Abortion: Controversies, Compassion, & Collective Responsibility
The topic of Abortion is fraught with controversy, especially now with the recent laws passed in Texas and other conservative states.
Abortion is an issue that pulls on my heart strings. It’s not a choice I’ve had to make personally, and I’m grateful for that, but I have held space for many as they shared their stories of the choices they faced after abuse, especially incest.
I’ve been present with young girls – children who do not know their bodies well enough to determine pregnancy at early stages – who are paralyzed in fear because no choice feels like a “good” choice.
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And now I live in Texas whose lawmakers have recently passed the strictest abortion law in this country – no abortion after 6 weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest. And several states are following suit.
Note: this topic is the next question from “The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.” The Texas law was passed after this chapter was written, but the Answer is relevant.
If abortion has been a choice you struggled with, you will find compassion here. If you struggle to understand the dilemmas of others, I hope you gain clarity and understanding here... Share on X
In a society where sexual freedom is touted, where the exploitation of sexual power is broadcast to children through every form of media, where role models are created that encourage engaging in sexual activities in order to fit in (without consideration for consequences) – and then laws are created to limit resources available to those who find themselves in difficult predicaments.
There is a lack of integrity, an incongruency between what we display as social norms and what we expect of the developing members of our society. The resultant situation is heart-breaking, and as a collective, we all hold some level of responsibility.
There is an incongruency between what we display as social norms and what we expect of the developing members of our society. The result is heart-breaking, and as a collective we all hold some level of responsibility. Share on X
In today’s Meditation & Healing Circle, we offer prayers for the collective of humanity, for our culture, and for the individuals who struggle with choices currently or from the past.
If abortion has been a choice you made and struggled with, you will find compassion here. If you struggle to understand the dilemmas of others, I hope you gain clarity and understanding here. In any case, I hope you will join us in praying for the soul of humanity.
NOTE: The following is from an energetic download that came through in a writing retreat. It is shared “as is” with no edits. I do not make claims to speak for God or any other spiritual entity. However, I do recognize that this information is important to share as our planet is evolving. This question and response are part of the upcoming book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
What about abortion?
This too is a part of the journey. With every decision, there is an opportunity to know yourself and to choose. You can never know fully and completely the struggles in someone’s heart. It’s difficult to even know your own. Do not judge. Offer loving support to help the parents find their best option.
Abortion should only happen within the first 120 days. After that the soul is connected to the body. Meanwhile know yourself. What is your situation? Can you safely bring this child into the world? If you cannot care for the child, can you give it to loving parents who can give it love and protection and guidance?
If the circumstances are not safe for you, do not endanger your life or the life of the child. A child is a gift, not meant to break your heart or your body. The decision is a part of the journey to know yourself and know love. Which is more loving for you? Which is more loving for the child?
Can you choose love without attachment or judgment? Without guilt or shame? But with trust and compassion, with self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others? I know what is in your heart. Only I know with is at the depth of your heart- and you know. Seek what is in the depths of your heart. Choose what is love for you. Without judgment. And trust.
If you know someone who is struggling, be the love for them. Do not hold judgment or pictures or beliefs about what they should or should not do. Let go of old boxes. You do not know what all is in their hearts. You do not know what I’m making for them with their journey. Only I know. I am the judge, not anyone else.
Your role is to be love, reflect love, hold a space of love, so they can get clarity. Once their decision is made, support them. They need support. What comes from it will be part of their journey to carry forward and deal with as needed over time. And still your role is to be the love. It’s about the journey to know love no matter what crosses your path and through whatever crosses your path at whatever time in whatever order.
Help them keep returning to love and you do the same. Be the love. Know love. The answer is love.
May you experience the eyes of God seeing through you to witness the expression of God that appears before you through every aspect of existence.
You’re invited and welcomed to join us live next week – we continue with Section 2: Gender Identity, Gender Roles, Family, Parenting, & Children. The question is: “What about divorce?”
See you there!
If you could use support with releasing your pictures of what the world is and how it works so you can move into living the world of peace NOW, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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Photo credit: Professional assistance. Close up of biracial female psychologist therapist hands holding palms of millennial woman or teenage girl patient client talking consulting helping accept difficult situation by fizkes, Adobe Stock Photo