7 Keys to Sustainability & World Peace
Last week we completed the section on Sustainability & World Peace. Before we move on to Part 2, I want to recap with 7 key takeaways from this section, and also offer a heart-centered meditation to deepen, expand, and strengthen the heart.
It’s okay if you missed any or all of the first section. You can still receive benefit from today’s Meditation & Healing Circle.
Please join us for an experiential healing meditation to release us from the confines of the ego-driven cultures and expand our consciousness to harmonize with Peace.
Listen to the podcast here:
or Listen on Youtube here:
These 7 keys we share today are from the 9 questions in the section on “Sustainability & World Peace”, from the book, The Answer is Love: Questions to Explore as We Transition into an Era of Peace.
The first 9 questions are:
- If God is a god of love, why is the world so cruel? Why the pain, hatred and fighting?
- How can we embrace love when the world appears to be dominated by people who enslave others – humans and animals – [and endanger the earth] for domination, control and money?
- Why do You allow so much prolonged suffering? How can I see this and still believe in love?
- Is it possible to end world hunger? Can the planet support all of the people?
- Are we supposed to eat animals? What is our role with animals in the new era?
- Is the planet over-populated? Do we need to reduce our population in order to sustain life here?
- Can we survive climate change?
- Is humanity capable of constructing a sustainable environment where all elements of creation can thrive?
- Is it possible to have world peace?
The 7 Key Lessons, running themes from this section we shared today are:
- We are all cells of One Divine Body.
- The Divine Body is healing, coming into homeostasis.
- There is a Grand Orchestration, a Divine design. The Wisdom of the Divine Body is orchestrating the healing of the collective of its cells.
- By Divine design, you have enough and you are enough.
- Trust in Sufficiency, and allow the abundance and generosity to flow through you and all of existence.
- Practice forgiveness to release constrictions in the heart and return us from separation back to wholeness and oneness.
- Move forward with Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Sincerity, and Reverence. Recognize Who exists within you, Who sees through you, and Who exists in What you see in front of you.
Remember, from last week, in the response to Question 9: Is It Possible to Have World Peace?, we read:
Humans are by nature designed to make mistakes, but this does not prevent them from living in love, harmony, respect, and equality. Therein lies the perfection. It does not come from not making mistakes, but from understanding the truth and basis for mistakes and navigating the return from mistakes with honesty, integrity, vulnerability, compassion, and self-acceptance.
Doing this consciously and skillfully can strengthen bonds and forge deep relationships whereby humankind can learn to care for each other without question, doubt, fear, arrogance, jealousy, or envy. It can foster cooperation and camaraderie. It can build strength that does not exist before or without the mistakes.
Can we reach the point in humanity where this is the way, where enough of the masses practice these principles that it becomes impossible to wage war or live with injustice and inequality? It is possible, and it is up to you.
For our forgiveness meditation today, we use the Ho’Oponopono Prayer:
- I’m sorry.
- Please forgive me.
- Thank you.
- I love you.
May you experience the eyes of God seeing through you to witness the expression of God that appears before you through every aspect of existence.
Hope to see you live next week – we begin Section 2: Gender Identity, Gender Roles, Family, Parenting, & Children.
See you there!
If you could use support with releasing your pictures of what the world is and how it works so you can move into living the world of peace NOW, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
You’re invited to catch all the replays and join us live next time.
Community for Conscious Living Prayer & Healing Circle
Every Sunday, 10am US ET / 7am US PT
If you’d like support with this process or anything it invokes for you, you’re welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I’d be honored to support you.
Thank you for listening and doing your part.
Hope to see you there live next time…
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- Now available for Pre-Sale! Fear, Food, and Feminine Power: A Sacred Pathway of Transformational Healing - Click here for Special Pre-Launch Offers.
- From Vision to Manifestation: The Seven Stages of Divine Creation - Click here for info.
- Do you sense a calling to serve a higher purpose? Click here for a Free Webinar: Spiritual & Metaphysical Secrets of Divine Manifestation. Click here for info.
- Immerse yourself in the Healing Power of Sacred Sound. Join us for a transformational dive in the Ocean of Sound. Click here for info.
- Tired of struggling through the old Family Dynamics! This is a Must-Have Resource for Surviving Family Events. Click here to get instant access to this experiential healing program - available on-demand NOW.
- Did you miss the Aquarian Shift Activation meditations? You can still catch the replays. Click here for access.
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- Self-Care for the Soul podcast
Photo credit: Impressive summer sunrise on Eibsee lake with Zugspitze mountain range. Sunny outdoor scene in German Alps, Bavaria, Germany, Europe. Beauty of nature concept background, By Andrew Mayovskyy, Adobe Stock Photo