perception was based on the right-brain perception.
That means the language of the heart. That is not the sensory left-brain perception. They had a very weak ego and sensory perception. They were focused on their inner life. On that level, they were one with everything in nature. They did not see the oneness of nature. They were part of the oneness of nature. They did not look at life force but they were part of the life force.
They could acknowledge or understand the workings of the life force from its core, from the inner vision of that life force, or from inside it. They don’t have to go outside and watch it. They were part of it. The imprint of humanity identified the communicative vortices of life force out there in nature. They saw the tree communicating with multidimensionality through a vortex.
The tree had roots somehow connected to underground water and its leaves up there in the sky. There was this multidimensionality in the tree. They found the same concept in the tree. They found it in a sacred power spot or what became a sacred power spot to them. They found that there are spots on Earth that had underground water crossings of underground streams in the rocky strata of the Earth.
Their crossings produced this vortex. You had the exact energy configuration of a natural object or a tree in certain locations on Earth. They could be identified when the crossings of underground streams. They somehow produced this vortex and pushed streams on the surface. We have streams pushed on the surface connected all the way up.
That means water of full life force in those areas that became special power spots to them. They started bringing large stones and putting them in their 40-ton granite megalithic stones that had a high-quartz content that resonated with this life force and could spread it around. They created those gate shapes or dolmens, two megalithic shapes.
On it, they put the horizontal one that looks like a gate and directed it to the East and West to connect it to the energy of life and the life cycles. They understood life force and life cycles. That is before any civilization. That’s primitive cavemen. Later on, this developed into the menhir and obelisks where they brought the Laws of Mathematics and Geometry to the shape.
The dolmen or the gate shape became the archetypal shape of the Holy of Holies in all religious buildings throughout history. For example, from the beginning, they had this inner chamber. They put an Earth mound on it and later on pyramids. They started building all those architectural edifices with the Holy of Holies inside the temple.
From the beginning, humanity was putting the heart and the Holy of Holies in its building, which brought in the life force. They put it in their design of the building and located the building on a life force spot on Earth so that they could have a human building. They built it in the same way that nature formed the tree.
They formed the temple and everything in such a way that natural life forces came into it. They would call those temples the houses of the netjers. Netjers mean nature’s forces or erroneously named gods. They would say, “Houses of the gods.” They brought all natural forces into their buildings. They were designing all the products in the same natural way along the same natural principles as nature was designing.
They were speaking the language of nature. When you acknowledge nature in your designs, you are speaking the language of nature. You’re already communicating on a subconscious level with nature. Speaking the language of nature is using the intellect of the heart to communicate with nature on a subconscious level.
You would be walking in nature and completely exchanging information with plants, animals, and all things in nature because you are part of that nature. That is the natural forming process that has been practiced by humanity for many ages until a few hundred years ago. We completely forgot about the placement of our religious edifices or the design of our cities according to those sacred power spots.
We completely forgot those things. Why did we forget them? At about 1200 BC, as William James states, there was a complete shift of awareness into left-brain consciousness. The door closed to the subconscious and the language of nature. While humanity had an open door where it could speak to the language of nature or with nature, now it closed the door.
The subconscious was so excluded. It even became an enemy. The ego now, without the ethical values and the laws of the subconscious controlling it as when the center of perception was right there in the right brain, somehow was controlled by all those Laws of Nature. It goes into the left brain. It is completely free of the control of all the Laws of Nature.
Sensory perception is the master. It creates the sensory personality and the sensory ego. An ego created by sensory information and a data bank created by sensory information must ultimately at the end serve the senses because the human being on the left brain has also gotten a new thing that it didn’t have in the right brain or the heart.
It had now the freedom of choice. This freedom of choice that had made it go further in satisfying the senses beyond the balancing glows of the right brain side or the heart that balanced the interaction with the senses. We had full freedom, and we could indulge in the pleasure of the senses, creating an imbalance in all our activities and productions.
This imbalance ends in greed in the way we look at things and a complete disrespect of the Earth, nature, and all that. In the end, the left brain is a mask that completely masks our real inner permanent self or immortal soul. We are trapped in this mortal soul that makes us see things completely detached from the rules of nature.
