Achieving Perfect Harmony Through Sonic Geometry With Eric Rankin
People are innately attuned to music, either to the sounds of nature or the songs of the most popular artists. Author, researcher, and speaker Eric Rankin dug deeper into this art form to discover a new connection in the form of sonic geometry. Joining Debra Graugnard and her co-host Amany Shalaby, he shares his exploration of the harmonics of sacred geometry that make up the shapes found in creation. Citing the works of other scholars, Eric explains how shapes, numbers, music coming together in various cultures can help us understand the universe and its many mysteries. He also talks about the possible role of extraterrestrials or higher beings in deciphering this complex subject while navigating vibrations and frequencies that harmoniously flow around us.
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Achieving Perfect Harmony Through Sonic Geometry With Eric Rankin
Eric Rankin is an author, researcher, speaker, and lecturer. Eric is credited with discovering a significant and previously unknown connection between geometry and musical harmonics. His groundbreaking research, which he calls Sonic Geometry, suggests that not only is our geometric universe a symphonic system functioning and literal harmony with itself.This system may have been engineered by extraterrestrial beings. These findings take us back to an explosive moment in history when ancient Sumerians wrote that a technologically advanced race of sky people had provided them with codes and clues, which at some point in the future could potentially open up a channel of communication between our species.Eric’s Sonic Geometry videos have been viewed millions of times and translated into numerous languages while his research and findings have been featured on Gaia TV, History channels, and Ancient Aliens, as well as radio, television, and podcast interviews all over the world.Eric is a featured speaker at conventions such as Contact in the Desert, Portal to Ascension, and DisclosureFest. He is the only regularly featured lecturer at the world-famous Integratron in California’s Mojave Desert.He sits on panels with some of nowaday’s most renowned researchers in the fields of physics, mathematics, human origins, and extraterrestrial contact. I’m very excited about this interview. Welcome, Eric. My background is in mathematics. Amany is an engineer. We have both been students of Sufism and of the teachings of Ibn Arabi. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with all of his teachings on sound, the emanation of consciousness, and creation in that.There’s a lot of overlap for us to explore. Hopefully, we’ll all learn a lot from each other in this process as well. Amany is going to begin. Let me introduce Amany. She’s from Egypt. She has a Master’s in Comparative Philosophy of Religions. She has her postgraduate degree in Islamic Studies in Sufism.She did her dissertation on Ibn Arabi. She served as a translator for my spiritual teacher for the last twelve years of his life. She’s a Founder of Universal Chaplaincy and my co-teacher in our program called The Ocean of Sound, where we get to explore all of the mysteries hidden within the sacred sounds that make up our creations. Welcome, Amany. I’ll let you begin.Thank you for the introduction. It’s great to have you with us here, Eric. We’re very excited. I’m curious about what triggered your interest in Sonic Geometry and if you can share your story a little bit with the audience.
I grew up in the yachting industry selling and skippering boats here in Southern California. I spent so much time out on the water and started interacting with dolphins. First, you notice that dolphins like to ride the bow wave of a boat, the pressure wave, and surfing it.
Either they get tired or if the boat stops, they usually go away. I started going in the water with dolphins and feeling the ultrasonic pulsations that they emit. I became fascinated with the species and their behavior, their biology, and physiology.
I started reading books by some of the experts in dolphin research, primarily John Lilly in the ‘50s and ‘60s. He made some major discoveries about dolphins and how they live. He’s the inventor of the sensory deprivation tank. He did that to wonder what a more complex mind than ours does in a very low-stimulus environment.
He came under the idea that dolphins might be living in a structural world of sound. They are able to not only pulse out high frequencies like a bat uses radar. Dolphins ultrasound and get this ping back, but it’s much more advanced than that.
They can literally see inside each other in the exact same way. We use ultrasound and medical devices to look into the womb and see a fetus. That’s dolphin technology. That’s where we got that idea from. My book, The Aquarians, which was all about dolphins, is a novel, but I incorporated as much factual information as I could.
The Aquarians: 2012 – A New Era Begins
There are a lot of studies where the reason dolphins have such big brains and high storage capacity is the same reason our computers need such high storage capacity. It’s not for simple information. It’s for complex visual digital information.
The theory is that now dolphins and whales might be possible if once they send a pulse at something, what they receive back is a visual image, and now that’s known. The second part of that, which is a bit of a mystery, but it seems to be coming true more and more, is that they can store those codes of what they see and retransmit those to others.
More or less, you have a non-degrading digital file loaded with information that could potentially be millions of years old because dolphins have been on this planet looking like they look for at least 50 million years.
We may someday have 50 million years’ worth of visual records of what dolphins have seen in the water, which would include our evolution. Humans have gone in the water swimming, and in the water, dolphins would have a record of us as well.
