If you’re looking for practices that honor your body, heart, soul, and spirit, Self-Care for the Soul is the podcast for you. Join Debra for teachings and tools to help you deeply and intimately know yourself and honor what you truly need to live a life of vibrant health, joy, and fulfillment. Awaken the truth that you are never separate from your essence. Live consciously in harmony with the planet, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and all that drives your quest for honoring a more meaningful, fulfilling, and sustainable life.
Episode Blogs
Righteousness as a Feminine Strength
We have hope, we have faith, but then things do not go as we have visualized and intended. How can we keep the faith regardless of outcome?
Keeping Your Faith Regardless of Outcome
We have hope, we have faith, but then things do not go as we have visualized and intended. How can we keep the faith regardless of outcome?
Harvesting Inner Peace: Discovering Strength & Wisdom through Mother Earth’s Energy
Listen to this meditation to purge old conditioning that keeps us agreeing to live in archaic behaviors and beliefs and bring our energies into a synergistic relationship that can create true strength and move our humanity forward.
Feminine-Masculine Synergy for the Future of Humanity
Listen to this meditation to purge old conditioning that keeps us agreeing to live in archaic behaviors and beliefs and bring our energies into a synergistic relationship that can create true strength and move our humanity forward.
Prayers for a Peaceful Election: Raise the Vibration, Be the Change
Use these prayers for a peaceful election as a tool to reset your frequency at any time throughout this election cycle and beyond.
Restoring Self-Trust
When we lose trust in ourselves, that passion we once felt for life dampens. The inner spark gets dimmed by all the walls we put around it. But that spark is still there, and it can be revived as you restore trust in yourself.
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