Automatically, we are living life force but we don’t acknowledge it. We live in the air. We don’t acknowledge the air. How would that be if you don’t acknowledge that there’s air out there? You breathe it. It’s a level. You know it, but it’s life force content or the content of the universe because life force exists everywhere in all the multidimensionality of the universe.
We live in the Life Force, but we don’t acknlowledge it. Share on X
You are looking, “Is there life on other planets?” This is a very stupid question to ask, “Is there life somewhere else?” All those planets are based on the life force. It’s the opposite. Everything is based on the life force. The question is, “What forms of life are out there?” Life need not be a physical electromagnetic life based on Earth’s magnetic particles as we have here.
You could have a life based on emotional particles or mental particles that would be invisible to us but would be solid in their dimensions. We have seen how the ancients respected life force. When they built their city, they had to make their city replenish the life force of all its inhabitants. They placed all the main buildings on the sacred power spots.
In those main buildings, everything important in their life was placed there, whether it was the hospital, temple, ruler’s palace, marketplace, or things like that. They were all placed on power spots. They were connected through avenues so that the balancing life force would flow along the avenues so that when people walked from one place to another, through walking, they help the movement of the life force along those avenues. It came to the secondary roads that went into the homes and all that.
They were done in such a way that hose main avenues would give life force to the secondary roads to go into every home in the community. You had a city that replenishes the life force of all its inhabitants. We have a city that is alive but positively alive. It’s a very healthy being that’s alive. The cells in it will also be very healthy, meaning we will be very healthy. Nature will thrive in it. That is in contrast to cities that grow with a depleting life force.
I wanted to say how it is related to what we talked about in our sound class about how people in the past, ancient times, or not even so ancient sometimes, were living with nature as part of it. They were not divorced from it. They didn’t need to dissect things to find life. They intuitively interacted with life. Even the letters as we know came from the movement of the stars, the moon, and houses.
The shapes of the letters came from that. They knew when that letter appeared. Another way is when a star appeared or when the moon is in this house, the weather will happen like that. We need to harvest, plant the seed, or be careful because the cold is coming. They also predicted how the mood of people will be based on the weather, agriculture, and all of that.
They looked to the stars for directions. They were part of nature. They didn’t have to go out of the way to dissect everything and look far away to find the life force. They were part of it and with it intuitively because it is their life. Their life depends on it and they interact with it daily.
They made sure to design the cities in a healthy way where there is water. The important places that gather people together or the holy places that bring the community together needed to be in the center. All the avenues and communities are built around it. There was a sense of unity and harmony.
Biogeometry: To design cities in a healthy way, the places that gather the community together must be in the center. The community then builds avenues around that center.They didn’t need to Google it as we do. On one hand, it’s good that we have this ability to Google things. He said two things that stood out to me. He said about 1,200 years ago, that door closed to the right brain and that connection with the subconscious, nature, and the superconscious. We became left-brain dominant. He didn’t speak as to what caused that closure but I can’t help but think that there’s a snowball effect where we have developed this world that we live in that’s based on all these radio waves and frequencies that distort our connection with the vibrations of nature. We’re more connected with these manmade radio wave systems that have come out of our artificial world. It causes that distortion. It’s harder for us to connect with nature. We have also built on top of nature and wiped out so much of the natural world from the surface of our planet. We live in these boxes so it does make it harder for us to reconnect. As he said, we’re left-brain dominant and not connected. We’re building this snowball effect but he also talked about that question instead of asking, “Is there life out there?” What forms of life are out there? Everything is based on the life force. Everything is alive, has a life force, and is based on a life force. What other forms of life are there out there? We think about prior to this shutdown of our right brain or the connection of our right brain. I made a note about it, “What’s invisible to us is solid in their dimensions.” I can’t help but think that with this time where this was open and connected, there was awareness and access to other dimensions where things that may be invisible to us now and were solid in their dimensions are visible than when this was open. How did they move these giant quartz rocks onto these power spots?
They caught it to precise accuracy.
We look at these things now and say, “That’s impossible. How could anyone do this?” They had access to awareness and to what is perhaps invisible to us now that maybe wasn’t invisible then.