What sparked my interest was frequency. After that, I was led to this place called the Integratron, which is a frequency machine, supposedly built with the assistance and guidance of extraterrestrials by an aeronautical engineer, not a crackpot.
He worked at Hughes aviation. He worked with Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes funded about 1/4 to 1/3 of the building of the Integratron. I started going there to experience what frequency does in this beautiful wooden dome. It’s called the world’s most perfectly acoustic wooden dome.
I started experimenting with frequencies and blindly toying around, thinking that certain resonances in what they do, every building, and every structure has its resonant frequency, but then bits of information started coming through that I did not put together.
One day, I was at my office, and this is where Sonic Geometry totally launched. I heard a voice, sounded inside my head, instructing me to go to my conference room, to my whiteboard, and draw a triangle. I did that. I have no idea what I’m doing or who I’m listening to, but I drew a triangle.
This voice said, “That’s great. Now, make note of the sum total of its three sides. It’s three angles.” I’m like, “I failed Geometry in high school and never took math again in college. I’ll have to look that up, but a triangle is always 180 degrees. If it has 3 angles, it’s always 180 degrees.” I did that. Lastly, it said, “Play that as a tone.”
I’m like, “How would I do that?” Many years ago, acoustic engineers, when testing speakers and frequency devices, have to buy a specific piece of equipment to create tone, generate sine wave tones, and perfect tones.
I downloaded an app on this.
It’s available to us on our smartphones, so I downloaded a tone-generating app. I played 180 cycles per second. I hear this tone, and I have it chime set so you can hear it a little clearer. I’m like, “That must be it.” I don’t know why I did those three things, but there it was.
Those were like, “No, you’re just getting started. We’re going to move through all the elemental geometric shapes.” I said, “What is next?” It’s a square or a circle. They said, “Yes, what is a square’s sum total?”
I did 90 degrees, 90 degrees, 90 degrees, and 90 degrees. I clang it, and I’m like, “That’s an octave.” I’m a musician. I play piano in a band I have had my whole life. That’s interesting thing that the musical interval is an octave.
They said, “What’s next?” “That’s a pentagon.” I clang the pentagon, and I instantly recognize that interval as a 1st and a 5th, which is the most common interval in Western music. It is how Western music tuning is. It’s called the circle of fifths.
Here we have the other sound. I’m like, “That’s interesting.” “What’s next?” “It was a hexagon.” That was another octave hire of the first shape. There was that. When I got to a septagon on seven sides, it provided an octave of this tone. That’s a third.
These are mathematically perfect ratios. These aren’t how music is tuned. When we start fine-tuning music on a piano or anything, we call it equal temperament. It’s fudged a lot. It’s a lot of decimal points and near misses, but it’s not mathematically perfect.
When you play either the first, the triangle, and then the square, and then the pentagon, and now the septagon, which is seven sides, is the third. The primary shapes are either the 1st, the 3rd, and the 5th, which is the most beautiful form of music.
When we hear a major chord, something inside of us tells us, “Everything’s right. It’s angels singing. It’s the king and queen getting together. It’s the war being won. It’s an affirmation to us that everything is right.”
The primary shapes are the most beautiful forms of music. Hearing that chord is an affirmation that everything is right. Share on X
I’m like, “This is amazing that geometry is revealing this major chord.” I rushed to my laptop and Google searched for it. This is now going back to 2012, over several years ago in August. I typed in any combination of geometry revealing major chord harmonics, inverted, or any of that. It’s zero.
I was quite surprised. As I started doing more research and made all the notations about this and sent it to some of my music theory friends, they said, “You discovered something that had not been discovered yet.” I go, “That’s impossible.”
My entry about why I get invited to these conferences or Ancient Aliens or Gaia TV is this one major discovery. It’s led to others, but there’s something significant in this primary essence. I’m not sounding very conversational. Maybe I’ll stop here in case you have a question.
It generates a lot of questions. First, you said the dolphins send vowels. Is it an electromagnetic vowel?
It’s not electromagnetic. It is a pure wave form. They have the capability of creating in the melon. Unless you saw the skeleton of a dolphin, you would think it has this bulbous skeleton, but it does not. It looks like a bird. That big bulb is what’s called the melon. This gelatinous sack can impulse their skull focus.
They can compress this sack of fluid and emit the frequencies out through that in a very targeted way, and then they receive the information back in their lower jaw, and the signal goes up to their brain as an image. It’s super sensitive. They can tell a dime from a penny 100 yards away. It’s delicately sensitive, and that’s it. It is not electromagnetic. It is a vibratory sound wave.
As you’re receiving this information, are these dolphins communicating with you that you’ve spent so much time with them and saying, “We’re going to help this guy help the people?”
