100 Years of Wisdom & the Essence of Humility
My dad just celebrated his 100th birthday last Sunday. As the word got out about his major milestone, he was graced with requests for interviews. He is healthy and happy, his mind is sharp, he stays active. Everyone wants to know his secrets, his words of wisdom, his advice for the younger generations.
I accompanied him to his interviews and listened to the questions. He’s living a beautiful life, yet he seemed a bit stumped. He wanted to give the “right” answers. He expected that people wanted educated scholarly advice, and he seemed to be overthinking it a bit.
What he didn’t realize, and what I came to realize through this process, is that what makes his life so extraordinary is what is so ordinary to him that he cannot see it. It just is who he is.
So I want to share with you from an observer’s perspective the things he takes for granted – what makes him him. There are many qualities that others notice as special that he doesn’t realize as anything at all. This is the essence of humility.
What are the secrets to a long healthy life? The words of wisdom? The advice for all generations?
Here are 6 things that stand out for me as I watch what keeps him thriving in life.
Each night before he goes to bed, he talks about what he wants to get done tomorrow. Then the next day, he does it – he at least takes some action toward his goal. Then when he has done what he wanted to do for the day, he says, “well, we accomplished something today.”
He always has a project going – woodworking or restoring something that someone has discarded or fixing something that has broken. Often he sets out to fix things we do not believe can be fixed – and he proves us wrong.
He does not believe in throwing away good materials. A natural conservationist, he does not appreciate the throw-away society we have evolved to – yay Dad! And he is fueled by a sense of accomplishment, purpose, usefulness, fulfillment.
My dad’s main creative outlets are woodworking, baking, and building. He takes pride in his creations and feels joy in gifting them to people. He has been building birdfeeders and plant hangers, baking cookies and breads.
Recently we had the back deck replaced and he insisted we select some boards that could be reused. My sister and brother-in-law helped him plane the boards and we built a really nice solid picnic table. We all said, “Dad, you’re wasting your time. Those boards are too rotten.” But no – this table is solid! It looks really sharp too.
As I mentioned, he loves baking for people. It’s been his lifelong career, and he still loves to bring joy to people by sharing edible treats.
When he sees someone who could use a little help, he will often buy groceries and have me deliver them – and he insists I never say they came from him.
Up until a few years ago, he would load his riding lawn mower onto his trailer and drive it to other people’s houses and mow their lawns for them. He had a route – my sister, his sister, and a few others who needed a little help.
He never asks for anything in return or any recognition. He just does what he does. It is who he is.
As he has become less able to do, he has become more of a spectator. He had always been so busy – always go, go, go. My sisters and I had believed that when he retired, he wouldn’t last long because he wouldn’t have anything to keep him going.
When I came to live with him five years ago, I was amazed at how he has adapted to his circumstances and whole-heartedly embraces whatever is in front of him.
A big part of his daily routine now is watching programs on television. Whether watching The Price is Right in the mornings, or The Voice or American Ninja Warrior in the evenings, he is the biggest cheerleader. He is always rooting for each contestant to do their best – always for the good in each person! We have a friendly competition with each other too, but of course we’ll share our imaginary winnings so it’s a win-win.
And we do not miss an Astros game. I know Dusty Baker (Astros coach) can hear him and relies heavily on my dad’s advice! He is a head coach and a head cheerleader! Let’s go Astros!!
My father was raised Catholic, and though we went to church when I was growing up, I never really thought of us as a particularly religious family.
However, in his later years, he has become more devout. He starts each morning with watching/attending the Catholic mass via television, and they say the rosary at least once per week. I’ve observed this many mornings and can’t help but sense the calm that is establishes in his heart.
I start each morning with meditation as well, and it resets my system and sets the tone for the day. It appears to do the same for him.
This one he did note specifically, perhaps because he admits that when he was working, he did not spend enough time with his wife and children, and this is his biggest regret. Sharing love and laughter with people he loves the most is what fuels his life force.
He is making up for lost time now, and we are all reaping the benefits. We spend time together, enjoying activities, conversation, playing games, watching sports, cooking and sharing meals, celebrating birthdays and holidays, and enjoying life together.
I am grateful for this opportunity to reflect on what makes his life so special. It’s funny because I “teach” about these things in my programs. I have an original poem I share with participants:
The sky is blue,
The sun is bright,
And you are YOU!
Yes, I wrote it myself – a creative outlet! And I wish for us all to know our special qualities without shrinking or hiding, without apologizing or justifying, without boasting or feeling a need to shout, but just to BE, because that is what we are created to be.
Until now, I had not realized the very special and most influential example that I have been living with – not only for the past five years, but all my life.
I am blessed.
My dad just celebrated his 100th birthday. He is healthy, happy, sharp, active. Everyone wants to know his secrets, words of wisdom, and advice for the younger generations... Share on X
Have a beautiful blessed day! And please share these universal words of wisdom with all you know – in your actions and in your words.
May we all be blessed.
If you could use support with recognizing and embracing the special qualities of who you are created to be, you are welcome to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session. I would be honored to support you.
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Photo credit: It’s me and my dad, Milton Graugnard, the day after his 100th Birthday, getting ready for his television debut – an interview on Great Day Houston, with Deborah Duncan. He’s wearing a cool t-shirt my cousin Dorothy Anderson Price gave him as a gift. In case you can’t read it, it says, “It took me 100 years to look this good.” Love it! Thank you Dorothy!