You asked an important question, “What caused it to happen?” It’s because we have the two hemispheres or the whole of the physical dense wall. Whenever we reach a certain level of knowledge, there is this movement that becomes so materialistic. We have had this in recent history. The philosophy of materialism is that everything is only physical.
That divorced all of the sciences from the spiritual and sometimes the ethical quality form of it. The human being was taken from the equation. The effect on the human being was taken away from the equation.
In a way, when we start to think like that, the right brain is more diminishing, and the left brain is more dominant. That is out of balance. We need to be balanced. We design things, find discoveries, and keep dissecting and looking at where is life force but we are the life force. Where is God in the equation?
We’re in the oceans.
We are living it. In a way, how can the fish look for the water? It’s in the water. When that happens, all the designs are based on material greed or arrogance and things like that which shut off the effect of seeing or having a vision of the consequences of what we do. We built a lot of factories. All of a sudden, we discover, “We polluted the water. We polluted the Earth. We wiped the jobs from the people who are living on fishing and simple human beings living with nature like that.”
We don’t take that into account. It’s also cyclic because where is this civilization he talks about? We know that they cut all of these big rocks and the granite with specific precision. They must have a laser or some type of knowledge. How did they do it? Nobody knows. Modern science can’t even imitate it. That’s amazing. It means it’s cyclic. It goes in cycles.
In the stories of the prophets in all the holy books like the Quran, someone will come to remind people. God or the life force will bring someone awake and aware and send messages to people. If the people don’t listen, then there are consequences because the Earth can’t endure anymore. The Earth tries to recycle it and all of that. This civilization and the knowledge they had almost wiped it out.
Some people say, “Maybe that was Prophet Nuh, the flood that flooded the whole Earth.” That was one cycle and then a new cycle started. The message is held on for a while, and then it gets forgotten again. It’s a tendency of every human being. It’s for all of us to ask ourselves these questions and bring ourselves to awareness, “Am I respecting nature and aware of this or not?”
It’s like, “Am I connecting with the higher levels of consciousness?” The meaning of Sufism is the purification of the heart. That’s one of the meanings. That’s like, “Am I doing my inner work to connect with the spirit and the higher levels of consciousness so I can increase my awareness of what exists beyond the thick bar of this material or physical realm so that I can live more in harmony with nature and with the spirit and be aware of what exists and what may be solid in dimensions beyond this dimension that we live in?”
It all has to do with connecting through humanity and connecting to what is holy. Being compassionate and just is holy. It’s returning to these simple roots that we all have in our hearts. In a way, you can find all the messengers of God. They come to awaken that in us and to teach us some rituals that bring that sense of sacredness, community, and unity in us and make us aware of the subtle levels.
For example, when he was talking about the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere of the brain, I see how Prophet Isa relies on himself to Jesus. He said, “Be one foot on Earth, one foot in heaven.” Bring that balance. Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, would do everything starting with his right hand, right foot, or his consciousness but then he accompanied that with a prayer.
Whenever he sees the first harvest, he says a prayer. If he looks in the mirror, he says a prayer. If he mounts over a camel, he says a prayer. If he’s going to the market, out of the market, in the house, or out of the house, and when the rain comes or when he hears the thunder, everything was accompanied by prayer because language and sound are the languages of the soul. The body speaks about the physical. It tells you when it has pain or it has a disease but the language of expression is unique to the human being. It’s what can refine our level of awareness of what is holy at the moment.
I’m feeling what’s coming to me when you say that about accompanying everything with prayer, everything that you see and encounter, every movement, and every transition from inside to outside and from outside to inside and over and under. Accompanying everything with prayer is acknowledging the true life force, which is the love that you spoke of. What an opportunity if we could all sincerely train ourselves or habituate ourselves to have that invocation and recognition of that life force and pure love that exists in everything that we do, see, and come into contact with. I can only imagine what an impact that would have on the heart and soul.
They treated everything as alive also. Prophet Muhammad would say, “We love this mountain and the mountain loves us.” He could see the mere existence of the mountain. He can take from the mountain all the beautiful things so he can see the love or the life force that is in the mountain. He loves it back, whether it’s the trees. You find the stories about all the holy books communicating with everything or considering and treating everything with reverence, love, and respect. That is something we lost.