Maybe. I never got any information from a dolphin like a telepathic message or something, but if you’re in the water long enough with different dolphins of different species, you realize that your physiology is being affected by them.
When you are blasted with this range of frequencies, you’re being electrocuted. Sometimes the tingling can last for days and even weeks. My first interaction with a dolphin in Florida, that sensation lasted a couple of weeks, and I was just buzzing inside out. Every cell inside of me was vibrating and buzzing.
That, to me, is beautiful. In my spiritual journey, I have had that experience in meditation where information feels like it’s transmitted through vibratory messages, so why not?
I would say that my experience with the dolphins has somehow opened a certain receptor to me because I am the last guy that should be talking about physics, geometry, technology, and all of that ancient culture. I somehow was capable of putting these different factors together and seeing something big and meaningful.
Once the door is opened and you go down the rabbit hole, it doesn’t stop. Other people are contributing to this field of work where it’s about number sequences. You’re a mathematician, it sounds like. It’s not necessarily math, although if you have a higher-functioning brain than mine, there are people using this information. They are seeing how it connects to FI ratios, Fibonacci, and pineal patterning.
It’s all connected and held with these same numeric. That’s the easy thing. The information that I revealed in both Sonic Geometry 1 and 2 is tons of information. It’s something that people can pick apart and see that it’s like gears in a finely machined watch or clock.
You don’t have to say, “Isn’t this interesting how close or similar?” This is mechanically perfect gearing. The other aspects of it are because these number sequences that reveal this have been with us since Sumerian times, roughly 6,000 years ago, 4,000 BC when we got a particular counting system revealing math from the Sumerians.
We got these number sequences like 432, 108, 216, 144, or 72 that became significant in religious studies or spiritual practices, but they were grounded there, “What do they mean?” We might not know what they mean, but there are people like Graham Hancock. Let’s take one guy.
I don’t think he’s the person who discovered this, but the number 432 is the number sequence. No matter if it has decimal points or zeros behind it, the number sequence is 432. He discovered that The Great Pyramid of Giza, if you took its circumference, has four sides. Multiply that length. You don’t have to call it inches or feet or anything.
Multiply that times 43,200, you get the circumference of our planet. If you multiply the base by the apex of The Great Pyramid of Giza and multiply that by the same number, 43,200, you get from the dead center of Earth to the North Pole.
Sonic Geometry: Taking the circumference of the Giza Pyramids and multiple it to 43,200, you get the circumference of the entire planet.
We’re not just talking about interesting information to play with, decipher, and tease out. You are being reminded that someone or intelligence of some sort knew this, wrote these number sequences down, or implanted us with these number sequences, waiting almost for us to see how they are being revealed.
It wasn’t until we could know how the exact circumference of our planet or the diameter of the sun or the moon, could we see this precise number of sequences repeated over and over again. That’s why it never stops. We’re scratching the surface of what all this information means.
It seems to me that there are two ways by which we receive knowledge, trial and error and experiment, but also through inspiration. In our past and many religions, this extraterrestrial can be called those different names like angels. We have also JinnIn Islamic Sufism, we believe there is an invisible creature like the angels and the Jinn that may communicate with some people and bring this knowledge or inspiration to them. Is that a thread you found common in all ancient cultures as well?
I like to expand it or at least incorporate more science into it as well. These myths like Joseph Campbell, these spiritual teachings, religious teachings, and myths happen to reveal a lot of these similar ideas. Let’s look at a guy like Nikola Tesla.
We are living in Nikola Tesla’s world of electronics. Whether how we generate electricity, how it’s sent, how it’s used, and the motors that use them, and how that happened, that’s all Tesla and to create the first dynamo. When we think of the invention process of trial and error, Thomas Edison and the light bulb, it took him 500 tries to get the filament, vacuum, heat, and containment bulb correct.
With Nikola Tesla, a much more complicated machine, the dynamo, he saw it in his mind. He said he was receiving it from somewhere outside of himself. He could look at this device, spin it around in 3D, and when he made the first one, it worked perfectly.
He even said extraterrestrial. Somewhere, there is an intelligence that is sending information to us. Whether we want to believe that or not and say it’s ridiculous to think about extraterrestrials, we are living full of Tesla’s world of electricity, and he said he got that from extraterrestrials. Like it or not, we’re living in that world.
Even though it is ridiculous to think about extraterrestrials, we are currently living Nikola Tesla’s world of electricity, which he attributes to extraterrestrials. Share on XThere’s definitely an intelligence beyond ourselves. We are in on our good days, I believe. We tapped into an intelligence larger than ourselves that can inspire through us and end up with some manifestation in this 3D material realm that we live in.We experience that through our bodies. It comes from beyond ourselves. I ask about the number 432 because that seems to be a cornerstone of information in terms of frequency. How did you derive at 432? How did that come through for you?
