Exploring Spiritual Realms: A Journey through the Heart
In today’s Prayer & Healing Circle, we use a combination of practices to take a journey into and through the anatomical heart, but with a Spiritual medium and intention. It’s an exquisite journey!
Listen to the podcast here:
In today’s practice, we combine Continuum Movement practices with ancient Sufi practices. Continuum Movement uses sound, breath and movement to activate the fluid systems of the body. Sufi practices affect the emotional and spiritual systems, softening the heart which can be guarded and hold tension, and traveling through the heart as a portal to the Divine realms.
This past week I’ve been in a Continuum Movement Teacher Training program. Continuum Movement is a healing modality that combines sound, breath and movement to activate the flow of the body’s fluid system. This serves to break up and release stuck energies, increase hydration and flow in the tissues of the body, and many other healing functions.
Take a journey into and through the anatomical heart, but with a Spiritual medium and intention. Share on X
Continuum Movement uses sounds much like the Sufi practices use combinations of sound codes, the sounds which make up the Divine Names.
The intention of Continuum Movement is to stimulate and activate the fluid systems within the body. The focus may be on
• the anatomy and physiology of the body,
• the cultural beliefs and patterns, and/or
• the spiritual state and connection with the cosmos.
Sufism affects the same – physical, emotional, beliefs and spirit/cosmos. The primary traits of Sufism include the sincere desires of the heart:
• to be One with Source,
• purification of the heart, and
• embodiment of the Divine Attributes, as contained with the meanings of the Divine Names.
In Continuum, the practices seek to stimulate wave motion and activate movement and flow. In Sufism, the practices serve to cleanse the ego of its human perceptions of the Divine Attributes, such as love, compassion, peace, mercy, justice, beauty, kindness, forgiveness, and many more. In cleansing the ego, we seek to realign with the inner knowing of the existence of God’s attributes. This returns us to our core values and truths, which brings about transformation and healing.
Today, we’re going to work with two breaths (that’s what they’re called in Continuum) that have meaning in both belief systems.
First breath is called the “Soft Hu” breath. In Sufism, Hu is a pronoun for the Name of God. We’re going to gently and softly whisper the sounds of Hu and breathe it into the anatomical heart.
The physical heart is actually a single long tube which spirals in the body and turns and folds together to create the chambers and valves. It maintains the rhythm and flow of blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and removing waste.
In Arabic, the name for the heart is Qalb, which means “to turn.” The heart is constantly turning between the world of Unity and the world of the multiplicity. The heart is a portal between the worlds, seeking information from the inner knowing to inform and guide our perceptions of the material realm.
With this breath, we are going to direct the breath into the heart and allow the vibration to spiral into the heart, moving with the rhythm of the heart and flow of the fluids.
Then we’re going to introduce the Mem sound/breath. It’s the sound of the letter M with some vowel sounds interjected between the humming of the MMMM. In Continuum, M represents water. In Sufism, M represents the Fluid Existence of the Divine. Anatomically, the blood is 92% water.
We’ll drop into the chambers and vessels of the heart and recite the MMMMeMMMMeMMMuMMMMeMMMuMMMM… into the fluids.
I recommend going with the demo that I’ll be leading first. Then if you want to do an extended process, spending more time with the breaths and sounds, you can listen again and pause the recording in the places where you want to spend more time.
So here’s the practice:
We first start with a baseline. You can do this sitting upright or lying down. Check in with your body – your breath, your posture, your places of constriction and flow. What do you notice as you check in?
Next, softly whisper into your heart the sound of Hu, the pronoun for God, breath of Spirit, spiraling the sound and breath into the body. Allow the body to move as it wants to move as the breath and sound spirals into the heart. You can stop the “sounding” and just allow movement, following your body’s flow. Continuum calls this Open Attention. Take as long as you need or want for this. You can pause the recording if needed, but be sure to come back to finish the process.
Then check in with your body again. What do you notice now?
Now center into the heart and sound the sound for water or Fluid Existence, MMMMMeMMMuMMMMMeMMMMMM…. Direct the sound into the chambers of your heart, into the fluids. Allow yourself to go with the flow of your own system. If it feels right for you, you can drop your consciousness into the fluids and feel yourself becoming one with your own inner ocean.
Again, return to the baseline position, Open Attention, and check in with your body. What do you notice now?
If you’d like, you can repeat the process. This is called layering. Continuum processes, called “dives” actually repeat the sequences 2-3 times, or 2-3 layers.
When you are ready to bring the dive to a close, return to Open Attention and center your breath in the heart. Feel your presence throughout your body. Stretch out your toes and feet, fingers and hands. Open your eyes and connect with the space around you. Feel the earth beneath you. Ground yourself in your body, center in your heart and connect with the earth. Breathe.
“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the ocean in a drop.”
~ Jalal id-Din Rumi
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
Hope to see you there next time…
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