2019: Closure & Letting Go of Past
When you move from one home to another, you don’t pack up your garbage to take with you to the new space. You throw away the trash and take of old stuff you don’t need any more to the thrift shop.
When you are leaving, ideally you clean out the old space, turn out the lights, close the doors on your way out and say goodbye.
Listen to the podcast here:
Similarly, When we want to move into a new phase, time or space in life, it’s time for letting go of past that we no longer need and putting closure on what is complete.
When we want to move into a new phase, time or space in life, it's time for letting go of past that we no longer need and putting closure on what is complete. Share on X
This is what we’ll be working with in today’s Prayer & Healing Circle. In recalling the goals and activities of 2019:
- What has been completed? We’ll integrate the gifts and put closure on it.
- What is no longer relevant? We’ll let it go.
- What is the trash? We’ll throw it away.
Next week we’ll anchor in what we want to carry forward so we are moving into the new year and new decade with clarity, spaciousness and strength.
Some of the Divine Attributes we use today include:
- Al-Muhsi, Assessing What Is
- Al-Hasib, Divinity in the Details
BRING PEN AND PAPER WITH YOU TODAY. If you have your notes from the past 2 weeks, bring those too.
For the final 4 Sundays in 2019, we’re focusing on making the most of what’s left of the year:
- Fulfilling a few more goals for a strong finish to 2019. (12/8)
- Reviewing and celebrating successes of the past year. (12/15)
- Putting closure on what is complete and releasing what we want to leave behind. (12/22)
- Anchoring in what we want to carry forward so we move into 2020 with more spaciousness, clarity and strength. (12/29)
You’re invited to join us and/or catch the replays.
As always, you are welcome to bring your prayers for personal struggles, challenges of and with those you care about, for peace, for fulfillment, and for the health and sustainability of our planet.
Bring whatever is on your heart. Come as you are, receive, heal and grow. Please invite your friends to join us, too.
In the future, if you’d like to join us live, there is time for Q&A and sharing at the end of the call – off the recording.
Hope to see you there next time…
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