The way it came through for me was probably different than other people, but that very first day that I was there in my conference room on the whiteboard, I started making notes of some of these. First, it’s the primary geometric shapes, and then I took it up to platonic solids, and then I took it to sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life.
I realized that the same cord, those same number sequences, and the same tones were held in all this, whether it’s 2D or 3D or even sacred geometry. I realized that the number totals totaled 9, 180 degrees of the triangle. 180 is 9. I started seeing some numbers and figured, “Could I build a tuning scale from these three tones that I got, the F sharp, A sharp, and C sharp?”
Sure enough, if I moved by factors of 9, I came up with not a 12-tone scale, but a 14-tone scale. As I moved down, there it became the number 27. That was the very first row of numbers. 27 octaves up is 54 octaves up, the same tone, just a higher octave is 108, and then 216. Doubled it again is 432.
I knew all those numbers. I already knew that 108 was the number of beads in a Mala necklace. I’m like, “That’s an interesting synchronicity.” A lot of people are familiar not with the big Buddha but the fit meditating Buddha.
A lot of people think he has curly hair. Those aren’t curls on his head of hair. Those are snails that supposedly in the myth rose up his back as he was meditating in the hot sun. Exactly 108 gathered on the top of his head.
This Joseph Campbell who came up with the idea of The Hero’s Journey also came to realize as he traveled the world studying myth and religious teachings that there was such a thing as mathematical mythology. There were a number of sequences held in many stories.
When you talk about Jinns, there’s a famous battle between 72 Jinns and 72 Saints. You can go to Judaism and find 72 names of God. You can go to the Quran, and there are 72 virgins waiting for martyrs. Seventy-two is a number embedded in virtually every major religion, and we were like, “For what purpose?”
Usually, you don’t get past the question. It’s there, and now it’s important to us. Why is that number found in every religion, 144, 12 squared? We have 144,000 chosen ones in Christianity, in the book of Revelations. There were 144,000 smooth white limestones that covered The Great Pyramid of Giza.
There are 144,000 days in the Mayan timekeeping cycle called the Baktun. Once again, we see these mythological numbers becoming significant in other measuring systems, and that’s where it keeps flowering and infinitely expansive.
It’s very interesting. When I think of Angels, for example, in our path, we believe Prophet Muhammad said that angels are made of light. If you think of light, it’s electromagnet or part of a spectrum called electromagnetic. We only can perceive a visible aspect of it. Angels can be like that.There’s the medium of bringing knowledge from the unseen world to the prophets or messengers of God and also to regular humans of what we call inspiration. Numbers are significant in many religious texts. In Islam, the 72 version is not very popular. Not in the Quran itself in what we call Hadith.The Hadith that speaks about the 72 version, which some Muslim extremists believe in, is not very authentic Hadith, but the 72 number is still significant in Islam because the Prophet Muhammad said that Muslims, like Christians and Jewish people, will be divided into 72.Among those will be wrong, and only one will be on the right path. There is also the battle between the grandchild of Prophet Muhammad. He had this battle with forces of evil, and there were 72 martyrs in that battle.I can see the commonality of how significant certain numbers are repeated in a religious context. These numbers, what you are saying are connected to the sacred geometry or the invisible fabric of the universe.It carries meaning to us. These meanings, how can they benefit us in our daily life, these numbers and sacred geometry? For the regular audience like, “What does this mean to me?” can you elaborate a little bit on that?
For the first people, it will mean something to will be advanced researchers that they will get affirmations. There are still things that we don’t understand. Even in physics, when we talk about particle physics, it all works perfectly if you stay in the realm of particle physics and all the mechanics that work, then you go to astrophysics.
On a very large scale physics and the rules there, all apply, but so far, they’re not talking to each other. We’re looking for a space-time fabric that connects everything together from the very smallest because, to our logical thinking, the big things must be made of the smallest things.
We believe in atomic structures or subatomic structuring, but we don’t necessarily know the patterning of it. What is the energy gridwork? I happen to pull these two props, and they might be meaningful. The Holy Grail in spatial geometry, because there are a lot of physicists who believe that we are living in a tetrahedral universe, it is the smallest structure because the smallest structure we know of is a tetrahedron.
Sonic Geometry: Even with advanced research, there are still things we cannot understand. For instance, we believe that atomic structures are subatomic structuring, but its patterning is still unknown.
You’ll get mathematicians and physicists saying, “Since a containment field does not get any smaller, then this must be revealing some important aspect of our fractal nature of the universe, the mirroring, the as above, so below, the micro revealing, the macro, and back and forth.”
They think that this must be it because it doesn’t get smaller. I was exposed to an artist, and he said there is a geometric container that is smaller, and it meets all the criteria of being a geometric solid, meaning it will have points, faces, and edges.