That’s something that would not be so hard to bring back. It’s setting an intention and saying, “I’m going to do this.” It might take a while to develop the habit but the power of that habit to transform our hearts and help us to connect with the sacred, bow our hearts in reverence to the life force within and the aliveness of everything that we see, and connect to the sacred through it is an opportunity.
I watched it in Yunus Emre: The Journey of Love, which is a Turkish series about the Sufi poet. It tells you about his life and his relationship with his shape. You can see how he’s a spiritual teacher of how they were all in the habit when someone hands the other something. It’s an inanimate object. They kiss it first and say, “Alhamdulillah.” They are interacting with everything.
When they’re coming back from a trip, they kiss the house walls and say, “Alhamdulillah. Praise be to God. Thank God.” They interacted with one another and with inanimate objects. They always treat it as a holy moment, a holy interaction, or a holy life. They were always bringing that sense. When you watch it, you feel that. It’s a very beautiful concept. If we set our intention and try to remember, it’s a path of remembrance or what we call in sufis Dhikr.
It’s to develop the habit. That’s something that we can each do and a change we can make in our lives that’s free and can have a powerful effect on ourselves, our homes, our families, our communities, and our world. There’s an opportunity right there.
Thank you.
This concludes parts 1 and 2 of this presentation with Dr. Ibrahim Karim and our commentary. For more, please join us at The Ocean of Sound Summit. Thank you.
Born in Egypt in 1942, Dr. Ibrahim Karim is a graduate in Architectural Engineering from the Federal Institute of Technology with a PhD in Technology and Tourist Planning. He is an Architectural Engineer by profession, a Hospital Design Consultant and a Tourist Planner. He is also practicing Interior Architecture and Furniture and Product Design with a new environment worldwide. Dr. Karim is the founder of BioGeometry, the science of subtle energy quality in a new paradigm in architecture and industrial design that uses the subtle energy effects of geometrical shapes to restore harmony to our modern technology environments. He teaches in several countries, including Egypt, Canada, Switzerland, and the US.
About Amany Shalaby, PhD
Author, Speaker, Teacher, Translator, Interpreter, Chaplain. Amany is Founder of Universal Chaplaincy and a Member of The Association of Muslim Chaplains, MWO’s Hakima.
– Amany served for twelve years as interpreter and translator for Sidi Shaikh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal, who was the Imam for al-Masjid al-Aqsa and the Head of the Sufi Counsel in Jerusalem for thirty years. She translated twenty books on Islamic spirituality, written by the Shaikh. Shaikh Muhammad al-Jamal taught that there is only one Divine message for humanity: It is the message of unity, love, peace, mercy, justice, and freedom for all.
– In her teachings, Amany integrates science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and clinical chaplaincy skills and experience. The foundation of her teaching is compassion, empathy, deep reflective listening, and facilitating a way for people to find meanings in life.
To her, love is the main transformational Divine Power. She believes all religions have a spiritual path that can guide people to know themselves and know their Masterful Nurturer.
She has a unique way of representing the common truth in all religions. She loves to participate in interfaith events to foster harmony and understanding.
– Amany earned her post-graduate diploma in Islamic studies from the Islamic College of Advanced Studies in London in 2002 – In 2015 Amany earned her master’s degree in comparative philosophy of religion from Middlesex University in London.
– Amany has eighteen years of experience providing spiritual care for several Shadhiliyya Sufi communities across the states. She is a faculty member, teaching Islamic studies at the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.
– Amany is the author of The Essence of Creation, The Emanation of Consciousness, Hidden Pearls, and is working on an upcoming book, The Seven Levels of Consciousness. She also authored two children’s books published by Richard Ownes Publications Inc.: Goha and His Donkey, and The Little Puffer Fish.
– Amany obtained her certificate of completion of CPE Level I from Adventhealth (Chaplaincy). – Amany is currently serving as a chaplain and gender equity coordinator for Muslim Women’s Organization.
– Amany lives in Florida and is a mother of three children, a son, and two daughters: a physician, a journalist, and a psychologist.