What he proposed was this, which is exactly one-sixth of a circle. It is exactly the leaf of the seed of life and the flower of life but multi-dimensional. This is the true smallest geometric containment field. It has points, surfaces, and edges.
When you think of the universe, think in terms of this as being an elastic thing that could twist, stretch, and compress, and all of a sudden, all the things missing in hard angle geometry, where we know that we need torque, spin, rotation, and pulse, the tetrahedron doesn’t do any of those things very well. It implies that those things could be there, but it doesn’t invite them.
With this shape, imagine it being fluid. It could do all of those things in its form itself. It could twist, stretch, compress, and bend. All of a sudden, you have a geometric model that could contain the Holy Grail of what we’re looking for. That’s fascinating to me. If you give me a second, I could show you a couple of other models if you like seeing those.
I do. You have that flower of life on the wall behind you.
It’s not the classic flower that is a pineal pattern of equal. It’s not a pineal pattern of a pine cone because it has the same number of arcs going one way as the same number of arcs going the other way. A pineal pattern, like in a pine cone would have the golden ratio number. It would have thirteen in the other, but these are both equal.
It looks a little more like chrysanthemums or sunflower seeds or something. Certainly, because it is curved, it alludes to sacred geometry because it’s a feminine curve rather than masculine straight hard edges. If you too want to talk for a second, I’ll show you a couple of other models, especially Amany or both of you will be very interested in
I love that you have that representation because it does show how that one arc there is found in several places within that pattern. I know that’s not exactly the flower of life, but it’s similar. It shows how it can be found in several different sizes and shapes there.I love it because even though we feel like we’re still on this planet, the planet is in motion. It is rotating and revolving. There is a spiral that is happening even when we think that we’re still. I love that because it seems to leave more space for the spiraling as opposed to the static.
It allows for space within space.
It reminds me of what I have studied in Arabic. It was an agnostic who spoke about how the universe is made of letters. If you think of letters as strings, it reminds me also of the string theory of how these letters can twist, turn, and make shapes. These shapes, when they combine together, can form the elements that we know and everything else emerges from that.
Look at the technology, the findings that we’ve seen, this massive world’s largest machine by far, the CERN Collider. When they are looking for this Holy Grail of a subatomic particle, the God particle if you wanted to call it that, they’re firing two protons and colliding with each going the speed of light in opposite directions. When they take up a picture of it, more or less, everything is arching out of it. There are no straight trajectories out of it. Every single disbursement out of it is arching.
When we go to space, we can’t go in a straight line. We have to go on a curve. The Holy Quran has a verse that refers to that. It has to be an ascending curve to go to other dimensions or space. You have to go in a curve.
It’s true. That parabolic arc is required. Sometimes when I hear ark in Bible, Noah and the ark, instead of the ark as a boat, I think of the significance of the ark. In some cultures, a rainbow is called the arc. We have the Ark of the Covenant. Maybe that ark was an actual conveyance of the significance of an ark.
I wonder about those things. That’s me wondering. There is a physicist that was a contemporary of Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell, who had this quote, “All trajectory is a curve, and all line is spiral.” “Everything around us is straight. What are you even talking about?”
When you understood what he was talking about, that curve and a straight line can function together. That’s the beauty of it. We have our little model here, and I love that it also pulses. It looks like a wave of frequency. This is a multi-dimensional sound wave.
When we think of a guitar string vibrating, it looks like on a computer screen, it’s flat going up and down. It is spiraling around as well as dipping up and down. It certainly alludes more to that. You may be both familiar with Buckminster Fuller and his contributions to math and physics.
He became almost obsessed with the shape that he called the vector equilibrium. That is the cuboctahedron. It has 8 triangles and 6 squares. I don’t have the exact model of a vector equilibrium here, but people would be familiar with it if they saw it. It’s beautiful. He thought it was the geometry of the universe because it does some unique things.
It’s the first geometric solid that has a true core where every one of its vectors is not only the same length but they are offset by the same 60 degrees of each other. As it grows exponentially of itself, every representation of it, even if it was universally big, there would be a center of it.
Sonic Geometry: The vector equilibrium is the first geometric solid with a true core. Every one of its vectors is the same length and is offset by 60 degrees of each other.
The personal universe would have a center. If you were standing next to another person, your stereoscopic vision, your world, or your universe would be slightly different from the person even standing right next to you. Your vanishing point would be a different zero-point vanishing point than everybody else’s in the world.
That’s why we have different perspectives. We’re looking from different angles.
What I did with Buckminster Fuller’s model is instead of taking these straight lines from zero point and connecting them to a hard-angled shape, I took this shape and replaced it. Now we have this unique star pattern. If I hold it right, you could see sacred geometry hiding in there, the 6 petals, but there are 12 of these.
Like you’re saying in the Quran that there are 72 around 1, this becomes significant because there are 12 around 1. It’s thirteen points required. I became obsessed with this shape, and if I could skin it, you would see eight triangles. If I can focus, you would see a square and triangles.
I took that model and very quickly assembled it out of pipe cleaners and Styrofoam balls because I wanted to see what it would look like. Imagine that I took that star. I don’t know if you can see it, but at this point right here, you can almost see the six right there.
Here’s that same vector equilibrium matrix. I let that star structure be the top of a structure that kept growing and growing. When I got four levels down, I had no idea that what I would be looking at was the flower of life in two dimensions. To me, the flower of life has always been a suggestion like a primer.
In its most elegant, simple, basic way, it gets us to look dimensionally. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie Contact with Jodie Foster, but terrestrials were beaming down tens of thousands of pieces of information looking like pages. We couldn’t decipher them because it seemed like there was a primer needed to put them all together.
In sacred geometry, the simple flower of life is our primer to this multi-dimensional aspect that the model I showed you. Here’s an interesting story. I happen to have one of the world’s most famous physicists, Menas Kafatos. He’s a Greek physicist. He’s a dean of physics here in California.
He’s written books with Deepak Chopra about physics and spirituality. He looked at this exact model. First, he asked me where I got my Physics degree, and I said, “I never took Physics in my life.” He goes, “How would you build this model?” I gave him the story, and he goes, “This is the most elegant model of the quantum universe I’ve ever seen.”
It’s impressive that you were able to do it by yourself.
It was very simple. It was easy. All I had to do was remember this shape, and then start as a tetrahedron, and then down and down. It then revealed this shape, and then that shape. I put it at the top and built another one, and there was sacred geometry waiting for me at the bottom of it. It’s all curved, but you can also see plenty of straight lines.
Also, with the hidden dimensions, when you see it from a different angle, then the other dimensions are hidden.I always imagined that the flower of life, though we see it represented in 2D, it’s got to be spherical. Everything you break down or you continue to segment all of the inner circles with the flowers of life contained within like microcosmic, it’s going to be infinitely smaller as well as infinitely larger. It has to be representative of all forms.
There’s a physicist here in California, Nassim Haramein. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of him. He’s a radical physicist. He doesn’t have any degrees, but he has a huge following and a lot of people that regard his work highly. He believes that he’s found this Holy Grail of the quantum universe, the unified field.
It started with the smallest thing we measure. It’s sub-atomically small that it’s ridiculously small, but it has a value to it. He started thinking of it not as a point but as its own tiny sphere. He scaled that up to bigger spheres that he could get his mind around.
He started modeling these spheres, touching each other, the compaction of spheres. That’s what guided Buckminster Fuller to this model, to the vector equilibrium. What Nassim did is rather than the spheres just touching each other on the surface, he imagined them overlapping each other.
Like soap bubbles overlap, you don’t see the overlap. You see where the surface meets the surface. When he started doing these models where you could see the overlapping spheres, like overlapping bubbles, that’s when he said that was the thing that ignited his research and got him much closer so he can scale up his model of the universe from the smallest to the biggest, and it keeps its scale intact.
Potentially, he has helped break into that mysterious realm where microphysics, particle physics, and quantum physics are now communicating with astrophysics and larger physics. It’s all based on this model, and it all incorporates curves. To me, this model might be significant.
Sonic Geometry: Nassim Haramein broke into the mysterious realm where microphysics, particle physics, and quantum physics are communicating with astrophysics and larger physics all by using a model that incorporates curves.It’s interesting. You are talking about the overlapping and being compacted together. It reminds me of the Quran verse that says how heaven is layered and compacted. The exact word is used. I’m curious because I also got this ebb that transfers an image to tunes. I wonder if you were able to get the tunes for the flower of life, other shapes, and the frequency notes.
Absolutely, they all repeat.
Is it a flower of life? Is it repeated in a certain way?
The vector equilibrium sum total is 3,600. That also is in the scale of all these tones that we talk about. Instead of 360, it’s now by factors of 10 going out to 3,600. It still seems to allude to the harmonics and say that we need all three rather than a singular tone. It’s significant thinking.
There are tons of gobbledygook out there on the internet and YouTube talking about certain frequencies that will heal you, a single frequency, like 528 is the frequency of your heart or love or something like that. Most scientists will say, “There’s nothing wrong with 528 hertz, but to say that it’s going to do something by itself, probably not.”
When you start combining frequencies, now you have them vibrating against each other. You have cavitation, activity, generation, or energy trying to do something. That requires multiple frequencies, not just one. That’s the beauty of this geometric universe.
When you start combining frequencies, you have them vibrating against each other. This leads to cavitation, activity, regeneration, and energy. That’s the beauty of the geometric universe. Share on X
It seems like there are three primary frequencies. In the Christian tradition, you think of the Holy Trinity. I often wonder, “Was that a way of talking about a Holy Trinity of tones?” There’s the song, Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen. He says, “I heard there was a secret chord that pleased the Lord.” I wonder if that might literally be a thing.
How often do we talk about and throw around the words of living in harmony and what does living in harmony really mean? It says everything in nature has a sound. Everything has a vibration, and vibration emits a frequency. Frequency emits sound, whether we can hear it with our ears or not. We are innately attuned to know when a sound is harmonic and when it is pleasing. We respond to that.
That’s the mystery of 432. Back towards the end of the talk here, is 432 significant? It seems so. All around the world, even if it’s not Western tuning as a circle of the fifth, the middle of a piano is our comfort zone of hearing.
You will find many old indigenous instruments that have this A as part of it, vibrating somewhere around that four. It could be as low as 420 or as high as 450. That’s where the A oscillated is tuning systems forever. For a while, concert tuning here in the United States was 432. Verdi was composed in 432.
Orchestras are traveling the world, and we have to have a standard. And at that time, the standard was pitched up a little bit to 440. That right in the middle of our comfortable hearing range, that A was shifted to 8 hertz from 432 to 440.
You could argue back and forth, “How does it sound better? Is it brighter? Is it vibrating with Earth or not?” Maybe not the part about vibrating with Earth or not because when you’re in the 440 matrix, all of this information, everything we’ve talked about, these numbers in myth, and religious and spiritual teachings, they all go away.
They all don’t mean anything anymore to music. If you drop it down to 432, it’s almost like you’re inviting the masses into this awareness field. To me, what’s far more valuable than just listening to music are all the things it relates to.
I would say that 432 is probably an organic essential frequency on the Earth and in ourselves. Drop it down to 432, 216, 108, 54, or 27, it means something. Those primary tones mean something. We’re just beginning to open our minds and eyes. We needed the technology.
We’re the advanced technological species that we are only where we have these devices of measuring sound and being able to duplicate, replicate, and measure it by a second. That technology didn’t exist 150 years ago. We are the people that might start breaking the codes of this because we have the technology to do it.
I find it very interesting. For instance, this is said in the Quran that you can’t take something out of order or out of context because there are mathematics and numerology embedded and coded. It’s coded messages there that you can find.If you take one little thing out of order, it changes the code. It seems to me that by going from 432 to 440, it changes the code. I haven’t been studying Mathematics for many years, but when I was studying it and embedded into it, I was having experience of existing in this geometric realm.I had this realization, “If we tweaked one little thing, it would change everything throughout.” I could have those experiences of traveling in that geometric realm. Sadly, I’ve lost that, and I’m hoping to reconnect with that a little bit here in this conversation.
Briefly, there’s a whole other conversation, but think psilocybin, whether it’s found in LSD or mushrooms in its organic form or whatever. When people ingest that, at times, they will see a beautiful matrix unfold in front of their very eyes.
They will see the geometry, the fluidity, the lines, and the shimmer. They will see all that. Alter that molecule one teeny bit, and none of that happens. None of it. It’s similar, but you’re not going to have the same experience. The way you expressed it is exactly right. It needs to be exactly right.
To me, that’s a bit of a tragedy in music all over the world, or at least in Western music. Our music is not mathematically perfect. The only numbers in hertz cycles on a standard keyboard would be A, and it’s octaves. Octave down from 440 would be 220, down in octave would be 110, and up in octave would be 880.
Those are the only pure numbers you will see on a piano. As soon as you get to any other frequency to sound and blend okay to our ears, they’ve all been tweaked a little bit. They’re all off and have decimal points going out sometimes to look like infinity. It is not the pure mathematical ratios as revealed by nature.
We’ve robbed ourselves of hearing these mathematical perfect tones revealed in nature’s patterning and designs. We don’t hear it. If you haven’t seen Sonic Geometry videos, possibly the only time you’ve heard mathematically perfect is now.
It’s pretty interesting. Sometimes when we hear something that is called sacred music, it’s a little different than regular music. There is something there. Also, I’m not a musician. I don’t have much knowledge about music.I know that there are different skills also in the Eastern world than the Western music. It seems there is something there about the secret of knowing these frequencies and feeling them and being in harmony with them.
I’m not very familiar with the teachings of the Quran, but it sounds like Muhammad was receiving some important geometric information. The codes include how the universe works. I would ask after our conversation if you could make notations of the ones that you think are significant and email them to me. I would love to read those.
Sure. We’ve been exploring this area, me and Mastura in our class The Ocean of Sound. We are making this summit and interviewing different people from different fields and religious backgrounds, especially backgrounds to see what their views are so we can integrate the knowledge and enrich each other together. We’ll be happy to share that with you.
I would love to do that. Jesus probably got some of that information when he sent it to heaven. That is the micro and the macro revealing. That’s very much of a quantum physics idea.
The similarity also is that the Bible says the word was created from the word, and the word is a vibration. In the Quran, it says the word is created from the word be, which means existence itself. Existence itself is a vibration from the ultimate reel of what we call God. It all came as a vibration from that.
We call it a mic drop here in the states when you say something profound. “Existence is a vibration,” that’s your mic drop.
Even the word for be in Arabic is kun, which is associated with the creator, and nūn is associated with the creation, and it’s embodied within the nūn, and the nūn is of the creator. All of the creation is of the creator. There is not a separation.The circle is the basic of sacred geometry. That is how we go in a cycle in life, from the invisible to the visible, and from the visible to the invisible when we die. It’s everything. It has this geometrical motion or aspect to it.That’s encoded in the shape of the letters also when you study the shape of the letters of the visible, invisible, the dot, and the representation in the shapes as well. It’s found in nature, the cosmos, and the body. If you want to understand, read three books, the three books being the cosmos, the body, and the Quran, where there’s much encodedIt seems like there’s the knowledge that was lost in the past, this knowledge that the ancient civilization had and got lost. It is awakening again.
Maybe not lost, but maybe hijacked or kept secret. When we talk about secret societies, it wasn’t lost. It was wanting to be kept for a very few people because this truly does almost open up where you could think of yourself as being God-like. If you want to think, “I’ve got all the information. Let’s keep everybody else in the dark,” you could do that with this information.
Sonic Geometry: Secret societies were not lost. They were just kept for a very few people who almost open up to become God-like beings. If you have access to this information, you would keep everybody else in the dark too.In the pyramid, everything in it was taken. There is this tunnel in Egypt that was full of information that was also taken, and nobody knows where it is now.
Probably the Vatican.
It’s a very interesting topic, and we’re happy that you shared with us your knowledge.
If I had known both of your pedigrees, I might have been a little more intimidated to come on.
Not at all. As Amany said, we all bring our information together. We can learn more from each other. I know that I have a lot more to learn from you, and I have watched your videos on your website, I’ll go ahead and throw that out there. There are fascinating videos there. I’ve also then explored more on YouTube. It’s fascinating information.One of the things that you said was you’re probably the least likely guy for this information to come through. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was illiterate, yet the entire Quran was downloaded through him. There is perhaps an element of credibility that comes through when you are not the likely guy who’s been out there looking for the information. You can relate to that.
I can relate to that. In my very literal way, these guides dropped in a few years later and said, “You were always our least likely to succeed, but you got it.” Good job to the degree that you could do it.
You did amazing work to be able to create this model. It’s fascinating. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Thank you so much too.
You might want to wrap up with any words of wisdom for those who want to continue studying or learn more.
You could study the people that I’ve said, like Buckminster Fuller. He was tapped into something like this. There are people like Alan Watts and the philosophers that came away with a geometric awareness. Walter Russell, these are people in the late 1800 and early 1900 that had a certain awareness come through them and could convey it in modern language.
Unlike Muhammad, Jesus, or other people, they use the language as best as they could alluding to things, but certain concepts might be very hard to convey in the language of the day or the thinking of the day. Everything is connected. Ultimately, the messages and everything are connected.
The way you said it, Amany, “Vibration is existence.” That’s it. Our vibration is affecting everyone else’s vibration. Everything’s vibration is affecting every other thing’s vibration. When you drop into that field of awareness and think that everything you think, say, and do matters vibrationally to the vibration in the entire field, you start living a little more consciously, I believe.
Our personal vibration is affection for everyone else’s vibration. When you drop into this field of awareness, you start living a little more consciously. Share on XThank you so much for saying that.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you both. Keep me posted on both of you. If you think there are particular teachings or verses in the Quran that apply to this conversation we’ve been having, I would love to read them.
Maybe the works of Ibn Arabi, so we can send you some information on that as well.
Absolutely. I’m still researching. I’m still on my journey.
We are all on this journey of research and discovery.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much. For those of you reading this, stay tuned for more information from The Ocean of Sound.
Eric Rankin, Author, Researcher, Speaker, is credited with discovering a significant and previously unknown connection between geometry and musical harmonics. His groundbreaking research, which he calls “Sonic Geometry,” suggests that not only is our geometric universe a symphonic system functioning in literal harmony with itself, but that this system may have actually been engineered by extraterrestrial beings. These findings take us back to an explosive moment in history, when ancient Sumerians wrote that a technologically-advanced race of “sky-people” had provided them with codes and clues which, at some point in the future, could potentially open up a channel of communication between our species.